Beiträge, die mit UHC getaggt sind
Werkstatt Update 0.1
Mal ein kurzes Update aus der Werkstatt.
Heute haben zwei SportfreundInnen bei einem unserer Mitglieder zum Langbogen bauen getroffen.
Dieser hat genügend Holz, das Wissen und auch geschätzt drölfzighundert selbstgebaute Bögen bei sich in der Werkstatt.
Nachdem jeder von uns seine Wünsche was Zuggewicht und Länge geäußert hat, ging es an Rohlinge aussuchen.
Ich habe mir ein schönes Stück Esche ausgesucht und dann ging es auch schon ans bearbeiten.
Heute habe ich erst einmal die Grundlage geschaffen und alles auf einen Jahresring runtergeschliffen/gekratzt.
Die grobe Form hat der Rohling schon einmal.
Auch wenn man noch nicht viel sieht, so ist das schon ein ganzes Stück Arbeit, die Oberfläche so weit vorzubereiten.
Nächste Woche wollen wir dann die Griffstücke so weit definieren und die Mitte finden, So ganz gerade ist mein Stück Holz nun auch nicht
Es war anstrengend und es hat richtig Spaß gemacht.
Auch wenn das Stück Holz erst einmal nach nichts weiter aussieht.
#2025 #Archery #Bogenschießen #Bogensport #DIY #Elster #Freizeit #Sport #UHC
04 - Floorball Pinguine Jena gegen SG Elster-Dessau #Sport #Floorball
04 – Floorball Pinguine Jena gegen SG Elster-Dessau U15w
Das 4. Spiel der U15 weiblich wurde ebenfalls in Jena ausgetragen und auch gegen die Floorball Pinguine Jena.
In der ersten Begegnung konnten unsere U15 Spielerinnen noch als Siegerinnen vom Feld gehen, so leicht ist es dann in den zweiten Begegnungen nicht mehr.
Schon von Beginn an machte Jena klar, dass sie hier als Sieger vom Feld gehen möchten. Eine 2 Minutenstrafe für Marlene, markierte auch den ersten Torregen für Jena. Bis zur 6. Minute fielen 3 Tore und alle zu Gunsten für unsere Gegnerinnen. Viel zu oft auch in dieser Partie, ungenau Pässe, die abgefangen wurden, aber auch einfach, den Gegner agieren und sich selber in die Enge treiben lassen. Daraus dann auch noch mit Tore abschließen. Besser kann man es nicht machen.
Unsere Gegnerinnen wirkten einfach agiler und flinker in dieser Partie und so standen sie oft so frei, um auf unser Tor schießen zu können. Unsere Torhüterin bewahrte die Mannschaft vor schlimmeren, danke noch mal an Leo. Sie machte an diesem Tag einen tollen Job und das mal ein Ball durchkommt, das wünschen wir uns ja auch für unsere Mannschaft beim gegnerischen Team.
In der 8. Minute konnte Marlene zum 3 : 1 einen Treffer setzen, der nur 20 Sekunden später von Jena, auf den gleichen Vorsprung wieder ausgebessert wurde und es 4 : 1 stand. In der 9. Minute kam Jena wieder durch Überzahlspiel erneut zum Abschluss und erhöhte auf 5 : 1.
Irgendwie hat es dann Klick gemacht und die Mannschaft fand ein wenig besser zusammen, Lina und Nele konnten Tore schießen und mit einem Halbzeitstand von 6 : 4, sah es erst einmal nicht gut, aber auch nicht schlecht aus.
Recht durchwachsen ging es dann in die zweite Halbzeit, man sah den Mädchen an, dass sie kämpften, aber nichts dabei rauskam. Dafür klappte bei Jena um so mehr, sie konnten ihren Vorsprung in den ersten 8 Spielminuten auf 8 : 4 ausbauen.
Wieder nur 20 Sekunden später, konnte Lina zum 8 : 5 verkürzen, was die Stimmung ein wenig aufhellte.
Dafür war die Spielfreude dahin und alles Ackern brachte nicht allzu viel. Sie konnten zwar verhindern, dass Jena weitere Tore schoss, aber die eigenen Torschüsse waren dann leider am gegnerischen Tor vorbei oder wurden abgewehrt. Gerade in der Spielphase zeigten Tilda, Moira und Lina Herz und gaben alles, ungünstigerweise ohne Erfolg.
Danke an die ganze Mannschaft, für euren Einsatz, auch wenn der dieses Mal nicht belohnt wurde, wir sind trotzdem stolz auf euch.
Jena besiegte die U15 weiblich Mannschaft des UHC verdient mit 8 : 5 Toren. Jetzt heißt es Wunden lecken, trainieren und Defizite bei uns ausmerzen. Wir haben noch zwei Spiele und da möchten unsere Spielerinnen dann doch noch was zeigen, es ist schließlich Heimspieltag und auch der letzte Ligaspieltag.
In der Ligatabelle sieht es jetzt wie folgt aus:
#2025 #BlackWolves #Dessau #Elster #Floorball #Jena #Leipzig #Mädchen #Meister #Meisterschaft #Pinguine #Spielgemeinschaft #Sport #Turnier #U15 #UHC #Unihockey #weiblich
04 - Tor 1 - Floorball Pinguine Jena gegen SG Elster-Dessau #Sport #Floorball - tchncs
Spielszene aus dem Floorball Spiel der Floorball Pinguine Jena gegen SG Elster-Dessau am 12.01.2025 in Jena Spielbericht auf
04 - Tor 1 - Floorball Pinguine Jena gegen SG Elster-Dessau #Sport #Floorball
Spielbericht auf
#healthcare #unitedheathcare #denydelaydepose #eattherich
UnitedHealthcare Interrupts Surgery To Ask If Patient Needs To Stay Overnight
A surgeon with a breast cancer patient says that UnitedHealthcare called her during surgery to find out if inpatient care was necessary.Lindsey Weedston (The Daily Dot)
“ As of yet, Stack Exchange has not replied to the above post, but they did promptly and within hours gave me a year-long ban for merely raising the question”
#UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione #UHC #Tech #Censorship
The erasure of Luigi Mangione
The saga on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange, and how tech always serves the ruling class.Evan Carroll
Luigi Mangione Is The Most Wanted Person In The United States
a 100 gecs music video by me, banned from youtube for being too awesome!!!
#LuigiMangione #UHC #100gecs
Luigi Mangione Is The Most Wanted Person In The United States
my latest video!!! a 100 gecs music video
#vantavideo #UHC #LuigiMangione
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#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #CEO #UHC #UnitedHealthcare
Stop talking about Biden or Trump or whoever. Keep talking about Luigi.
#antifascism #anticapitalism #uhc #classwar
Spujb (
Attached: 1 image Mostly unedited surveillance cam footage of the #unitedhealthcare CEO shooting. Just trimmed a bit of the beginning to shrink the size. Not gory. #news #classwarMastodon
The assailant Nathan Mahoney was hired to a key position 2 weeks ago and was expected to take over a retiring senior employee's role.
The firm, Andsrson Express Inc, is a tier one supplier into the US and Israeli military industrial complex.
#andersonexpressinc #NathanMahoney #ErikDenslow #UHC #ceo #IOF #Israel #FreeGaza
#UnitedHealthCare #US #LuigiMangione #UHC #healthcare
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I will grant that my perspective may have been colored by stories people have shared with me, but as a bioethicist, I'm not sure how this became the *gold standard* of treatment, and I am suspicious that profit was more of a driver than efficacy.
That said; #UHC wouldn't cover any therapy for my kid when she refused ABA. They wouldn't cover a neuropyschologist to evaluate and recommend a different kind of therapist for her.
So, they won't pay for ABA. They won't pay for *not* ABA.
Ergo, I think we can safely conclude that they're just not going to pay to help autistic people.
Prosecutors charge Luigi Mangione with killing UnitedHealthcare CEO as an act of terrorism
The man accused of killing UnitedHealthcare’s CEO has been charged with murder as an act of terrorism. Prosecutors disclosed the indictment Tuesday as they worked to bring Luigi Mangione to a New York court from from a Pennsylvania jail.JAKE OFFENHARTZ (AP News)
ValuePenguin, a data collection and analysis site, is the origin of the viral chart showing denial rates of claims to insurance. They were first contacted by a company who wanted them to take data down, then when they didn’t, law enforcement showed up.
Just in case you were wondering who controls the’s the capital class.
Here’s a deep dive into how insurance companies hide and prevaricate their data, so that people don’t realize what crooks they all are.
Here’s the VP link for the chart and their notes about data takedown:
#UHC #insurance #healthcare
Reporting Highlights
Secret Playbook: Leaked documents show that UnitedHealth is aggressively targeting the treatment of thousands of children with autism across the country in an effort to cut costs.
Critical Therapy: Applied behavior analysis has been shown to help kids with autism; many are covered by Medicaid, federal insurance for poor and vulnerable patients.
Legal Questions: Advocates told ProPublica the insurer’s strategy may be violating federal law.
#UHC are fucking monsters, and if I had the power to strip the wealth from them and give it to these families, I would do it without question.
#Propublica is the best news org speaking truth to power. If you’ve got some spare change, consider supporting them.
This would be funny but it's a pretty accurate description of how private #HealthInsurance works in the US today.
The oldest trick in the book... make people "stand in line" long enough and they'll drop out or just go away. I used to tell my Medical Students "Insurance Companies are in the business of denying care."
I was once put on hold for 40 minutes only to have the "medical director" read my own chart back to me. The denial was reversed based on documentation they already had... the entire exercise was INTENDED to waste my time!
#UnitedHealthcare #UHC #Insurance #Claims #Denial #Delay
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#classWar #tyrannicide #lucyParsons #UHC
Force-dowloading this from Tiktok via Torbrowser and an extension worked. Reuploading here.
This looks like someone rather sloppy found a Nancy Parker who is NOT the McSnitch, I do not have the skills to determine whether this means another Nancy Parker did in fact work at that McD's or the McSnitch has another name. SOMEONE at that McD's snitched, we do need to find them whatever their name.
So far, nobody has denied the snitch is someone who worked at that McDonald's. If they have been fired and McD's has scrubbed their records people are going to have to work fast to find them before the trail goes cold.
If they cannot be found, that McDonalds or even the entire McDonald's chain can "do their time for them" so to speak. They too have a CEO and losing a shitload of money to a social media guillotine is something they won't soon forget.
Maybe it's not propagandized and it's just my extremely jaded, cynical view of the world, but it really reads that way.
The articles from the main sites, the CNNs, MSNBCs, etc. all are focusing on how his family has money, how he comes from privilege, how he went to great schools.
All I see is them trying to make him unlikable.
Look at the first round of reporting. I don't think they knew what to make of the public response that not only didn't balk at him shooting a #ceo but full-on praised him and attacked #uhc broadly and #brianthompson specifically for contributing to the deaths of so many thousands.
It feels like we responded differently than the media parent companies wanted us to respond, and so now they're ratcheting up rhetoric to steer that emotional response back to where they want it to be.
Like I said though, that just might be me looking at all of this through an extremely jaded lens. If I hadn't been the one writing this I feel like I'd be inclined to dismiss it as just another old white dude on the internet with conspiracy theories. Certainly no judgement on my part if you dismiss this as I *am* just another old white dude on the Internet.
But just feels manipulative and try as I might, I can't shake the feeling that it's all intentional because folks responded in an unplanned way. I'm curious if I'm not the only one seeing it that way.
#CEO #LuigiMangione #UHC #UnitedHealthcare #brianthompson #manifesto
December 5, 2024
Yesterday a gunman assassinated the chief executive officer of UnitedHealthcare, Brian Thompson, as he arrived at a meeting of investors in New York City.Heather Cox Richardson (Letters from an American)
#news #isitjustme
I mean. Sure. They are checking every denial.
Sure. We believe you.
There is the possibility that the UHC CEO execution was in fact the first shot of the Second Civil War. If rhis is so and more CEO's get taken out, this is not the civil war Trump has been preparing to fight.
CEO's and billionaires being hunted down in the streets as tens of millions cheer is a totally different alignment of forces than the racial and religious war Trump had in mind.
While this incident may have been a one-off, there's no guarantee of that and the wave of support the shooter has earned make follow-up actions more likely. If that happens the moment becomes a movement.
The Class War is now two-sided if nothing else. Punish one, instruct a hundred...
My doc prescribed it and Medicare pays for it.
That's it.
The propaganda against Medicare is so strong because UHC and the like make tens of billions of dollars denying care like mine.
#healthcare #insurance #UHC
UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit alleges
For the largest health insurer in the US, AI’s error rate is like a feature, not a bug.Beth Mole (Ars Technica)
Reactions to #UnitedHealthcare CEO Hit: Overwhelming in One Direction
#healthcare #capitalism #NYC #NewYorkCity #UHC #greed
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How they did it: STAT reporters expose how ailing seniors suffer when Medicare Advantage plans use algorithms to deny care
STAT reporters Bob Herman and Casey Ross share eight reporting tips based on their four-part investigative series.Naseem S. Miller (The Journalist's Resource)