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Beiträge, die mit brianThompson getaggt sind

He 'bore a resemblance' = person of interest. Have they produced any evidence he was at the scene yet?

"The FBI spoke to #LuigiMangione’s mother the night before her son’s high-profile arrest and told the feds he bore a resemblance to the suspect wanted for killing #UnitedHealthcare #DeadCEOGoodCEO #BrianThompson, per #NYPD"

Ps. His legal bills will be no problem at all: "CEO Murder Suspect Said to Hire Former Top New York Prosecutor"


Americans are furious over health care. Is this an Occupy Wall Street moment?

@npr reports: "It's been a week since UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was shot and killed in Manhattan. That shocking, targeted killing has also sparked a reckoning over the business he ran, in a country that has the most expensive health care in the world."


#UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #Insurance #USPolitics #Business #Healthcare

It's really disturbing how people can lose their humanity and threaten you just because you *checks notes* sentenced their child to death.

#DeadCEOGoodCEO #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #healthinsurance #healthcare
One former Cigna executive recalled how the US health insurer used to frequently face threats when claims were denied. “We'd have times when you'd deny proton laser therapy for a kid with seizures and the parent wouldfreak out," said the former executive.

Another industry executive said: "What's most disturbing is the ability of people to hide behind their keyboards and lose their humanity."

We KNOW they're in abject terror, because that ONE THING their #RichPigs bffs fear, just came true.
All about it, in 2 parts, from 2011: https://auntieimperial.blogspot.com/2011/07/for-damn-good-reason-too-why-rich-fear.html #UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson #HealthInsurance #InsuranceIndustry. Oh yeah... and #EatTheRich, but remember to cook thorougly... preferably until 🔥CHARRED🔥, because Pigmeat is a well-known #PARASITES host🤢😎

Now that Capitalism is aware the share price can be affected by a very public assassination, will we watch them screw each other over for a percentage?

Late Stage Capitalism eating itself, become the 80s cyberpunk novel it so desperately wants to be.

"Forbes Magazine: What's With All These CEO Assassinations?" /s

#LuigiMangione #UnitedHealthcare #LateStageCapitalism #EatTheRich #NoBillionaire #BrianThompson
UnitedHealthcare Value Drops $41.6 Billion in Week 
 After CEO Brian Thompson's Slaying

#LuigiMangione, #TheAuditor, is a hero behind bars for the #DeadCEOGoodCEO #UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson snuffing. His lawyer says he's already receiving offers to pay ALL LEGAL FEES.

"Luigi Mangione’s fellow prisoners yelled “Luigi’s conditions suck” and “#FreeLuigi” from their cells in Pennsylvania during an interview:" https://x.com/Phil_Lewis_/status/1867181094405038581

My latest article is about the shooting of CEO Brian Thompson and how NYC Mayor Adams seems poised to use it as an excuse to bring in a ban on masks (which he’s wanted to do for awhile).

Mask bans are discriminatory, ableist and put lives at risk.

We are still IN an airborne pandemic. Everyone - whether disabled or not - should have the legal right to protect themselves from infection.

People need masks for all kinds of reasons. Pollution, wildfire smoke, allergies AND Covid. No one should be forced to risk their health because a necessary medical device has been criminalized for absolutely no reason.

Make no mistake - these bans won’t stop crime. Studies have shown that sunglasses obscure identity more effectively.

The only reason to ban masks is to pander to those on the right still angry about mask mandates - and to make it easier for the government to surveil its citizens.

Ironically those who screamed the loudest about freedom and bodily autonomy during mask mandates are eerily quiet about mask bans - despite the fact that they represent escalating fascism and government overreach.

We really are on our own.

Please - mask up. Do it in solidarity with disabled people who NEED masks in order to safely access public spaces. Do it to support the Covid aware people who just want to avoid infection. Do it to send a message to the government that you don’t believe anyone is expendable. Do it to protect our right to mask in the future.

It’s not too late - but we must get loud, work fast and wear our masks.


#maskbans #nomaskbans #noNYmaskban #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #sarscov2 #wearamask #respirator #brianthompson #luigimangione #ableism #discrimination #disabilityrights #disabilityjustice #maskup

О социальном звучании политического убийства страховщика (главы страховой компании) Брайана Томпсона: https://www.bbc.com/russian/articles/c5y79930l51o #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #social

"Luigi Nicholas Mangione, suspect in the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, contested his extradition to New York at a court hearing Tuesday, though it isn’t expected to delay legal proceedings significantly."

@AssociatedPress reports: "Little new information has come out about a possible motive, though writings found in Mangione’s possession hinted at a hatred of corporate greed. He remains jailed in Pennsylvania."


#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare #News #Crime

lol even the petty little far right bootlickers at the New York Post (I’m not linking to it) can’t stop themselves from saying “where’s the lie” with a couple paragraphs
The alleged manifesto included raging remarks about “parasitic” health insurance companies and expressed disdain for corporate greed and power, according to law enforcement sources.

He allegedly also wrote that the US has the most expensive healthcare system in the world and that profits of major corporations continue to rise while “our life expectancy” does not.
#brianthompson #luigimangione #USPol #healthcare #healthinsurance #unitedhealthcare #oligarchy #massmurder #structuralviolence #classwarfare #classwar

In this video we focus on the concept of 'social murder' as outlined by Friedrich #Engels in his 1845 book "The Conditions of the Working Class in England"

Then we move onto the media and internet reaction to the murder of CEO Brian Thompson, the folk hero status of our man #Luigi, and a general critique of insurance and society from a #workingclass, #proletarian perspective.
#socialMurder #prole #marx #UnitedHealthcare #ceo #LuigiMangione
#BrianThompson #justice


On the charge of first degree murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, how does the jury find the defendant?



Wait.. what was the game? Smash or pass?

#UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson #CEO #LuigiMangione

If your name is Mario, and you're a defence attorney in New York, you have the opportunity to do the greatest thing humanity has ever seen.


#UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson #CEO #LuigiMangione

Watching the #media slice up their #luigimangione story and coat each morsel with the slick veneer of #propaganda their corporate interest groups require them to instill really saddens me at the loss of the boring news coverage of my youth.

Maybe it's not propagandized and it's just my extremely jaded, cynical view of the world, but it really reads that way.

The articles from the main sites, the CNNs, MSNBCs, etc. all are focusing on how his family has money, how he comes from privilege, how he went to great schools.

All I see is them trying to make him unlikable.

Look at the first round of reporting. I don't think they knew what to make of the public response that not only didn't balk at him shooting a #ceo but full-on praised him and attacked #uhc broadly and #brianthompson specifically for contributing to the deaths of so many thousands.

It just...it feels like we responded differently than the media parent companies wanted us to respond, and so now they're ratcheting up rhetoric to steer that emotional response back to where they want it to be.

Like I said though, that just might be me looking at all of this through an extremely jaded lens. If I hadn't been the one writing this I feel like I'd be inclined to dismiss it as just another old white dude on the internet with conspiracy theories. Certainly no judgement on my part if you dismiss this as I *am* just another old white dude on the Internet.

But damn...it just feels manipulative and try as I might, I can't shake the feeling that it's all intentional because folks responded in an unplanned way. I'm curious if I'm not the only one seeing it that way.

Authorities believe suspect Luigi Mangione used a 3D-printed, untraceable gun in the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

@Vox says this may be the first time a “ghost gun” was used in a high-profile shooting.


#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare #Shooting #Guns #GunControl #Crime

#LuigiMangione's quickly removed substack 'manifesto':

"The Allopathic Complex and Its Consequences (luigi mangione's last words) LM DEC 09, 2024"

Ken Klipperstein claims this 262 word text is that. Caveat Emptor https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/luigis-manifesto

#unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #DeadCEOGoodCEO

"The Ivy League graduate arrested on suspicion of assassinating the CEO of UnitedHealthcare took issue with two of the prosecutor’s claims during his first court appearance on Monday night."

👉#LuigiMangione Accuses Cops of Planting Key Evidence👈 in #UnitedHealthcare #DeadCEOGoodCEO #BrianThompson #Assassination


@pluralistic has great thoughts about the recent murder of #UnitedHealthCare #CEO #BrianThompson and how they relate to a story he wrote a while ago:


However, #Anthem's retreat from changing how anaesthesia is billed, was one a rare "Enemy of my enemy" moment.

In this piece:

@Vox explains how "[the] policy would not have increased costs for their enrollees...it would have reduced payments for some of the most overpaid physicians in America."

In the wake of this shooting every media organization commenting on it has had to grapple with the waves of public enthusiasm for Luigi’s actions. Right-wing media figures condemning the left for celebrating this assassination have been criticized by their own readers and listeners. Insurance companies have pulled down lists of their executives from the Internet.

This is because they too understand the shooter culture of the United States. Like anyone else, they know that any mass shooting that meets with massive media coverage and interest will spawn copycats. The assassination Luigi is believed to have carried out was new and exciting; it demanded the public’s attention in a way most mass shootings don’t.

At almost the exact same time the United Healthcare CEO was assassinated, a gunman walked into a religious school near Oroville California and shot two young children before killing himself. This shooting drew almost no national attention. It was entirely drowned out by the execution of an insurance industry CEO. The armed and disaffected young men who are most drawn to this sort of thing will not miss this fact.
#luigimangione #brianthompson #unitedhealthcare #USPol #alienation #capitalism

"The suspected shooter of #UnitedHealthcare's CEO stepped into the gaping void left by the absence of government regulation of industry and he did a bang-up job. Why not give him a shot at a new role?" - #KenSilverstein


#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #HealthcareProfiteers #USpol #USpolitics #PrivéEnSanté


Reminder for the diseased centrists and bothsiders

#BrianThompson of #UnitedHealthCare killed more Americans than any terrorist.

His decision on policies that denied life saving critical care, to preserve his fat paycheck and shareholders winnings killed as much as any WMD could.

"the assassination of #BrianThompson is a wake-up call, a warning that if we don't solve this problem politically, we may not have a choice about whether it's solved with violence. As a character in "#Radicalized" says, "They say violence never solves anything, but to quote The Onion: that's only true so long as you ignore all of human history"


"Luigi Nicholas Mangione, a 26-year-old Ivy League graduate from a prominent Maryland real estate family, was arrested Monday in the killing of Brian Thompson, who headed one of the United States’ largest medical insurance companies"

@AssociatedPress has the latest updates on the murder of UnitedHealthcare's CEO: https://flip.it/dq3Eq9

#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare #News #Crime

I can’t believe this needs to be said - but masks don’t kill people. Guns do.

I find it extremely concerning that the media reports about Luigi Mangione say he had a gun, ammo and “box of masks” in his backpack. As though they’re the same.

Masks are a personal protective tool. They can’t harm anyone else.

The U.S. has a terrible problem with gun violence. Yet whenever a mass shooting occurs and someone suggests banning guns - they scream about their right to carry & “freedom” to protect themselves.

How far we’ve fallen that people are more concerned with banning masks than guns.

Masks bans won’t stop crimes. All they will do is fuel hateful anti-mask rhetoric and make public spaces even less safe for disabled and high risk individuals.

If the “freedom” to protect oneself is truly of paramount importance - the right to wear a mask needs to be preserved.

If you’ve stopped masking - please mask back up. We need you now more than ever. Send a loud and clear message that masking should not be considered a crime - and that you refuse to contribute to the spread of a dangerous virus.

#nomaskbans #noNYmaskbans #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #luigimangione #brianthompson #ericadams #ableism #discrimination #disability #disabilityjustice #sarscov2

Luigi Mangione, the alleged UnitedHealthcare CEO shooter, scheduled videos to be uploaded to his YouTube account following his arrest.

“If you see this, I’m already under arrest.”


#UnitedHealthcare #BrianThompson

What we’re discussing: is it okay to murder a CEO for causing mass suffering and death?

What we should be discussing: why does Brian Thompson get a manhunt while Jordan Neely is denied even the most basic justice?

The protection of wealthy whiteness is what should be on trial. Brian’s life was no more important than Joran’s. This is important.

#JordanNeely #DanielPenny #BrianThompson #LuigiMangione #ClassWar #EatTheRich #America #SystemicRacism
Bust shot of Jordan Neely dressed as Michael Jackson, with dapper curls and a white t-shirt, standing in front of a theater marquee on a busy downtown street at night. He’s a thin black man and his face looks of contentedness and comfort.

This is NOT the same person. Eyebrows almost unibrow in #LuigiMangione 's mugshot... They don't grow that much in two days... and even with the mask, one can tell the face and cheekbones are narrower in the taxicam pic. #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #DeadCEOGoodCEO

That's all. No evidence he actually did anything to anyone, or was even near the scene, being presented.

"Mangione, 26, appeared in court in Hollidaysburg, for a preliminary arraignment for charges on five counts, including forgery, carrying a gun without a license and showing law enforcement false identification,"

#LuigiMangione, 'Person of Interest' in #DeadCEOGoodCEO Killing, Charged Over Gun, Fake ID


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-09/-person-of-interest-in-ceo-slaying-charged-over-gun-fake-id #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson

So has the #unitedhealthcare #brianthompson CEO snuffer been charged with anything beyond possession of a weapon with a bunged serial number @unusual_whales ? This guy in the pic looks like a Hood who works the #Hitman circuit who'd have such a thing. A PERFECT patsy.

Tagged #DeadCEOGoodCEO

All he's been charged with is illegal weapons possession.

"The suspect arrested in Pennsylvania in the #UnitedHealthcare CEO has a handwritten manifesto that criticized health care companies for putting profits above care, per NYT"

...and hating the #healthinsurance industry makes you a suspect, citizen. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/12/09/nyregion/uhc-ceo-murder-suspect

Pullquote Via @unusual_whales #BrianThompson #DeadCEOGoodCEO