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Beiträge, die mit Men getaggt sind

Bloomberg offers a valuable, well-documented discussion of the key role that a number of YouTube "influencers" played in pushing young males towards Donald Trump in the last election:

Men, and particularly white men, have long made up Trump’s core support base. But in November’s election, young men swung especially hard to the right.

#Trump #males #men #YoungMen #masculinity #YouTube


“The Third Reich was one of the most male-supremacist regimes in history, valorizing a concept of hypermasculinity expressed through ‘toughness’ and ‘hardness.'”

~ Ibid., p. 356

#Hitler #ThirdReich #patriarchy #heterosexism #MaleEntitlement #masculinity #men #BroCulture

"The Trump campaign knew that men were his ticket back to power, and it targeted them—pointedly young men, and men of color—with a sophisticated campaign of grievance and disinformation. And in that, they were massively aided by the manosphere and its billionaire mascot: Elon Musk."

~ Clara Jeffery

#Trump #men #women #misogyny #MaleEntitlement #patriarchy #YoungMen #ElonMusk


Q. when we look at declining birthrates how much influence has male choice played in this shift?

Often the Q. is focussed on women, but as we know men are also involved in parenthood (in the majority of cases), so what weight should we accord to their contribution to declining brith rates across the world?

Perhaps more than we have in the past?

#children #BirthRates #women #men
