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#ToddlerDnD Wild Magic:

Verbal component: "Now I finally have some time to get back to my hobbies!"

Effect: Immediate routine breaking event selected from the random table below with a D12 roll

1. Ear infection
2. Tonsillitis
3. Head lice
4. PTA conflict
5. Skipping naps
6. Family holiday
7. Ear infection again
8. The poops
9. Can't sleep won't sleep
10. Childhood illness
11. Kindergarten break
12. More lice

#DnD #parenting
so what did you roll?
In the past few weeks? All of them 😅😅
I hope it gets better soon. But hey, at least you get lots of XP!
i was told after the first year in Kindergarten it gets better. 36 months in and still waiting.
Well, for us it did go from "whole family sick all the time" to "kid sick every second week, parents once a month". I guess that's an improvement. 😅
according to our pediatricion you are well within the median.

But with two Kids and a spouse working in Kindergarten we are yet about to find a way to circuit break the eternal sniffle loop
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (3 Wochen her)
*staring vacantly into the distance* there is so much snot, doc... so much snot...
for some of us, it never ends. *cough, cough* stupid allergies