Beiträge, die mit Office getaggt sind
1. A accessible client to work with multiple calendars via CalDAV
2. A program which can work as a to-do-list.
I do not want to use #Outlook for this since I am in the process of getting mostly rid of #Microsoft #Office.
Thanks for any help!
LibreOffice 25.2.1: Erstes Update bringt zahlreiche Fehlerbehebungen - fosstopia
Technik-Blog für Linux, Unix, Open Source, Cloud Computing, Nachhaltigkeit und Co.MK (MichlFranken)
Microsoft startet werbefinanzierte Gratis-Version von Office
Microsoft hat ohne viel Tamtam eine neue Version von Office für Windows verfügbar gemacht, die ganz ohne Lizenzschlüssel oder Abonnement genutzt werden kann.Roland Quandt (
We heard you moved away from a toxic social media platform?
Congrats! now do Google Docs!
#privacy #collaboration #office-suite #googledocs #office365
The biggest question in South Korea: Who is running the country?
SEOUL — Who is running South Korea?In the week since President Yoon Suk Yeol briefly declared martial law, setting off widespread calls for his removal from office, that question has become a national puzzle.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
The biggest question in South Korea: Who is running the country? - EUROPE SAYS
SEOUL — Who is running South Korea?In the week since President Yoon Suk Yeol briefly declared martial law, settingEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Developing | South Korean lawmakers defy president by voting to lift his declaration of martial law - EUROPE SAYS
The South Korean parliament has voted to defy the country’s president and immediately lift his martial law declaration.PresidentEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Developing | South Korean lawmakers defy president by voting to lift his declaration of martial law
The South Korean parliament has voted to defy the country’s president and immediately lift his martial law declaration.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)