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Beiträge, die mit EMAIL getaggt sind

the app works like a local email client, you are not sending your email address to any 3rd party server, it is similar to using #Thunderbird, that said, you don't need to use your #email address, you can login anonymously using #chatmail servers that basically provide you similar advantages to #Nostr and #Session

Hum, are we the only cross-platform messenger project present in 15+ app stores that primarily announces on, and interacts with, the Fediverse while others use X and maybe Bluesky? If you know of others please mention them in the replies :)

In any case, we are pretty happy here, as we are finding meaningful interactions, and organically evolving interest and collaboration with other people and projects. Probably it helps that #email shares several traits with #ActivityPub protocols? Cheers.

heise+ | Stärken und Schwächen von 16 Mailclients im Überblick

Neue Funktionen und KI haben innovative Konzepte befördert, die ältere Mail-Clients blass aussehen lassen. Wir erkunden neue Möglichkeiten eines alten Mediums.


#EMail #Software #news

Proton removed their response (link below) from Mastodon, seems they realized it exploded into their face.

Original toot:
After I had given #Protonmail the benefit of the doubt for one board member making inconsiderate and alarming statements on #MAGA #Trump, they have doubled down officially:

I therefore consider this official opinion of Proton. Focussing on one aspect and completely ignoring the bigger picture of a luming fascist period in the most militarized economy of the world is just inacceptable. Proton just could have kept their mouth shut, but they decided not to.
Thanks for revealing yourselves and happy to end my subscription, I won't support a company like you until you do better @protonprivacy

Please boost to spread this news if you find this important.

@kuketzblog @chpietsch @aral

#ProtonExodus #Proton #E2E #Email #Privacy #Infosec

i think it's time to dispel the myth that #selfhosting #email is hard if a dumdum like me can set up https://github.com/docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver in a USD12/mo linode box (which also hosts my websites, so that's not USD12 for mail alone) in like 15 minutes

the hardest part is just getting the DNS DKIM, DMARC and SPF values right
mail-tester.com result of 10/10 indicating my self-hosted email server can send email and it won't be rejected or flagged as spam by most sensible email inboxes

Welchen #EMail Client will man denn unter #iOS haben?

Der onboard Client funktioniert im aktuellen iOS nimmer gut genug.

Bitte kein Outlook oder Gmail, irgendwas ohne Schnüffelei wäre fein!
Darf auch was kosten...