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UN: Hunderte Lastwagen erreichen den Gazastreifen

Nach Angaben der UN sind im Rahmen der Umsetzung des Waffenruheabkommens zwischen Israel und der militant-islamistischen Hamas hunderte Lastwagen mit Hilfsgütern in den Gazastreifen gelangt. In einem Beitrag auf der Plattform X erklärte UN-Nothilfekoordinator Tom Fletcher, dass am Sonntag mehr als 630 Lastwagen i…

🐦 https://twitter.com/UNReliefChief/status/1881118836264718640
🔗 https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/gaza-hilfslieferungen-114.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Lastwagen
🕔 20.01. 05:00 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Israel lässt 90 palästinensische Häftlinge frei

Israel hat nach eigenen Angaben im Rahmen des Waffenruhe-Abkommens mit der islamistischen Hamas 90 palästinensische Gefangene freigelassen. "90 Terroristen" seien aus dem Militärgefängnis Ofer im Westjordanland und einer Haftanstalt in Jerusalem freigelassen worden, hieß es in einer Erklärung der Gefängnisbehörde. Bei den meisten handele es…

🔗 https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/asien/israel-palaestinenser-haeftlinge-frei-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Haftlinge
🕓 20.01. 04:05 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Die Entwicklungen vom Sonntag zum Nachlesen

Nach palästinensischen Angaben sind erste palästinensische Häftlinge im Zuge des Abkommens mit Israel aus Gefängnissen entlassen worden. Die WHO will die medizinische Versorgung im Gazastreifen ausbauen. Der Liveblog zum Nachlesen.

🔗 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Die-Entwicklungen-vom-Sonntag-zum-Nachlesen
🕜 20.01. 01:27 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Gaza-Demo in Berlin vorzeitig beendet

Bei einer propalästinensischen Versammlung in Berlin-Neukölln nach dem Inkrafttreten der Waffenruhe im Gaza-Krieg sind mehrere Personen festgenommen worden. Aus der Menge hätten Teilnehmer am Abend vereinzelt verbotene antisemitische Parolen gerufen und Pyrotechnik abgebrannt, teilte die Polizei in einem X-Beitrag mit. Es habe bislang zwölf Festnahmen gegeben. Medienvertreter …

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Gaza-Demo-in-Berlin-vorzeitig-beendet
🕑 20.01. 02:04 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Exil für mehr als 230 verurteilte Palästinenser

Das Abkommen zwischen Israel und der Terrororganisation Hamas sieht unter anderem vor, dass von den freizulassenden Palästinensern mehr als 230 umgehend ins Exil geschickt werden - vor allem nach Katar oder in die Türkei. Diese Gefangenen wurden wegen ihrer Beteiligung an tödlichen Anschlägen auf Israelis zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt.

Nach Angaben von zwei Hamas-…

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Exil-fuer-mehr-als-230-verurteilte-Palaestinenser
🕜 20.01. 01:34 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Israel lässt 90 palästinesische Häftlinge frei ++

Israel hat nach eigenen Angaben im Rahmen des Abkommens mit der Terrororganisation Hamas 90 palästinensische Häftlinge freigelassen. Eine propalästinensische Demo in Berlin wurde vorzeitig beendet. Die Entwicklungen im Liveblog.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-montag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Israel #Nahost #Liveblog

In regards to the ceasefire in Gaza:

A bunch of psychotic and emotionless serial killers agreeing to stop killing after going on a 1+ year murder spree doesn't make them the good guys or heros.

#GazaCeaseFire #gaza #israel #palestine #palestiniangenocide

Pro-Palestine demonstrations sweep across Europe amid ceasefire https://www.byteseu.com/667782/ #amsterdam #AnadoluAjansı #berlin #Europe #Gaza #GazaStrip #Germany #Israel #Netherlands #Odenplan #ProPalestine #ProPalestineDemonstration #ProPalestineProtest #protestors #stockholm #Sweden
Pro-Palestine demonstrations sweep across Europe amid ceasefire

https://www.europesays.com/1781035/ Hezbollah Chief Lauds ‘Persistence Of Resistance’ For Gaza Truce #Conflicts #Gaza #GazaCeasefire #GazaTruce #Hamas #Hezbollah #Israel
Hezbollah Chief Lauds 'Persistence Of Resistance' For Gaza Truce


#tiktok major stakeholder and the guy who helped found it with his money is *the* largest #GOP donor and funds a #rightwing thinktank in #Israel to warp the judiciary and keep #netanyahu in power:



#tiktok is no friend of #Palestine

#tiktok is no friend to #activism

Never was

Anyone who believes otherwise is being played for a fool, spied on and manipulated, helping everything they stand against


China, Israel & Myanmar are world’s leading jailers of journalists. “#China, #Israel, & #Myanmar emerged as the world’s 3 worst offenders in another record-setting year for #journalists jailed because of their work, the Committee to Protect Journalists’ #2024PrisonCensus has found. #Belarus & #Russia rounded out the top 5, with CPJ documenting its 2nd-highest number of journalists behind bars – a global total of at least 361 journalists incarcerated on Dec 1, 2024.” | CPJ https://cpj.org/thematic-reports/in-record-year-china-israel-and-myanmar-are-worlds-leading-jailers-of-journalists/

Syria's new administration has banned all Russian, Iranian, and Israeli goods from entering the country in a new decree issued by the country's finance minister on Jan. 17.


#Ukraine #Russia #Iran #Syria #Israel

“MIT has engaged in a sustained and organized campaign of disinformation and propaganda in order to silence and suppress this information" about its financial ties to the Israeli Ministry of Defence. https://theintercept.com/2025/01/16/mit-israel-military-funding-research-gaza/ #BDS #Israel

█ Israel allibera 90 presoners palestins després de l'entrega de les 3 ostatges israelianes ▓▒░ És la rèplica a l'alliberament aquest diumenge a la tarda d'Emily Damari, Romi Gonen i Doron Steinbrecher, retingudes a Gaza des dels atacs del 7 d'octubre del 2023

#israel #324cat #gaza #guerraagaza #proximorient
Israel allibera un grup de 90 presoners palestins després de l'entrega aquest diumenge a la tarda de les 3 ostatges israelianes per part de Hamas (Reuters/Ammar Awad)

https://www.europesays.com/1780800/ How will the Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal work? | Israel-Gaza war #Israel
How will the Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal work? | Israel-Gaza war

In my life, I have been enmeshed in two genocides. The first was when I survived the Holocaust in World War II. The second is the Gaza genocide, which is being carried out in my name and which is exploiting my story to justify the slaughter.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

In the wake of the ceasefire in Gaza, a poem about maintaining militant clarity on what the last year of Zionist genocide means for writers and people of conscience across the world.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

"We are in pain, deep pain and it is time that we hug one another and cry," Gaza City resident Ahmed Abu Ayham

https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce8ym4gxnx0o #Israel #Gaza #warcrimes

Ende des Liveblogs

Damit beenden wir den Liveblog für heute. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse.

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-230.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Ende-des-Liveblogs
🕦 19.01. 23:36 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

#Israel #Gaza #PrisonerSwap

🚨 Israeli authorities confirm 90 prisoners released in swap deal

Israel’s prison service says that 90 Palestinian prisoners have been released as part of the exchange deal between Israel and Hamas.


Israel’s Ben-Gvir calls for remaining captives to be released ‘through force’

The far-right minister said the remaining captives should be released “through force, cutting off fuel, stopping humanitarian aid, and not through surrender”.


Israeli captives embrace their mothers after release

Released British-Israeli captive Emily Damari uses a phone with her mother, Mandy, after being held in Gaza on January 19, 2025 [Israeli military via Reuters]
Released Israeli captive Doron Steinbrecher embraces her mother, Simona [Israeli military via Reuters]
Released Israeli captive Romi Gonen is embraced by her mother, Merav [Israeli military via Reuters]

Apartheid #Israel seeks to ensure the media doesn't focus on its release of Palestinian hostages, only on the 3 Israeli hostages. 'Israel's prison service has said it will take measures to prevent "public displays of joy" upon the prisoners' release.' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-19/gaza-ceasefire-live-coverage/104833576?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web#live-blog-post-147300

The Guardian | By diminishing the visibility of celebrations among the families of prisoners, #Israel appears to be aiming to ensure that the ceasefire does not get interpreted as a victory for Hamas and a defeat for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin #Netanyahu .

But the Israeli warning against the celebrations did not work in the West Bank, where hundreds of people took the streets of Ramallah, Qalandia and Nablus to celebrate the prisoners’ return.



Three Israeli hostages were reunited with their mothers and Palestinians returned to their bombed-out neighborhoods on Sunday with the start of a ceasefire suspending the 15-month-old war that has devastated Gaza. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/01/20/world/israeli-hostages-gaza-ceasefire/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu

'Palestinians were given two choices. To die silently or to die resisting': Senior Hamas official - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Israeli forces had reacted violently to any expressions of joy displayed by the Palestinians waiting outside the prison.


The Guardian | ... the horror show in #Gaza had begun, in the fall of 2023, which #Biden helped enable both with his lies about beheaded Israeli babies and his supply of near-unlimited weaponry to Benjamin #Netanyahu .

#Palestine #Israel


New Statesman | #Biden apparently fail to exert any meaningful restraint on #Netanyahu , but he made the US, and his administration in particular, seem complicit in the devastation of the #Gaza Strip, and the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians that followed.

#Palestine #Israel


Rolling Stone | #Biden periodically criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu ’s handling of the war, but failed to rein him in. Instead, Biden ensured a steady stream of weapons continued to flow into Israel, as his aides routinely downplayed and defended the atrocities.... has been clear the whole time: Biden could have ended this war much sooner if that’s what he wanted.

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel


10 momentos clave desde el ataque de Hamás contra Israel el 7 de octubre de 2023

La agencia AFP recogió 10 momentos clave de la guerra en la Franja de Gaza desencadenada por el mortífero ataque de Hamás en el sur de Israel el 7 de octubre de 2023. El asalto causó más de 1.200 muertos en Israel, según un balance de AFP basado en datos oficiales israelíes. La ofensiva militar […]

#Gaza #Hamás #Israel #Mundo #Mundo
