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Beiträge, die mit Dollar getaggt sind

"Four years ago, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) — the central bankers’ central bank — unveiled an innovation project that carried the ugly moniker “mBridge”.

This aimed to create a cross-border central bank digital currency linking the central banks of China, Hong Kong, Thailand, UAE and (latterly) Saudi Arabia.

You might think this is arcane. If so, think again: the geeky project symbolises a bigger battle that could matter deeply under US President Donald Trump.

More specifically, last autumn, just before the US election, the BIS unexpectedly pulled out of mBridge, in effect ceding control to China and the rest. BIS claimed this was just because it had reached “minimal viable product” stage. But few believe this. “The Americans demanded [the BIS] stop because it’s a threat,” one participant tells me, explaining that Washington worried that “it might be used to evade [dollar] sanctions”.

And while Agustín Carstens, BIS head, publicly denied that, speculation bubbles on — not least because Trump is undeniably on the monetary warpath: on Truth Social last month he repeated threats to impose “100% Tariffs” on countries trying to “replace the mighty U.S. Dollar” with new currencies or payments systems."


#USA #Dollar #Imperialism #China #MonetaryPolicy #BI #DigitalCurrencies #CentralBanks

Lets call it the #Trump - dilemma.

He can impose #Tariffs on foreign goods, but it will make US #Manufacturing internationally less competetive because the #Dollar is raising with their impact.

Its an effect that dampenes #Inflation, caused by the tariffs, maby a little but US #Exports will be hit twice as hard - raising currency PLUS counter-tariffs.

I really don't see much room to maneuver here.

