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When you find a very cool tarot deck on Kickstarter: 🥰 😊 🤩

When you find out that it was AI generated: 🤬 🤬 🤬

I appreciate KS making it mandatory to disclose AI generated works, but... I just can't with this, y'all. Seriously.

#AI #art #tarot #kickstarter
It's a horrible disjunction. I've been collecting tarot cards since I was a teenager and I've hundreds of packs, but they all have a humanity about them, trying to interface between the artist and the reader. I don't believe in magic, but I love the psychodrama, the graphic art, projection and self-journal of it all. The Pamela Coleman Smith lobster once seen, never unseen. Looking at cards is a game of Thematic Apperception. AI can't mean anything, because it intends nothing
I'm surprised it was actually good, could you DM me the link?
I mean, good as in, I love the concept and the example cards were good. The text included was a bit generic, I think that might be I too.

thank you! this is... interesting.
Right? Curious what you think
What I noticed and find odd is that, contrary to the crowdfunded projects I'm used to, I can't see the team on the page and why they are the right people to create this deck and why it's original, even if it's with a generative model. I can't tell if all the cards are already designed or not, it's all kinda vague, like AI.1 commissioned an AI.2 to come up with a popular crowdfunded project, and AI.3 executed the visuals. Which would be excellent concept art if that's the case.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (8 Monate her)
So gross. And here we go, so much more to come. Yes, at least KS is asking for creators to self-disclose AI. “At least.” smh
Yes, bless KS for that, although they need to put it in their search bar as a filter option.