Beiträge, die mit EMAIL getaggt sind
E-Mail-Clients erleben ihren zigsten Frühling. Wir haben 16 Exemplare für jede Lebens- und Arbeitslage ausgewählt: von klassisch bis innovativ.
#EMail #elektronischePatientenakteePA #RaspberryPi #SmartHome #news
In any case, we are pretty happy here, as we are finding meaningful interactions, and organically evolving interest and collaboration with other people and projects. Probably it helps that #email shares several traits with #ActivityPub protocols? Cheers.
Der Posteingang im Mailprogramm ist ein wertvolles Archiv. Wir zeigen, wie Sie Kopien davon anlegen und es sicher zu einem anderen Mailprogramm transferieren.
#Archivierung #Backup #EMail #MicrosoftOutlook #MozillaThunderbird #news
Neue Funktionen und KI haben innovative Konzepte befördert, die ältere Mail-Clients blass aussehen lassen. Wir erkunden neue Möglichkeiten eines alten Mediums.
#EMail #Software #news
Jemand nutzte meine E-Mail für eine Bestellung, die Lieferung sowie die erste Mahnung ging an eine fremde Adresse. Händler rät zur Anzeige – was tun?
#ctTippsundTricks #EMail #IdentityManagement #news
Proton removed their response (link below) from Mastodon, seems they realized it exploded into their face.
Original toot:
After I had given #Protonmail the benefit of the doubt for one board member making inconsiderate and alarming statements on #MAGA #Trump, they have doubled down officially:
I therefore consider this official opinion of Proton. Focussing on one aspect and completely ignoring the bigger picture of a luming fascist period in the most militarized economy of the world is just inacceptable. Proton just could have kept their mouth shut, but they decided not to.
Thanks for revealing yourselves and happy to end my subscription, I won't support a company like you until you do better @protonprivacy
Please boost to spread this news if you find this important.
@kuketzblog @chpietsch @aral
#ProtonExodus #Proton #E2E #Email #Privacy #Infosec
the hardest part is just getting the DNS DKIM, DMARC and SPF values right
GitHub - docker-mailserver/docker-mailserver: Production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) running inside a container.
Production-ready fullstack but simple mail server (SMTP, IMAP, LDAP, Antispam, Antivirus, etc.) running inside a container. - docker-mailserver/docker-mailserverGitHub