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Beiträge, die mit Luigimangione getaggt sind

The "change my mind" meme (originally with Steven Crowder) has been updated for 2025.

"If trump walks free, why not Luigi?"

#ChangeMyMind #trump #LuigiMangione #Healthcare #Insurance #CEO #Murder #IAmDB
A man sipping coffee sits at a folding table outside on a sidewalk.There are various documents spread out on the table in front of him and there's a sign hanging from the table that says "If Trump walks free, why not Luigi?" in black letters on a white background.

#DoALuigi. Do it today! 911 operators are standing by for YOUR call!😎🤣

A billionaire on billionaires and Income inequality. This guy should have a Luigi done on him immediately, but he's very well protected and never appears in public.

"Jamie Dimon on the economy, billionaires, and income inequality"
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jamie-dimon-on-the-economy-billionaires-and-income-inequality #LuigiMangioneWasRight #LuigiMangione #EatTheRich

https://www.bytesde.com/714713/ Er musste die Behandlung kürzlich abbrechen, nachdem seine Versicherung abgelaufen war, und ist nun leider verstorben. #LuigiMangione #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #LatestNews #Nachrichten #News
Er musste die Behandlung kürzlich abbrechen, nachdem seine Versicherung abgelaufen war, und ist nun leider verstorben. #LuigiMangione

#JohnWaters on #LuigiMangione😎: "I mean, he's not that cute. He's alright. I did say in one of my early books, 'Everybody looks better under arrest.'"😂

“ Right now, on Stack Overflow, Luigi Magione’s [sic] account has been renamed. Despite having fruitfully contributed to the network he is stripped of his name and his account is now known as “user4616250””


“ As of yet, Stack Exchange has not replied to the above post, but they did promptly and within hours gave me a year-long ban for merely raising the question”


#UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione #UHC #Tech #Censorship

Fun* fact: if we taxed 99% of Elon’s wealth - that is, took 99 cents for every dollar he had - he’d still be on the Forbes 1,000 list, meaning he would STILL have more wealth than 99.99999% of the world’s population. #LuigiMangione

* By “fun”, I mean super gross and enraging.

I think if children have to go through active shooter drills in school, then it is perfectly fine to expect the same for CEOs and billionaires.

#LuigiMangione #antifa

He read books on back pain.

He posted about it on social media.

He (like many) had negative experience w/#healthcare

Wrote review on controversal book - about tech dangers (as computer science grad - not unusual).

⭐ Main problem w/#MassSurveillance, & it's interdependent/symbiotic relationship w/#AI, is not merely #privacy - it's that *Anyone* can be made to appear guilty: w/enough #data collected.

Not claiming his innocence - I don't know. It's about the compromise of all. #luigiMangione
luigi mangione visited a shooting range, and wrote book reviews on healthcare

I wrote an essay about #LuigiMangione #healthcare and how the chattering classes have been unable to process the difference between interpersonal and institutional harm and violence.


"Dans cette affaire de meurtre d'un patron d'assurance, presque personne n'a interrogé la violence du système de santé américain."
Une analyse brillante et superbement écrite de la cruauté du capitalisme américain en matière de santé et de la colère qui s'accumule dans la population, avec pour conséquence une spirale de violence. Le problème étant que cette logique capitaliste appliquée à la santé est aussi en train de se mettre en place en France. Notre pays a besoin d'urgence d'une alternance, de la gauche au pouvoir et d'un renouveau des services publics.
#politique #polUS #USpol #santé #LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #ServicesPublics #assurance #capitalisme #Bourse

I’m masked at the #AHA and security didn’t let me into the exhibition space (where I was going to meet an editor) while other colleagues were inside already.

I understand that the space isn’t officially open, and they were following rules. But they were being selective.

Wearing a mask in the place where #LuigiMangione did his thing probably played a role in their vigilance. But this general suspicion towards masks is dangerous for everyone.

#Covid #Conferences #historians


Le capitalisme tue.
Mais lorsque la violence lui revient dans la face, le journalisme de révérence engoncé dans ses grilles de lecture-reflex passe à côté du sujet, se ridiculise puis s'offusque comme votre tonton reac' à Noel.

Un article formidable de Arrêt Sur Images à lire en accès libre

Opinion: A Call for Unity to Fix a Broken Health Care System: A health care professional with chronic illness urges bipartisan action to address high costs, insurance barriers, and mental health gaps – Columns https://www.byteseu.com/616822/ #ChronicIllness #Health #HealthCareReform #LuigiMangione

Esperad a que Abogados Cristianos vean ESTO.

It was predicted in 2014. And looking at the way people react to Luigi Mangione, I think people really have woken up. #UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #NickHanauer #pitchforks #plutocrats


This year, we should all take the time to study ways to make the next #LuigiMangione incident more successful by making it a group effort, esp. at the early manhunt stage.

Examples, if you happen to live near the incident:

If u own similar clothes to the killer's description, put them on and go jogging!

Decide that RIGHT NOW is the time to call the PD about that obstructed stop sign on your street and don't let it go until you've wasted a ton of their time.

Any other ideas?

#classwar #acab

Believe it or not there's a #LuigiMangione "support community" on #Tumblr, and remember folks, the #FBI has a noted (ken klipperstein if I recall) interest in people who support him. https://www.tumblr.com/communities/luigi-mangione-support-group

It's getting a little embarrassing that he can't be seen anywhere without his human shield attached to him these days. Is he that scared of the Luigis?

#Elon #Musk #CyberTruck #Bodyguard #HumanShield #LuigiMangione #CEO #Human #Shield
Elon Musk with Donald Trump at a black-tie New Year's Eve event at Mar-a-Lago - He has one of his small children on his shoulders, as he always does these days, seemingly acting as a human shield.

This is the latest I've been able to find on #NathanMahoney, a possible second #LuigiMangione who stabbed a CEO in #Michigan.

Still no word on his motives here.


#classwar #denydefenddepose

"Right now, on Stack Overflow, #LuigiMangione's account has been renamed. Despite having fruitfully contributed to the network he is stripped of his name and his account is now known as “user4616250”."

The erasure of Luigi Mangione - Evan Carroll

#HappyNewYear #FelizAñoNuevo #LuigiMangione #Gaza #News #Fairness #Justicia

🇪🇸 Y también os deseo un Feliz Año Nuevo pese a vivir en un mundo en el que matar a 1 multimillonario te convierte en terrorista y matar a más 15.000 niños te convierte en garante de la libertad y de la lucha contra el eje del Mal.

🇬🇧 And I also wish you a Happy New Year despite living in a world where killing 1 billionaire turns you into a terrorist and killing +15,000 children turns you into a guardian of freedom.
Drawing of Luigi Mangione published in The Hindu newspaper
Cartoon of Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal, by Brandan Reynolds

John Q adesso su Iris, #film che evidenziava già i problemi della #sanità americana nel 2002. Sono passati 22 anni, e si sorprendono della reazione del pubblico a quello che ha fatto #luigimangione