Beiträge, die mit 38C3 getaggt sind
If you’ve owned a CD player or other piece of digital audio gear manufactured since the 1980s, the chances are highly to has a TOSLINK port on the back. This is a interface that sends I2S digital audio data down a short length of optical fibre, and it’s designed to run between audio gear & an external DAC.
#toslink #longrange #experiment #it #engineer #media #38c3 #tech #news
BEESAT-1 is a 1U cubesat launched in 2009 by the TU of Berlin. It has redundant computers onboard, so when the first one failed in 2011, it just switched over to the second. And when the backup failed in 2013, well, the satellite was “dead” — or rather sending back all zeroes.
#beesat1 #satellite #recovering #space #science #it #engineer #media #38c3 #tech #news
Hacking yourself a satellite - recovering BEESAT-1
In 2013, the satellite BEESAT-1 started returning invalid telemetry, rendering it effectively unusable. Because it is projected to
[38c3] Let's talk about the not talking about Gaza
To the Chaos Computer Club, and to the larger community that makes the Chaos Communication Congress happen. Congress has been a place for policitized hackers from all around the world to meet, share and learn. Yet this year's 38C3 event has bee...38c3
1. The answer is not to surpress the expressions of solidarity with victims of genocide, wtf.
2. The C3 community deserves more trust than that.
In general I was proud of the fact that we had more badassery and fighting the power this year. Let's bring that energy and do it right. Give voice to Palestinians, humanitarians, and Israeli protesters and opposition.
To the Chaos Computer Club, and to the larger community that makes the Chaos Communication Congress happen.
Congress has been a place for policitized hackers from all around the world to meet, share and learn. Yet this year's #38C3 event has been lived by many of us as an awkward space of silencing and self-censoring with regards to the Palestinian #genocide. We couldn't help but feel terrified at that, although not completely surprised.
It has been dreadful to once again hear discussions in which the only "argument" issued was "it's a complex situation" when trying to face the harsh reality of a 2 million people country being destroyed, blocked and bombed with barely any food or clean water, while one of the last running hospital was bombed three days before.
As an heterogeneous group of people that are part of communities that are interested, active or impacted by the struggle for liberation of the Palestinian people, we've felt necessary to start this discussion.
What follows is a series of experiences, questions and reflections that have been shared in the self-organized session "Let's talk about the not talking about Gaza" that was announced on the last day of the Congress.
Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note,
“"The building is on fire"; we need to talk about the fire. Not addressing it will only make it grow. Let's spray some paint on the invisible elephant in the room and facilitate discussions about it even if it means leaving our comfort zones and facing conflicts.“
Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note,
Hamburg, 30.12.2024, Chaos Communication Congress, @ccc
#38C3 #CCC #palestine #gaza #genocide
[38c3] Let's talk about the not talking about Gaza
To the Chaos Computer Club, and to the larger community that makes the Chaos Communication Congress happen. Congress has been a place for policitized hackers from all around the world to meet, share and learn. Yet this year's 38C3 event has bee...38c3
The last year, 37C3 covered how a group of hackers discovered code that allegedly bricked public trains in Poland when they went into service at a competitor’s workshop. This year, the same group is back with tales of success, lawsuits and appearances in the Polish Parliament.
#polish #trains #bricked #it #security #engineer #media #tech #38c3 #news
We've not been trained for this: life after the Newag DRM disclosure
You've probably already heard the story: we got contracted to analyze a bunch of trains breaking down after being serviced by
i am thankful to each person who offered their thoughts. thankful for all the lovely conversations we had around the subject.
the #relationshipgeeks assembly was a cozy and safe home for all these connections and the orga team has been phenomenal.
stay safe, folx!
Relationship Anarchy. Dreaming In the Belly of the Whale (zine)
This is an example
When: 30.12 (day4) - 17:00
Where: UAct! #assembly in #ChaosZone on #38c3
#disinformation #hybrid #warfare #media #attacks #polarization
[38c3] Media as a weapon in Ukraine and in Germany
This is not an expert speech but a draft analysis - something we stumbled upon and would like to share for discussion, better soon than perfect. You are free to join :)38c3
Terabytes of Volkswagen customer details in Amazon cloud storage remained unprotected for months, allowing anyone with little technical knowledge to track drivers movement or gather personal information.
#volkswagen #electric #car #amazon #cloud #cariad #exposed #data #it #security #privacy #engineer #ccc #media #technology #38c3 #news
#ycombinator #316 #38c3 #2024 #Ethics #Society_Politics #Chaos_Computer_Club #Video #Media #Streaming #Hacker
BioTerrorism Will Save Your Life with the 4 Thieves Vinegar Collective
Governments have criminalized the practice of managing your own health. Despite the fact that for most of human history bodily autonomy,
Boosts appreciated!
Now we have a stable app that can print random shenanigans to the cutest little heat-discharging cat.
Their repo:
We're both attending #38c3 and we'll probably carry the thermal cat printer with us :3
GitHub - knobs-dials/catprinter
Contribute to knobs-dials/catprinter development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Germany is the second largest supplier of weapons to the genocidal war-criminal apartheid state.
Culture jam it. Hack the feeds and spread the truth. Disrupt the billionaire media. Break the genocidal supply chains.