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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

Hoe identificeer je duizenden lichamen in een massagraf? 'Een enorme operatie' — #Gaza is er ook zo een.
Bijzonderheidje is natuurlijk dat Nederland dit mede mogelijk maakte. Assad en Poetin kun je hier de schuld geven maar in Gaza zijn #netanyahu en o.a. #genocidejoe #VonDerLeyen en #Rutte net zo erg.

Israeli FM Calls #Ireland’s President ‘Antisemitic Liar’ Amid Dispute Over Dublin’s Support for #Gaza #Genocide Case at @ICJ #Palestine https://qudsnen.co/israeli-fm-calls-irelands-president-antisemitic-liar-amid-dispute-over-dublins-support-for-gaza-genocide-case-at-icj/

#netanyahu #Israel
@israel @palestine

The level of criminality being carried out daily by the state of #Israel is unprecedented - it is worse than the worst regimes including Assad's #Syria.

It is utterly shameful that the UK lets this pass, #KeirStarmer the whole cabinet and all UK MPs should be ashamed, and the consequences for those they protect can only be worsened. Like not holding your best friend back from violence - because you fear he'll turn on you.

#Gaza #genocide #Netanyahu #WarCrimes

#NETANYAHU s'installe en #SYRIE ? (Alliances, #Turquie , #Israel , #EtatsUnis )
#Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes

»#Netanyahu wants to be remembered as the one who created Greater #Israel, not just as a political schemer accused of corruption who abandoned 100 hostages in #Gaza. That's why he'll try to cement Israeli control in northern Gaza. That's why he won't rush to withdraw from the newly occupied territory in the #Golan. Under certain circumstances, he might even expand it.«

»From Mount Hermon's Peaks, Netanyahu Plots His Vision of a Greater Israel«

It is difficult to understand the horrific effects of what the government of Netanyahu is doing to Palestinians.

Maybe one picture does say more than 1,000 words.

This is what remained of Rafa, a 3,000-year-old city near the Egyptian border.

Nothing left.

Its citizens fleeing with what they can carry. Bombed at places that were assigned as 'safe'. Forced to flee again.

I can't put horrific in words. But even without the people, this picture says a lot.
#Gaza #Israel #Horrific #Netanyahu

Il n'aura fallu au cyclone que 24 heures pour faire à #Mayotte le boulot que fait #Netanyahu à #Gaza depuis plus d'un an. Mais pour les palestiniens, la droite et #Macron n'auront pas versé une larme mais bien au contraire ils auront menacé tous ceux qui voulaient porter secours aux victimes de cette barbarie

No comments necessary. Watch Owen, read the report and share! Silence is complicity!

Owen Jones: *Israel's BIGGEST Lie Destroyed By Horrifying New Report*


"Israel's claims it protects civilians was always an unhinged lie - and a new report by Airwars destroys it entirely. Read it here: https://gaza-patterns-harm.airwars.org"

#Palestine #Israel #Netanyahu #genocide #report


“Nel giro di poche ore le IDF hanno attaccato due scuole e una sede della Protezione civile palestinese. In un assalto contro una scuola a Beit Hanun, le truppe israeliane hanno ucciso 43 persone, in un attacco che le IDF hanno giustificato dicendo che nella zona sarebbe stata presente una “concentrazione di terroristi”.”


#TheSubmarine #gaza #gazagenocide #gazamassacre #netanyahuwarcriminal #netanyahu

I can't find any references to it, but it wouldn't surprise me after his previous cosines with IDF and Israeli government who he call "secular" while condemning #Palestinian resistance because they are "religious".

He is a typical hypocrite who hides his inhumanity behind "suffering on both sides" BS .

PS. The source is a satire account /Farhad
#Bono #Ireland #Israel #Netanyahu #politics #hypocrisy #genocide

"I say to Iran in no uncertain terms - to prevent you from harming us, we'll continue to act against you as necessary, in every arena & at all times,"
"I'd like to both clarify and warn: We are committed to preventing #Hezbollah from rearming,"

"Hezbollah Secretary General Naim Qassem said it bluntly yesterday: 'Hezbollah has lost its military supply route through Syria.' These words are, of course, further evidence of the severe damage we have inflicted on the entire Iranian axis,

I recall that for decades #Syria has been an active enemy state of àIsrael. It has attacked us again & again, it has allowed others to attack us from its territory, it has allowed Iran to arm Hezbollah through its territory,"

"So I want to say something about Syria - we have no interest in confronting Syria,

Together with Defense Minister #Katz, I've directed the #IDF to thwart potential threats from Syria, & to prevent terrorist elements from taking over near our border,

To ensure that what was, will not be again, we have taken a series of intense actions in recent days,"

"I discussed all of this again last night with my friend, US President-elect Donald #Trump. We talked about the need to complete Israel's victory, "

#Politics #Military #Invasion #Occupation #WarCrime

@lebanon @palestine @israel @syria

https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz6lgln128xo #Israel plans to expand #Golan #settlements after fall of #Assad #Netanyahu said he wanted to double the population of the #GolanHeights, which #Israel seized during the 1967 Six-Day War and is considered illegally #occupied under international law.

In dieser Pressemitteilung der Regierung von #Israel kündigt diese an, 40 Mio Schekel zu investieren um die israelisch Bevölkerung im besetzten syrischen Gebiet zu verdoppeln.

Bevölkerungstransfer in besetzte Gebiete ist illegal, ein Kriegsverbrechen.

»„Die Stärkung des #Golan ist die Stärkung des Staates Israel, und das ist in dieser Zeit besonders wichtig. Wir werden ihn weiterhin erobern, ihn gedeihen lassen und uns darin niederlassen.“«


🚨🆘️El sionismo es siniestro. La tecnología de la OTAN está puesta al servicio de esta basura. IsraHell es enemigo de la Humanidad entera y Tortuga no va a parar NUNCA de denunciar esta barbarie. Ellos son los terroristas❗️#Israelinfanticida#Israelgenocida#sionismo#Israel#netanyahu#OTAN🇵🇸💔🌏

Mooi interview met burgemeester Femke Halsema in de Volkskrant:

Het antisemitismeverwijt wordt nu ook gebruikt door politici die niet terugdeinzen voor andere vormen van racisme



#Amsterdam #Halsema #antisemitisme #moslimhaat #yesilgöz #Maccabi #Wilders #Netanyahu #israel #Gaza

The long history of land-thieving war criminal #Netanyahu’s & US neocons' campaign for emasculation of #Syria. https://johnmenadue.com/how-the-us-and-israel-destroyed-syria-and-called-it-peace/ #fascism #imperialism

De Israëlische premier Netanyahu vindt de kritiek op de genocide in Gaza erg overtrokken. “Er wordt over onze militaire acties gesproken alsof het een holocaust tegen Palestijnen is. Dat is overdreven. Eén genocide maakt nog geen holocaust. Dat weet iedereen.”

Lees meer: https://www.feitig.nl/2024/12/13/Een-genocide-maakt-nog-geen-holocaust.html #Gaza #genocide #Netanyahu

“Exposing CIA/MI6 'Justice' Operations in Syria”

by Kit Klarenberg in Global Delinquents on Substack

As the #NATO-trained Syrian investigators of the ironically-named “Commission for International Justice and Accountability” gear up to investigate Assad-era officials for their “criminal acts “, #Netanyahu & his war criminal chums remain free to continue their land grabs & genocide!


#Press #Syria #Assad #CIJA #Mossad #CIA #MI6 #ARK #Tsamota #RegimeChange #ShowTrial

https://www.europesays.com/1684396/ Israel-Hamas War: Netanyahu, US Envoys Explore Gaza Truce Amid UNGA’s Resolution | World DNA | WION #Conflicts #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #Netanyahu #war #wionews.com #WorldDNANews
Israel-Hamas War: Netanyahu, US Envoys Explore Gaza Truce Amid UNGA's Resolution | World DNA | WION

Netanyahu ready for truce deal on Gaza hostages https://www.liberoreporter.it/2024/12/eng-news/netanyahu-ready-for-truce-deal-on-gaza-hostages.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Netanyahu #Gaza #Hamas #HostageDeal #Truce

RaiNews by undefined
Trump Persona dell'Anno 2024, il discorso con Vance e Melania. E suona la campanella di Wall Street

Il tycoon si dice contrario a lanciare attacchi in Russia con missili. "Netanyahu ha fiducia in me, sa che voglio la fine della guerra" aggiunge sul conflitto a Gaza, precisando che "sarà risolta, ci vorrà di più rispetto alla guerra Russia-Ucraina"

Trump Persona of the Year 2024, the speech with Vance and Melania. And the Wall Street bell rings.

The tycoon is said to be against launching missile attacks on Russia. "Netanyahu trusts me, he knows I want the end of the war," he adds about the conflict in Gaza, specifying that "it will be resolved, it will take more than the Russia-Ukraine war."

#Russia #Netanyahu #Palestine #Vance #attack #war #Gaza #RussiaUkraine #Melania