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Beiträge, die mit Haití getaggt sind

Mindestens 110 Tote bei Massaker in Elendsviertel in Haiti

In Haiti hat ein Bandenchef ältere Menschen der Hexerei beschuldigt: Sie seien Schuld an der Krankheit seines Kindes. Mindestens 110 Menschen wurden laut einer Menschenrechtsorganisation daraufhin umgebracht.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/haiti-massaker-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Haiti #Massaker

American Airlines suspends flights to #Haiti indefinitely https://www.cbsnews.com/news/american-airlines-suspends-flights-to-haiti/

En Guyane, des Haïtiens en quête de protection doivent attendre 2027 pour que leur demande d’asile soit enregistrée
#Guyane #migrants #immigration #asile #Haïti #Guadeloupe

#HAITI, #SAHEL, #CONGO, #KANAKY, #PALESTINE : combattre l'impérialisme. Plénière d’ouverture des universités du #panafricanisme

📍Panel International aujourd'hui de 17h30 à 21h, Salle Robespierre, 3 allée du Petit-Tonneau, Vitry-sur-Seine

Gratuit sur inscription !

Résumé approximativement exact de l'allocution de #Macron

#Haiti #CensureBarnier #PremierMinistre #Humour #Lol #art #pentelbrushpen #Aquacolor #Ink #Draw #Dessin #BD #Manga #Cartoon
Caricature par Myster Ty, encre et aquarelle.
Macron, allocution du 5 décembre, l'index frappant son bureau : "Les députés sont complètement cons ! Leur premier ministre était super. Moi je l'ai défendu, et ils l'ont viré quand même !

First thing I'm posting on Mastodon in a while. Definitely worth a read. Is anyone there? #haiti, #haitians, #springfield, @therobburgessshow https://www.indycorrespondent.org/blogsandpoetry/3za62fqzrxoftto65qzv60qijqpabi

Les journalistes qui suivent Macron se rebellent. Après les intimidations au Canada, la censure au Brésil sur Haïti. Voici une vidéo postée par l'association de la presse présidentielle. Je vous racontais par le menu la stratégie médias de l'Elysée avec l'historien Alexis Levrier https://www.politis.fr/articles/2024/09/politique-comment-macron-verrouille-violemment-la-presse/

#Politique #Macron #Presse #Medias #Haiti #Journalisme #APP #Censure #Violences #LiberteDelaPresse

"Attualmente, fino alla metà dei membri dei gruppi armati sono minorenni.

Nella capitale #PortAuPrince, 1,2 milioni di bambini vivono sotto la minaccia della violenza armata."

#Haiti #CeasefireNOW #Armi #children #HumanRights
#26novembre #PACE


In Haiti eskaliert die Bandengewalt

In Haiti terrorisieren bewaffnete Banden die Bevölkerung. Binnen zehn Tagen mussten mehr als 40.000 Menschen aus ihren Häusern fliehen. Zudem werden immer mehr Kinder in die Banenkriminalität hineingezogen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/haiti-bandengewalt-104.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Haiti #Bandengewalt

"Quite frankly, it was the Haitians who killed Haiti" says president of country that colonized Haiti then demanded an economy-crippling ransom just to recognize it's independence, estimated at over $100 billion in today's value


#Haiti #racism #colonialism #Macron #France

Ça y est, MACRON à PÉTÉ UN PLOMB ! 🤣 #macron #haiti #strasbourg #giletsjaunes
#Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes

█ "Haití s'enfonsa en el caos": l'ONU alerta de l'escalada de violència entre bandes armades ▓▒░ La població haitiana intenta fugir davant la violència desfermada de les bandes i la falta de protecció del govern. La capital, Port-au-Prince es troba ja pràcticament en mans de l'aliança de grups armats

#324cat #onu #haiti
Aquest any més de 700.000 haitians han hagut d'abandonar casa seva per la violència de les bandes armades i refugiar-se en camps de desplaçats com el de Bourdon. (Reuters/Marckinson Pierre)
Un oficial de Kènia en una patrulla conjunta amb la policia haitiana (Reuters/Jean Feguens Regala)
El país s'ha convertit en un carreró sense sortida, amb carreteres tallades i la frontera amb la República Dominicana tancada (Reuters/Marckinson Pierre)

FAA Allows US Airlines To Resume Flights To Northern Haiti After Gunfire-Induced Ban http://dlvr.it/TGKXql #aircraft #AviationNews #FAA #Haiti

#Haiti : #Russia and #China weigh in. #caribbean

#Caricom should be more involved.


Haiti summons French ambassador following Macron's 'unacceptable remarks'

Comments by French President Emmanuel Macron in a video at the G20 summit in Brazil, in which he called the Haitian transitional council "total morons" for firing former Prime Minister Garry Conille, caused outrage when it was shared online on Thursday. Haiti was quick to label Macron's remarks as "unacceptable', and [...]


#Haiti #HaitiNews #France #FranceNews #Haiti #News

Someone mentioned blah-thing about #brazil military, re: the #bozonazi minions in uniform getting shafted along him.

Random, but I recalled talking to a buddy, during a visit to Br. Said buddy was (still is?) in uniform, there. He mentioned that, during Brazil's tenancy of the #UNPROFOR in #Haiti ( #MINUSTAH ) , mid 2000s, they had to deal with actual tactical situations, which was an eye opener for them.

For context, for non-br peeps. The #brazilian military is large, but fairly underfunded (this is a charitable description), and given the "neutrality" ( eyes roll to infinite ) OFFICIAL political stance from Br, most of their missions are intra-borders, or border protection, and filling him for the lack of a government disaster relief apparatus. They barely, seldom see any combat that is not some pack of douchebag remainders of some sendero-like movement breaking through the Amazon border, etc.

ANYHOOS. There was this LTC (equivalent rank) in the Br Fuzileiros Navais (Marines) who was assigned a sector near Port-au-Prince IIRC, around Camp Jean. As they were guadring a venue to the camp, a gang of Haitian thugs decided to engage. Mind you, this is favela/slum groups, with foraged firearms, including revolvers and other such non-military firearms.

Now, if you have a handful of absolute baseline guys with assault rifles, you should be able to wipe the floor with such a ratag outfit of dumbfucks.

The event became a melee, firefight, and has become a REFERENCE for tactical ops in br military. Said LTC NEVER failed to bring it up, most of the time of his briefings , whatever the subject, dragged with a painfully extended account of his heroic deeds in Haiti, against douches in sandals and five-shooters.

Someone else, also in uniform br mil, who was chatting with us mentioned that, and knowing I was US Army, asked what I thought of that. I had the impression they were kinda star struck by someone who had seen "combat". I nodded, quipped "A dozen guys in sandals, packing old civ weapons, firing at soldiers? In the US Army, deployed, we call that Tuesday", then I finished my teeth-cracking-cold chopp pilsen tulip glass, non-chalantly.

In the audience, my buddy was rolling in his chair, the other guy was less impressed. I understand the anecdote made it to the ears of that (in)famous LTC.

It's always fun to keep douches in check, cut them to size.


🇫🇷🇪🇺 Macron accuse les Haïtiens qui ont limogé leur premier ministre d’être « complètement cons » https://www.election-politique.com/index.php?display=M

#VuDansLaPresse #newspaper #Politique #politics #International #Macron #Haïti

Emmanuel Macron a accusé d'être "complètement cons" les responsables haïtiens ayant limogé Garry Conille, nommé Premier ministre il y a cinq mois pour tenter de stabiliser son pays, selon une vidéo tournée mercredi à Rio circulant sur les réseaux sociaux.
➡️ u.afp.com/5Vbp

Ce puchiste #Macron insulte tout un.peuple la honte de la France ce psychopathe !!!


Macron accuse les Haïtiens qui ont limogé leur Premier ministre d'être "complètement cons". Le président visait les responsables du limogeage de Garry Conille, débarqué par le conseil présidentiel de transition. Dans un premier temps, l'Elysée a prétendu que ces propos avaient été "tronqués" avant de reconnaître qu'il avait répondu à un habitant qui l'interrogeait "de façon insistante". Encore un coup de maître sur l'échiquier international.

#Politique #Macron #Diplomatie #Haiti #Gouvernement

Residents question a person who is not from the neighbourhood after an attempted overnight attack by gangs on the affluent hillside suburb Petion-Ville sparked a violent civilian response, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. REUTERS/Ralph Tedy Erol


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/17/haitian-immigrants-springfield-ohio-trump-election | Haitian immigrants flee Springfield, Ohio, in droves after Trump election win |

[…] “Springfield’s Haitian community has been in the spotlight since Trump falsely accused immigrants here of eating pets during a presidential debate in September. Since then, the city has seen false bomb threats and marches by neo-Nazi groups…” | #UnitedStates #Ohio #Haiti #immigration | This is the danger of taking Trump's bait. He didn't even have to force these folks to run.

🇭🇹 - Cathédrale Saint-Louis-Roi-de-France, Rue Eugène Margron, Commune de Jérémie, Haiti

#StepByStep 👣
Want to visit? 🔁
An image of Cathédrale Saint-Louis-Roi-de-France de Jérémie from Wikipedia
<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cath%C3%A9drale_J%C3%A9r%C3%A9mie_Ha%C3%AFti.JPG">Image</a> licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0" >CC BY-SA 3.0</a? by Bruno Le Bansais
A zoomed in map showing a pin at the position of Cathédrale Saint-Louis-Roi-de-France, Rue Eugène Margron, Commune de Jérémie, Haiti
An image of Cathédrale Saint-Louis-Roi-de-France de Jérémie from Wikipedia
<a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cath%C3%A9drale_J%C3%A9r%C3%A9mie_Ha%C3%AFti.JPG">Image</a> licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0" >CC BY-SA 3.0</a? by Bruno Le Bansais
A partially zoomed out map with a pin at the position of Cathédrale Saint-Louis-Roi-de-France, Rue Eugène Margron, Commune de Jérémie, Haiti

A Spirit Airlines plane was hit by gunfire while trying to land in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the company says. A flight attendant was injured and the flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, was diverted to the Dominican Republic, where an inspection showed damage consistent with gunfire. Spirit says they are suspending service to Haiti as they evaluate the incident. Read more from @NBCNews.


#Haiti #Spirit #Florida #DominicaRepublic #Guns