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Beiträge, die mit PolymathReadingChallenge getaggt sind

My first book for the #PolymathReadingChallenge (6. marine biology)

Not a very jolly book to start the year on, but it was definitely fascinating. It traces the 1858 expedition to find the great auk - 14 years after the last known specimens were hunted down in Iceland.
The author recounts the expedition and the effects it had: the birth of the concept of human-caused extinction, and the beginnings of environmental conservation.
Poor great auks, though.

#books #nature #birds #bookstodon
The cover of the book by Gísli Pálsson, titled "The last of its kind: The search for the greak auk and the discovery of extinction." The cover is blue and it features a drawing of the penguin-like great auk bird.

By the way I am starting to actively use #Bookwyrm so if you want to follow you can find me at


#bookstodon #books #PolymathReadingChallenge

gotta admit, right now i’m a bit stumped on what could count under “woodland folks kids books” category other than books themselves


In the tradition of the #PolymathReadingChallenge I made a list of anniversaries happening in 2025, then did a random draw of them to determine the categories.

1. history of music
2. famous African-American people
3. medicine
4. Vietnam war
5. European Union
6. marine biology
7. public transport
8. architecture
9. 17th-18th century
10. civil rights
11. endangered animals
+12. individual category by WikiRoulette (respond to get yours)

Have fun reading :)


Alright, here it is:

#PolymathReadingChallenge 2025

Read 12 #NONFICTION books

- you can read them in any order
- (auto)biographies count
- write a review of each (here or on Bookwyrm)
- use the # when posting about the challenge

Categories: See next toot in this thread.

Everyone gets their 12th category randomly through WikiRoulette. If you want to take part, respond to this thread and I'll give you one.

Feel free to use # for recommendations

#bookstodon #reading #ReadingChallenge

So, this year I inherited the Polymath Reading Challenge from its creator. 📚

It is a yearly 12-book nonfiction reading challenge. You read books of your choice for 12 categories, and post your reviews of them. I have had immense fun finding books for topics I otherwise wouldn't read.

Would people want to join in if I also ran it on Mastodon?

#PolymathReadingChallenge #Reading #books #bookstodon #ReadingChallenge #nonfiction