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Beiträge, die mit AUSPOL getaggt sind

Queensland to see more storms and a heatwave on the way, after wild weather wreaks havoc over Christmas.


Not reported here, but there’s been astoundingly pervasive campaign to spread claims of ‘Chemtrails’ and ‘Geoengineering’ conspiracy as the reason for why the South-East Queensland was affected.
Gold Coast locals that follow LNP MP social media seem most subscriptive of the conspiracy, using the conspiracy theory to deflect and distract climate change awareness.
#ClimateCrisis #QldPol #AusPol

'An ABC analysis of financial disclosures of the sustainable or ethical-labelled super options has revealed 12 of them collectively hold almost $1.2 billion worth of fossil fuel industry shares.' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-14/sustainable-ethical-super-funds-with-fossil-fuel-investment/103196032

'They also hold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments in companies that make money from gambling, alcohol, uranium and defence.'

#greenwashing #super #auslaw #auspol

Claimants of NT Stolen Generations class action settlement frustrated by payment delay https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-12/nt-stolen-generations-settlement-delay/103208670 #IndigenousIP #auslaw #auspol

The Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023 has finally passed the Australian Senate tonight at 9:30 pm with some small amendments. https://medium.com/p/3d8323f35326 https://parlwork.aph.gov.au/Bills/r7083 #auslaw #auspol #health #smoking #tobacco

Overwhelming majority of Australians support a First Nations voice despite referendum defeat, finds ANU survey

#AusPol #VoiceToParliament

'An Adelaide court has issued a significant fine to two brothers found guilty of importing nearly a tonne of illicit tobacco into Australia intended to be sold through small grocery stores throughout South Australia.' https://www.nationaltribune.com.au/adelaide-brothers-receive-costly-illicit-tobacco-bill/

'Both brothers were both fined $250,000 each and received a suspended 15-month sentence, after being charged under the Customs Act by the Australian Border Force (ABF) with importing tobacco with the intention of defrauding revenue.

The charges came from an investigation in 2020 when the ABF-led Illicit Tobacco Taskforce (ITTF) searched a shipping container in Adelaide and located more than 660kg of illicit tobacco products.

As a result, ABF Regional Investigations in South Australia executed a warrant under the Customs Act on a number of homes and businesses in Adelaide, where officers seized a further 300kg of illicit tobacco and $547,510 in cash.' #smoking #auslaw #auspol

Australian retail lobby groups refuse to disclose amount of funding from tobacco and vaping industries https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/21/australian-retail-lobby-groups-tobacco-vaping-indistries-funding #auslaw #auspol #tobacco #smoking #vaping 'Neither the chief executive of the Australasian Association of Convenience Stores [AACS], Theo Foukkare, or the chief executive of Master Grocers Australia [MGA], David Inall, disclosed the value of the funding their groups received from the vaping or tobacco industries, despite being asked to provide any such information in conflict-of-interest statements prior to attending.'

So, Labor have decided not to follow through on doing anything about this because they are scared of LNP. Once again, independents are picking up the massive slack of integrity in the Australian parliament. #auspol

Whistleblower David McBride loses bid to stave off trial over public interest defence https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/16/whistleblower-david-mcbride-loses-bid-trial-public-interest-defence-act ACT supreme court says law provides no duty to members of the military to act in the public interest. #auslaw #auspol #whistleblowing #confidentialinformation

My submission to the Australian Senate on the Public Health (Tobacco and Other Products) Bill 2023 (Cth) and Accompanying Regulations is now available https://works.bepress.com/matthew_rimmer/429/ The Australian Government is looking to consolidate and modernise its tobacco control laws with this bill - and enhance the operation of plain packaging of tobacco products. #auslaw #auspol #smoking #tobacco #tobaccocontrol #tobaccoendgame #health #publichealth

#Introduction #Introductions

Dr Matthew Rimmer is a Professor in Intellectual Property and Innovation Law at the Faculty of Business and Law, at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, intellectual property and climate change, Indigenous Intellectual Property, and intellectual property and trade. He is undertaking research on intellectual property and 3D printing; the regulation of robotics and artificial intelligence; and intellectual property and public health (particularly looking at the coronavirus COVID-19). His work is archived at QUT ePrints, SSRN Abstracts, Bepress Selected Works, and Open Science Framework.


#auslaw #auspol #IP #copyright #trademark #plainpacks #patent #PBR #access2meds #tradesecrets #SDGs #climate #IndigenousIP #trade #TPP #3dprinting #robotics #innovation

Posts will also feature #books #music #film #TV #photography - some sport #AFL #football #socceroos #LFC #YNWA #basketball. There will also be the odd post about #dogs #labradors and #swimming

Australia enters 'endgame' free trade talks with European Union for a deal five years in the making https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-29/trade-minister-resumes-talks-eu-free-trade-deal/103031192 via @ABCaustralia #trade #auspol #EU

Australian politician’s speech at tobacco conference in September allegedly in breach of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/oct/28/australian-politicians-speech-at-tobacco-conference-in-september-allegedly-in-breach-of-who-treaty The Northern Territory independent MP Kezia Purick was the first Australian politician to speak at a tobacco-industry funded conference in a decade. #tobacco #interference #auspol

Illicit tobacco shop raids across Victoria snares millions of dollars worth of illegal vapes, tobacco https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-27/taskforce-viper-raids-across-victoria/103030746 via @ABCaustralia #smoking #vaping #auslaw #auspol #springst Accompanied by Australian Border Force officers and tax officials, police raided outlets in Shepparton, Seymour, Yarrawonga, and Ballarat, seizing more than $2 million worth of vapes, cigarettes, loose tobacco, and cash.

This is quite a shocking report in the news today on how climate and environmental scientists are restricted in communicating their science in the Australian public service.

#AusPol #climate #climateChange


The Snowy 2.0 Project has not delivered on its promises. A sinkhole, toxic gas and the $2 billion mistake behind Snowy 2.0's blowout https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-23/snowy-hydro-sinkhole-toxic-gas-tunnelling-four-corners/102995568 via @ABCaustralia #energy #auspol #infrastucture (Sadly, it reads like an episode of Utopia...)

"The Uluru Statement from the Heart, a work of deep reflection and extensive consultation within Aboriginal communities, is a generous gift to our nation," Tim Winton wrote.
"But it's also a compelling plea for our First Peoples to be seen and properly listened to. It's an opportunity for all of us – Indigenous, native-born and immigrant – to go forward together in a new spirit of respect, honesty and hope.

"For something better. To do better. To be better. And to produce better outcomes for those in our midst whose lives are so often constrained, deformed, devalued and cut short because of trauma, exclusion and the ignorance of others."

"And to their offer of unity, and their plea for a Voice that reflects their expertise, their experience and their ideas, I say yes. From the head and from the heart. Yes!"
#auspol #IndigenousIP #voicetreatytruth #ulurustatement

I desperately hope so.
The Australian gay marriage plebiscite was touted as a loser beforehand, then was overwhelmingly in favour. Joy !!! All bc a huge majority of Aussies KNEW it was the right and just thing to do.

I have been hoping for a similar scenario for #Voice . However, the increasing meaness, apathy and stone-heartedness that Australians with settler heritage have shown towards #Australias1StNationPeople demonstrate that Australia is a deeply divided and by+large racist country.

Either that or the #Indigenouspeople who make up 3% of this nation are so invisible and misunderstood, that the other 97% just do not care what happens to them bc they're not even on their radar..

Either way it's heartbreakingly sad.
How the hell are #aboriginal communities supposed to feel if #Notovoice succeeds and they know that over half of #Australia has just written them off as unworthy of a #voice
How are they supposed to be "well" with that ?

#auspol #YesToTheVoice #VoicetoParliament #VoteYES23Australia

Another myth debunked, in the end it's more likely that the main reasons that people won't support it is because you want the problems of the past to continue.

We are better than that.


“Australians are sick of seeing political parties creating one rule for themselves and another rule for everyone else,” the Curtin MP told Guardian Australia.

“If small businesses have to comply with the Privacy Act, political parties should too."

#AusPol #Privacy

So how will these work with the infamous Brandis Meta data laws? Can I ask Telstra to delete my meta data? #auspol #TheDrum

Paul Kelly - If Not Now (Live at Princess Theatre, 2023) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOktUVi_Z4o via @YouTube #music #yes23 #auspol #voice

Indigenous Voice to Parliament rallies draw big numbers across Australia https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-17/yes-vote-voice-referendum-marches-australia/102862580 via @ABCaustralia #auspol #voicetreatytruth #IndigenousIP #auslaw #yes23

Torres Strait Island performers at the Walk for Yes - Brisbane - 17 September 2023. #auspol #voicetreatytruth #IndigenousIP #auslaw #yes23

not sure I see the problem here. They don't produce policy that benefits Qantas.

How many sports stars are also members? I would guess every AFL player is.
