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Why are external HDs such a pain in the tit? "Yeah sure, you can copy all that stuff ... actually, no you can copy a big chunk of it then I'm going to tell explorer I don't exist" 🙄 😡

#Life #Tech
Well if you will use Windows 😜
technically, smart arses.

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What can I say - it’s an upgrade from having my brains in my big toe, which is where my dad reckons they live! 😆
Don’t know if you can take the drive out if the case and stick it on a usb-sata cable?

If it still plays up, maybe fix the filesystem?
It's a flash drive. I've already reformatted it a couple of times. It lets me transfer a certain amount of stuff then just bricks.
Ok, afraid I don’t have any great ideas in that case. I guess you could change the format from fat32 to ntfs (or vv). A flash drive controller shouldn’t trip over a bad sector.
I'm not thinking about it until at least Thursday.
I've had similar with a SSD, it would appear to be behaving properly, but would stop playing part way through a file transfer. An identical drive, same manufacturer and capacity worked OK.
So I decided that, although Windoze reported it as normal and no issues, it was obviously duff in some way.