Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind
Who are the Israelis released on the first day of the ceasefire?
JERUSALEM (AP) — Three hostages held by Hamas were released Sunday after 471 days in captivity as part of a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian militant group.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Israeli hostages returned as Gaza families survey damage amid ceasefire
The truce calls for fighting to stop, aid for Gaza and 33 Israeli and foreign hostages to go free in return for some 2,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.Mohammad Salem (The Japan Times)
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Palestine #Israel
#Palestine #Israel
Joe Biden’s tragedy of errors
In the final days of his presidency Joe Biden was still clinging to the idea that he could have won the 2024 election, if only he had not been forced to stand aside. Seated behind the Resolute desk inKatie Stallard (New Statesman)
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
Joe Biden’s Presidency: Reviewing the Good and the Bad
As President Joe Biden gets ready to leave office, we consider his accomplishments, failures, and what his legacy will be.Tim Dickinson (Rolling Stone)
La agencia AFP recogió 10 momentos clave de la guerra en la Franja de Gaza desencadenada por el mortífero ataque de Hamás en el sur de Israel el 7 de octubre de 2023. El asalto causó más de 1.200 muertos en Israel, según un balance de AFP basado en datos oficiales israelíes. La ofensiva militar […]
#Gaza #Hamás #Israel #Mundo #Mundo
Como se desenvolve a empresa colonial do Estado que presume de ter "o exército máis ético do mundo"? Velaquí unha resposta tan sarcástica como ben documentada. Imprescindíbel.
'This is an attempt by Israeli forces to push families and media back because they do not want any attention on the release of Palestinian prisoners.'
#Israel #terrorstate #occupation #apartheid #Gaza #genocide
#PrisonerSwap #ceasefire
LIVE: Israel-Hamas ceasefire in Gaza takes hold, prisoners to be freed
Τhousands of Palestinians displaced by Israeli attacks are returning to what is left of their homes.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
LIVE: Israel-Hamas ceasefire in Gaza takes hold, prisoners to be freed
Τhousands of Palestinians displaced by Israeli attacks are returning to what is left of their homes.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Netanyahu zal er alles aan doen om het bestand te laten mislukken en de oorlog te hervatten.
Geen berichten over vrijlating Palestijnse gevangenen • Opluchting in Israël na vrijlating gegijzelden
In dit blog lees je het laatste nieuws over de wapenstilstand tussen Hamas en Israël.NOS Nieuws
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
#Press #Journalism
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LIVE: Israel-Hamas ceasefire in Gaza takes hold, prisoners to be freed
Τhousands of Palestinians displaced by Israeli attacks are returning to what is left of their homes.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
#Israel #Gaza #PrisonerSwap #OferPrison
LIVE: Israel-Hamas ceasefire in Gaza takes hold, prisoners to be freed
Τhousands of Palestinians displaced by Israeli attacks are returning to what is left of their homes.Nils Adler (Al Jazeera)
"Gaza in Fragments is a documentary short by Al Jazeera Digital that follows three people in Gaza who talk about what life was like before the October 7, 2023 attacks by Hamas … and how the lives of all Gazans has been forever reshaped by Israel’s war on the occupied territory."
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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Palestijnen wachten op vrijlating gevangenen • Opluchting in Israël na vrijlating gegijzelden
In dit blog lees je het laatste nieuws over de wapenstilstand tussen Hamas en Israël.NOS Nieuws
#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
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#Palestine #Israel
Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera
News, analysis from the Middle East & worldwide, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, podcasts, long reads and broadcast schedule.Al Jazeera
1) I don't expect it to last.
2) If it _does_ last, then what happened is going to quickly be classified by most of the world as "just another past war in the Middle East," and none of the perpetrators of the #genocide will ever face a whit of justice.
Iran's Quds Force Commander Declares Gaza Ceasefire a Historic Defeat for Israel - EUROPE SAYS
Brigadier General Esmail Qaani, the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC). (Photo:EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Palestinians burst into streets to celebrate and began returning to the rubble of bombed-out homes after a ceasefire deal halted fighting in Gaza, while three female hostages freed by Hamas were reunited with their mothers inside Israel.
#Palestine #PalestineNews #Israel #IsraelNews #Palestine #News
Der Gesundheitszustand der drei israelischen Geiseln ist nach Krankenhausangaben "stabil". "Ich bin glücklich, mitteilen zu können, dass ihr Zustand stabil ist", sagte Itai Pessach, Arzt am Scheba-Krankenhaus im Zentrum von Israel. Damit könnten sich die drei Frauen "auf das Wichtigste konzentrieren ... die Wiedervereinigung mit ihren Familien", fügte er hinzu.
🕥 19.01. 22:19 CET
#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau
Nahost-Liveblog: ++ Erste palästinensische Häftlinge freigelassen ++
Nach palästinensischen Angaben sind erste palästinensische Häftlinge im Zuge des Abkommens mit Israel aus Gefängnissen entlassen worden. Die WHO will die medizinische Versorgung im Gazastreifen ausbauen. Die Entwicklungen im
#creditagricole #AmundiComplice #palestine #israël
BNP et Crédit agricole proposent d’investir dans l’armement israélien
BNP Paribas et le Crédit Agricole proposent à leurs clients d’investir dans l’armement israélien | Photomontage d'illustrationAlors que l’armée israélienne poursuit sans discontinuer son offensive sur la bande de Gaza depuis le 7 octobre 2023, Amund…Off Investigation
Gaza Will Forever Haunt Joe Biden
Joe Biden’s enabling of a genocide in Palestine was in keeping with a career spent pushing bloody war in the Middle East. His action and inaction on Gaza was brutal, unjustifiable, and
First three hostages back in Israel after being released by Hamas as part of Gaza ceasefire deal – live | Israel-Gaza war
Three hostages now in Israeli territory, IDF saysIsrael’s military says the three hostages are now in Israeli territory.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Security forces of #Israel storm the homes of Palestinian hostages in East #Jerusalem; the hostages who are about to be freed as part of the #Ceasefire deal.
Israelis are so depraved they can't stand the thought of Palestinian families enjoying a moment of happiness to reunite with their snatched daughters/sons.
Verrat an #Frauen und an der #Mitmenschlichkeit
Wie viele Fälle sadistischer Gewalt müssen noch nachgewiesen werden, damit die Welt endlich Mitgefühl mit den Opfern des 7. Oktober zeigen kann?
#Gaza #SexuelleGewalt #Sexualstraftäter #Vergewaltiger #Feministinnen #PseudoFeminismus #Sadismus #Hamas #Bestien #Sklavenhalter #Zuhälter #Deutschland
"Eline Bosman werkte meer dan tien jaar bij Buitenlandse Zaken. Ze nam afgelopen december ontslag vanwege het Nederlandse Israël-beleid. „We zijn nog nooit zo diep door het ijs gezakt.”"
"Eline Bosman heeft lang nagedacht of ze met de pers zou praten. Gevraagd naar haar analyse van het Nederlandse Israël-beleid, laat de voormalig ambtenaar van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken regelmatig een korte stilte vallen. „Dat vind ik best lastig”, zegt Bosman dan. En: „Dit interview loopt enigszins anders dan ik had gedacht.”
Achter de bescheiden houding schuilen echter heldere principes. Bosman velt een hard oordeel over de rol die Nederland heeft gespeeld sinds de aanslagen van Hamas en het uitbreken van de Gaza-oorlog op 7 oktober 2023. Nederland, zo zegt Bosman, is door het ijs gezakt als internationale voorvechter van de mensenrechten. Het feit dat de bloedige oorlog (ruim 1.200 Israeliërs en meer dan 46.000 Palestijnen kwamen om) tot een einde lijkt te komen, doet daar niets aan af. „We kunnen niet zeggen: laten we vooruit kijken. Iemand zal hier toch rekenschap over moeten afleggen.” …"
#Gaza #genocide #Nederland #Schoof #Wilders #PVV #VVD #NSC #Palestina #Israël