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Beiträge, die mit Trust getaggt sind

PSA: it's always fun to post Tangerine Fuckerface and Afrikaner Fuckerface memes on the masto, it's also super fun to talk about their abysmal failures attacking sovereign nations. Try non-US media sources for extra-super-fun.
#Media #Trust #MediaSources

The BBC should be renamed “FrOGS” - the Friends Of Genocide Propaganda Service!

“Breaking: BBC ‘no plans’ to restore Gaza documentary to iPlayer – watch it here”

by Skwawkbox @skwawkbox

@guardian @Independent @thetimes

“BBC claims broadcasting documentary was ‘damaging’ to trust in it – not its shameful collaboration with genocidal regime of deleting it”


#Press #BBC #Gaza #Genocide #MassMurder #Documentary #Censorship #Trust #Israel #Lobby

Quote of the Week 8

“Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word 'no.'”
― Ian Betteridge (Betteridge's Law of Headline)


#Journalism #Media #Trust
#QuoteOfTheWeek #CW08

If you are experiencing #trust issues, or possibly even #CognitiveDissonance with some #media in the #US and #Canada.


»This is a list of more than 300 #independent, #community-based, member- and audience-supported, #nonprofit, not-for-profit, #cooperative, and social justice oriented #news #publications, primarily based in the United States and #Canada. There are four sections: U.S. and World News, Canada, Local and State News, and Commentary.«



»Nonprofit news is created for, supported by, and committed to the communities it serves. Through reporters who have deep community ties and topical expertise, nonprofit news elevates untold stories, exposes wrongdoing and provides the facts we need to make informed decisions.«


We are doing another round of "trust in the media", which mostly means trotting out two big stories from half a century ago while not mentioning that whistleblowers took all the risks.

You can have fun with the topic of trust.

At least, I have by re-upping this presentation:

"The Moth Presents Lewis Lapham: Rookie Reporter"


#media #trust #themoth

Another reason not to trust our political parties - whether inadvertant or a source of income they leak like well designed sieves.

The Open Rights Group (ORG) has raised concerns about a number of security issues it found in all three of the canvassing apps developed on behalf of the UK's three major political parties.


#trust #security #IT #UkPolitics #TheySellYourData

Privacy at work - a dying habit?

More than three-quarters of UK employers admit to using some form of surveillance tech to spy on their remote workers' productivity. It gets worse.

I should say that we don't - but then what would you expect from an employee owned company, established with the expectation that remote working would be a norm and that trust was essential for everyone.


#trust #privacy #snooping #UK #surveillance

Sag mal, ITAS - Was passiert, wenn wir Wissenschaftler:innen vertrauen - oder nicht? 👀🤷❓

Und was bedeutet Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft überhaupt? Wie unterscheidet sich das Vertrauen in Wissenschaftler*innen von anderen Vertrauensverhältnissen?

Ob Du der Wissenschaft vertraust oder skeptisch bist, Dana Mahr möchte von Dir erfahren, wie Forschende sich Dein Vertrauen verdienen - oder es zurückgewinnen können.

📅 Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2025, 12 bis 14 Uhr
📍 TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum, Karlsruhe, Kaiserstraße 93
⭐️ Eintritt frei und barrierefreier Zugang.
👋 Du kannst jederzeit kommen und gehen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich!

“Sag mal, ITAS” ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe des ITAS am @KIT_Karlsruhe, in der Forschende ihren Arbeitsplatz in Karl9 und TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum verlegen und Deine Fragen zu ihren Forschungsthemen beantworten, wenn Du welche hast. Ansonsten darfst Du auch einfach vorbei kommen und Dir etwas zum Thema und unsere Forschungsarbeit erzählen lassen. 🤗

Mehr zu #sagmalitas erfährst Du unter
➡️ https://www.itas.kit.edu/veranstaltungen_sagmalitas.php

#wissenschaft #vertrauen #trust #science #technikfolgenabschätzung #technik #forschung #dialog #karlsruhe
Weißer Hintergrund, unten links der Text „Sag mal, ITAS - Die Technikfolgen-Sprechstunde im TRIANGEL“, oben eine grüne Sprechblase mit dem Titel „VERTRAUST DU MIR“, unten rechts eine illustrierte Person, deren Kopf Teil eines Fragezeichens ist.

« Those who trust develop a finer sense for the good, even at the hight cost of blighted hopes. Charmed by the spell of love, faith is, as it were, imposed upon their heart. »

― Abraham Joshua Heschel

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/772412147467730944/those-who-trust-develop-a-finer-sense-for-the

#quotes #AbrahamJoshuaHeschel #faith #soul #heart #love #trust #good

« No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for whom it can feel trust and reverence. »

― George Eliot

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770420765060415488/no-soul-is-desolate-as-long-as-there-is-a-human

#quotes #GeorgeEliot #faith #trust #reverence #soul #spirit #humanity

« He who doubts from what he sees
Will ne'er believe, do what you please.
If the Sun and Moon should doubt,
They'd immediately go out. »

— William Blake

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/734094241939275776/if-the-sun-and-moon-should-doubt-theyd

#quotes #WilliamBlake #poetry #poems #moon #sun #faith #trust

Sorry Kirk LaPointe, Rewording the Code of Ethics Won’t Restore Trust in the Media

Media has been suffering from a trust crisis for years, yet Kirk LaPointe's effort does nothing to solve this problem.


#Miscellaneous #News #journalism #MainstreamMedia #Media #trust