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Beiträge, die mit CHILE getaggt sind

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIZiiSPnRRc el mostrador Sebastián Izquierdo (entrevista M Schindler) #Chile #Media

🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.3 strikes 118 km E of #Calama (#Chile) 40 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1732834

, quitter l'alliance euro-atlantique criminelle et génocidaire est un devoir moral, et le Chili a l'obligation légale de se conformer aux traités et aux décisions des tribunaux internationaux que la France viole.
#chili #chile #palestine #palestina #MacronDehors #MacronFuera

🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M4.0 strikes 75 km NE of #Tocopilla (#Chile) 5 min ago. More info: https://m.emsc.eu/?id=1729087

Impressions from the Atacama Desert in Chile - such a diverse landscape with endless interesting features.

Just published a blog with many different locations from my trip this August:


#Chile #travel #atacama #photography #blog
Milky Way bus
flamingos with volcano

Chile: At least 112 dead and hundreds missing, thousands of homes destroyed as wildfires enter suburbs. Worst disaster since 2010 earthquake as President Boric declared a State of Emergency on the weekend.

Homes damaged: 12,122 with damages of varying magnitude in the commune of Viña del Mar affecting an estimated 31,703 people, while in Quilpué homes damages are estimated at 2,701. affecting 7,825 people.

The fires followed record high temperatures, low humidity and high wind speeds in central Chile driven by the El Niño weather pattern. Climate change increase in drought and extreme temperatures in Chile and globally is a driver for more intense #wildfires

#Chile #ChileWildfires #ClimateCrisis #Wildfires


"A wild tale of how #Allende's engineers and a British management consultant dared challenge corporations and spy agencies - and almost won"

A 9 X ~1 hr podcast with lots of archival audio and recent interviews. Listened to the first 2 and can already recommend.

#Chile #cybersyn #cybernetics #StaffordBeer