Beiträge, die mit President getaggt sind
Day 192 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 191 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 190 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 189 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
And of course I'm so happy that the military also has a competent leadership that didn't escalate the situation.
It appears to me that #southkore is a flourishing democracy. 1:0 for #humanity
#korea #south_korea #martialLaw
Why Did South Korea Declare Martial Law?
South Korea's president, Yoon Suk Yeol, declared martial law in a shock address on Tuesday.He expressed frustration with paralyzing opposition forces within the government.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Proteste davanti al parlamento di Seul, chieste le dimissioni del presidente
Protests in front of the Seoul parliament demanding the president's resignation.
#SouthKorea #Seoul #President
Proteste davanti al parlamento di Seul, la folla chiede le dimissioni del presidente: il videoracconto dell'inviato
In Corea del Sud il ritiro del decreto sulla legge marziale non è bastato a calmare gli animi. Davanti al parlamento di Seul la folla protesta e chiede le dimissioni del presidente Yoon Suk Yeol.Corriere TV (Corriere della Sera)
Day 188 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Che cosa è successo in Corea del Sud: la legge marziale, i soldati in Parlamento, la folla in piazza
Ore di caos a Seul dopo l'annuncio a sorpresa del presidente sudcoreano Yoon
What happened in South Korea: martial law, soldiers in Parliament, crowds in the square.
Chaos in Seoul after the surprise announcement by South Korean President Yoon.
#SouthKorea #Korea #Yoon #Parliament #Seoul #President
Che cosa è successo in Corea del Sud? La decisione di Yoon e il no del Parlamento
Il presidente Yoon dichiara la legge marziale, poi la revoca dopo il voto contrario del Parlamento
What happened in South Korea? Yoon's decision and Parliament's rejection.
President Yoon declares martial law, then revokes it after Parliament votes against it.
#Yoon #Parliament #SouthKorea #President
Corea del Sud: il presidente dichiara la legge marziale d'emergenza
South Korea: President declares a state of emergency.
#SouthKorea #President
Corea del Sud: il presidente dichiara la legge marziale d'emergenza
(LaPresse) - Il presidente sudcoreano Yoon Suk Yeol ha dichiarato la "legge marziale d'emergenza", accusando l'opposizione di controllare il parlamento, simpatizzare con la Corea del Nord e paralizzare il governo con attività anti-statali.Corriere TV (Corriere della Sera)
Day 186 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 185 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 184 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Rather than relying on his party’s control of Congress to trim the #budget, Trump and his advisers intend to test an obscure legal theory holding that presidents have sweeping power to defund programs they dislike.
#News #Government #USPolitics #Law #President #Politics #Constitution #Impoundment #POTUS
Day 183 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 181 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 180 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 179 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 178 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Inte en bra utveckling för #journalistik i Sverige.
#Media #TopSecret #granskandeJournalistik #Moderaterna
Day 177 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 176 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 175 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 174 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 173 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 172 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 171 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 170 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
University of Washington president’s car, home vandalized with ‘vile graffiti’ amid Israel-Hamas war – KIRO 7 News Seattle - EUROPE SAYS
SEATTLE — Someone vandalized the home and car of University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce Wednesday night.AccordingEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Day 169 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 168 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 167 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 166 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 165 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 164 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 163 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
Day 162 of former #president #trump as a #convicted #felon.
But let it be in the #history of #America that committing #genocide wasnt rewarded by #Americans in the #election2024
Some people with moral values from all #ethnicities & #beliefs stood up in the midst of horrible genocide in #Palestine & voted against #Harris, the #WarCriminal candidate of #democrats
#Republicans should know that they'll face the same fate in the next #election if they follow the same path & work for "#Israel"