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Beiträge, die mit président getaggt sind

North Korea Could Seek to Exploit South Korean Turmoil https://www.byteseu.com/540723/ #AuthoritarianState #Conflicts #declaration #GreatTime #kim #NorthKorea #president #Seoul #SouthKorea #SouthKoreanTurmoil #SydneySeiler #Tuesday #university #US #voa #yoon
North Korea Could Seek to Exploit South Korean Turmoil

It's sad that such a person got in the position of being #president ... But I'm actually so impressed with the courage of the #korean people standing up against the military (peacefully) and enabling democratic institutions to function.

And of course I'm so happy that the military also has a competent leadership that didn't escalate the situation.

It appears to me that #southkore is a flourishing democracy. 1:0 for #humanity

#korea #south_korea #martialLaw

Why Did South Korea Declare Martial Law? https://www.byteseu.com/529051/ #company #country #hour #LastTime #leader #market #MartialLaw #OppositionParty #president #SouthKorea #SouthKoreanLeader #StunningMove #turmoil #Wednesday #yoon
Why Did South Korea Declare Martial Law?

Corriere.it - Homepage by <br>di Paolo Salom, inviato
Proteste davanti al parlamento di Seul, chieste le dimissioni del presidente

Protests in front of the Seoul parliament demanding the president's resignation.

#SouthKorea #Seoul #President

RaiNews by undefined
Che cosa è successo in Corea del Sud: la legge marziale, i soldati in Parlamento, la folla in piazza

Ore di caos a Seul dopo l'annuncio a sorpresa del presidente sudcoreano Yoon

What happened in South Korea: martial law, soldiers in Parliament, crowds in the square.

Chaos in Seoul after the surprise announcement by South Korean President Yoon.

#SouthKorea #Korea #Yoon #Parliament #Seoul #President

RaiNews by undefined
Che cosa è successo in Corea del Sud? La decisione di Yoon e il no del Parlamento

Il presidente Yoon dichiara la legge marziale, poi la revoca dopo il voto contrario del Parlamento

What happened in South Korea? Yoon's decision and Parliament's rejection.

President Yoon declares martial law, then revokes it after Parliament votes against it.

#Yoon #Parliament #SouthKorea #President

Corriere.it - Homepage by
Corea del Sud: il presidente dichiara la legge marziale d'emergenza

South Korea: President declares a state of emergency.

#SouthKorea #President

How #Trump Plans to Seize the Power of the Purse From #Congress

Rather than relying on his party’s control of Congress to trim the #budget, Trump and his advisers intend to test an obscure legal theory holding that presidents have sweeping power to defund programs they dislike.

#News #Government #USPolitics #Law #President #Politics #Constitution #Impoundment #POTUS


Att #Sverige ´s statsministers gratulationer till #USA ´s nästa #president #Trump nästan i sin helhet är hemligstämplat visar något om nutiden. och hur rädda beslutsfattare är.

Inte en bra utveckling för #journalistik i Sverige.

#Media #TopSecret #granskandeJournalistik #Moderaterna

https://www.europesays.com/1613694/ University of Washington president’s car, home vandalized with ‘vile graffiti’ amid Israel-Hamas war – KIRO 7 News Seattle #annemari_kay #Conflicts #Hamas #Israel #local #News #Palestine #president #u_president #video
University of Washington president’s car, home vandalized with ‘vile graffiti’ amid Israel-Hamas war – KIRO 7 News Seattle

Now that #Trump is the #president-elect, notice that #Qatar suspends mediation talks. They know its futile to try to help the #palestinians in #Gaza. #Netenyahu now knows #Trump will side with him unless #Putin tells #Trump differently.