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Beiträge, die mit AUSpol getaggt sind

Another salient lesson for the boards of #charity and #NGO non-profits.

The lazy habit of employing politically connected, wealthy 'donor whisperers' in leadership roles inevitably leads to failure. To the point where it becomes counter-productive to not just fund raising, but the mission itself. Guide Dogs Victoria is a great example of what happens when a charity becomes captured by wealthy 'conservatives', overcome by their own hubris.

Just because people went to expensive schools and are rich, does NOT make them effective leaders, especially in sectors which exist specifically to mitigate the damage and inequality caused by their class.

"More than two-and-a-half years after the charity was thrust into the biggest scandal of its 65-year history, Guide Dogs Victoria has finally lifted its silence over the affair.

The impact of the Frydenberg affair was “huge” and far-reaching, Guide Dogs Victoria chief executive Nicky Long has told The Klaxon, in an exclusive and wide-ranging interview.

“The impact on the organisation has been huge,” Long said.

“I don’t think there’s anyone internally or even at a volunteer level that didn’t feel the ripple effects of what occurred”."

#auspol #guidedogs #notforprofit


I just donated to support It's Not A Race and push back on big business's influence on #auspol politicians! 👉 https://its-not-a-race.raisely.com/

#auspol #wapol This is a reflection of how racist WA is that the Liberal Party thinks this is a vote winner.

"WA's Liberal leader, Libby Mettam, has echoed the pledge of Federal Opposition Leader, Petter Dutton, to not stand in front of the Aboriginal flag if elected to the top office in March. "


TBF the last thing I wanted yesterday, while I was standing for 2 hours in a queue waiting for a 🤬 rail replacement bus, was to to see Crisafulli's smirking face!
#AusPol #QldPol

Genuinely, The Liberals are idiots, and it's very easy to prove that.

""Peter Dutton is right, there is one national flag and that is the Australian flag," Ms Mettam told reporters."

From what I can read, Australia has 11 flags that represent all states and territories.




Ugg boots come from Australia and New Zealand. If they are made in USA they are are just “Sparkling sheepskin shoes” not Uggs. The USA can get their hands off our product names. #auspol https://theconversation.com/legally-they-cant-be-called-uggs-outside-of-australia-but-the-name-will-stick-regardless-247562

https://theconversation.com/gaza-deal-what-it-means-for-peace-in-the-middle-east-expert-qanda-247414?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest from The Conversation for January 16 2025 - 3228032950&utm_content=Latest from The Conversation for January 16 2025 - 3228032950+CID_05cf85d3e0b05e483d02426f0dea381b&utm_source=campaign_monitor&utm_term=Gaza deal what it means for peace in the Middle East expert QA
#Palestine #Gaza #GazaCeasefireDeal #auspol #UsPol

Snort 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Scott Morrison Fighting Pathological Urge to Fly to LA Wildfires to Shake Hands — The Shovel #AusPol


Inhaltswarnung: Why are so many journalists leaving Guardian Australia? Guardian Australia's Canberra bureau has seen wholesale change in the lead-up to a federal election. What on earth is going on?

Noting that Elbow is considering stringent measures against Russia for killing an Australian fighting for Ukraine, yet he ignored apartheid genocidal #Israel's slaughter of Australian aid workers like Zomi Frankcom - instead he sucked up to Israel & backed its lies. #auspol #StopArmingIsrael

Shayne Neumann is 29.24% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

8 VIP flights covering 17,882km in the last few days.That's about 8 hrs and 53 mins and cost about $40,530. 4 flights were not properly logged. {11} (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

Political advertising on Facebook in the last 24 hours: $58,890 (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol

'Increasingly however, many people outside #Israel, particularly the young, and including Jews in Australia, the US and UK, see through the dominant narratives. Many of them are students who recognise colonial forms of power and knowledge from their studies and reading. They understand Israel as a settler-colonial, apartheid state which must decolonise if there is ever to be justice, freedom and equality for Palestinians.'

https://johnmenadue.com/facts-alternative-facts-and-edward-said-narrating-a-genocide/ #StopArmingIsrael #auspol

$12,542,036 in Federal contracts to the big consultants in 2025. $0 yesterday. {18} (https://politicalgadgets.com) #auspol

Queensland law professors Graeme Orr & John Flood respond to Peter Dutton & David Crisafulli on preventing CFMEU workers from Qld projects. Probably illegal due to the Fair Work Act. So what's Dutton up to here in terms of Aus workplace conditions? #auspol

This is how we stand up to and combat #musk and the oligarch cabal; collective action with integrity. #USPol #auspol #nzpol

Sarah Hanson-Young is 18.30% Dutton (https://politicalgadgets.com/) #auspol #votes_like

Aussies know this is just as true of the LNP as it is Repugnicans. Remember, on the Far Right, they “don’t hold a hose”. #auspol #LAfires #ClimateCrisis

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:uayevtgtbwot25zhocjzb6lv/post/3lfl6nokby22p

Zuckerberg's new "masculine energy" "freedom of expression" policy seems to be doing a helluva lot of censoring right now. It's not just links to Pixelfed. It's also resources clearing up disinformation on the LA fires. #auspol #LAFires #FreeSpeech #Politics #Cdnsorship #Zuckerberg #Facebook

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:l6kt4zpqzprqasiqvmpjamsi/post/3lfk2vz4rac24

Middle pic IS a clown pic, as far as i'm concerned.

Edit typo


Isn't she such a peach?
The deputy opposition leader, Sussan Ley, says the teals have not delivered on their vow to change politics in Canberra.

“These teal independents said they would change Canberra, but three years on it is clear Canberra has changed them, and Australians have seen that,” she says.

“They said they would hold the government accountable, instead they spend most of their time opposing the opposition.”
My party's parliamentarians are such ginormous fuckheads that even the advent of a net rise in the parliamentary collective IQ & decency, via the Teals arriving, has been insufficient to fix our blatant genetic shitfuckery.

Translation of the translation:
We're arseholes, so that's their fault.

Yay Sussssssssssssssssssssan! 🙄🤦‍♀️


#AusPol #Greens #VoteGreens #ProgIndies #WeAreTotallyFscked #WeAreSelfishCruelBastards #Misanthropy #FsckOffDutton! #ShitParty1 #ShitParty2 #ComeOnTanya! #WhyIsLabor #NatsAreNuts #NoNukes #racism #FuckRacists

Peter Dutton could lose his own seat as a Community Independent enters the race for Dickson - Kangaroo Court of Australia



This is the shape of what is to come. #ClimateCrisis This is *not* the ‘new normal’. Things will get worse. #ClimateChange means more Black Summers & Black Winters #lafires. Stop subsidising & burning fossil fuels ASAP! You too, AUS. #auspol

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:uo2fna47c4v6zcnklxfhcvjb/post/3lfilry6gy22b

Well put. Centre-left pro-market parties have become the Establishment.

'She argues a far more muscular approach to politics is needed, including picking fights on issues such as inheritance taxes and housing affordability. “It’s pretty clear to me that if left or progressive parties want to win they have to stop tinkering with a system that is clearly engineered against the people they are supposed to represent,” Dawson says.'

#politics #auspol https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/trudeau-biden-and-ardern-are-done-what-s-eating-the-global-left-20250107-p5l2n0.html

Like a flock of blood hungry mosquitos, the rabid Zionist lobby (Israel's Fifth Column in Australia) will zero in on anyone with a public profile who dares even blink at Israel's crimes against humanity. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #apartheid #Zionism #Zionazis #Netanyahu #USA #Australia #warcrimes #auspol https://independentaustralia.net/life/life-display/zionist-federation-v-mary-kostakidis-a-defining-moment-for-press-freedom,19312

If legal redress is granted for “causing offence” in this instance, I wonder if Sky After Dark have thought about what could happen to some of their clowns.


#australia so fire prone #auspol

“We sound like a broken record but only because the records keep breaking,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, which monitors global temperatures. “They will continue to break until we get emissions under control.”
#emissions #fossilfuels #climatechange #science


The California Wildfires Are the Latest Disaster Supercharged by Climate Change. ‘We’re in a New Era’: How Climate Change Is Supercharging Disasters.

"Such is the level of grotesque obsequiousness now entrenched in the Australian political and media culture, that the direct intervention of Netanyahu in Australian affairs for his own political purposes is regarded not merely as acceptable but welcomed wholeheartedly, even by those he attacks, especially the increasingly out-of-depth, embarrassingly ignorant and easily manipulated prime minister." #Gaza #Palestine #Hamas #apartheid #Zionism #Zionazis #Netanyahu #USA #Australia #warcrimes #auspol https://johnmenadue.com/netanyahu-and-australia/

Really conflicted about the overemphasis on vegetation as ‘the problem’.

It has always been the case that it is humanity that needs to respect and adapt to nature, and not the other way around. The climate crisis exacerbates this humanity-nature relationship.

It is modern humanity that has forgotten this relationship, and cut corners and costs required to manage our living environment.
#AusPol #USPol #LAFires

"Are traffic controllers really earning $200k per year? The ABC crunches the numbers"

"a more "realistic" salary for traffic controllers was around $55,000 to $75,000 per year".

#Murdoch #misinformation #journalism #auspol

"US House votes to sanction ICC over its arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant."

#Australia is slowly learning what much of the world has known for decades; one cannot support the 'Rules Based International Order' (a throw away line so beloved of Penny Wong) and be an obedient friend of the US at the same time. 'A century of mateship!'

Australia's confusing, contradictory and simultaneous commitments to multilateralism and the exceptionalism of the #US and #Israel *should be an election issue. But it won't be, of course. Aussie media not touching this story, so far.

#auspol #Gaza #ICC #Labor #Greens


Belling the cat | Between the Lines - The Australia Institute #Auspol


My pick for the best Australian journalism of 2024 is Daniel James and his work in the Northern Territory.

The three episode podcast series 'This is Alice Springs' was superb; giving voice to people the political class talk about endlessly, but never listen to. It's deeply moving and brutally shows deep truths about this country.

This article is a good place to start.

Published on October 14th, 15th and 16th, 2024
