Queensland biotech company Xing Technologies' offices now sit empty, while shareholders have been left in the dark https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-13/queensland-biotech-company-xing-technologies-insolvent/102839156 #biotech #insolventtrading? #patent
Queensland biotech company Xing Technologies' offices now sit empty, while shareholders have been left in the dark
The Queensland biotech company, Xing Technologies, founded by prominent Brisbane oncologist and researcher Paul Mainwaring, rode a wave of favourable publicity in the late 2010s.Rory Callinan (ABC News)
Matthew Rimmer hat dies geteilt
Matthew Rimmer •
[2022] QCAT 351 https://www.queenslandjudgments.com.au/caselaw/qcat/2022/351 #healthlaw
Health Ombudsman v Mainwaring [2022] QCAT 351
Member Robertson (Queensland Judgments)