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Beiträge, die mit Migrant getaggt sind

"The story of Carlos is an example of how immigrants — some without legal status, others with legal protections — are being caught up in President Donald Trump's promises of mass arrests and deportations, despite not having a criminal record."


#immigrant #immigration #migrant #migration #deportations #ICE #USpol

#Migrant #Immigration #ConcentrationCamp Conditions... #KidsInCages (As the Blue #Nazis called it during #Trump's rule).... #ReunificationCenters (As the Blue Nazis called it during #Biden's rule). This ISN'T #Guantanamo. It's a "detention center" on US soil during the Blue Nazis administration in March 20 2021.

Now... about your Hypocritical WHINING about Trump sending brown people to #Gitmo, #Democrats... Your #HYPOCRISY is profoundly disgusting.

Wenn kein #Migrant mehr in #Deutschland ist, endet die Kriminalität, es gibt genug #Wohnungen, ausreichen #Arbeit, höhere Löhne, klasse #Bildung, die Straßen und #Brücken sind wie neu und die #Bahn fährt pünktlich.
Wer DAS glaubt, hält auch #Merz für einen Demokraten.