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Beiträge, die mit crimesAgainstHumanity getaggt sind

If you follow ANY #religious organization that claims one group of human beings deserve to live & others do not deserve rights to life too - you're morally fucked up. If you believe that shit - you're going to believe that #ColonialViolence is a good thing - when it is wrong. If you believe in that shit, you'd be OK mass murdering everyone else who thinks colonial violence on genocidal scales is absolutely reprehensible & part of evil #Zionist #cult #atrocities.

We, #AntiZionists don't want to slaughter all of you #Zionists. We want you to be arrested, face international war crimes trials & be imprisoned for your decades long #CrimesAgainstHumanity.

#FreePalestine #Decolonization #JusticeForPalestine #StopDehumanization #RemoveIsraelImpunity #FuckTheUSA

When somebody asks whether Israel has a right to exist, they're lying. The question implies something that isn't true. Francesca Albanese explains:


International Criminal Court seeks #Israeli PM’s arrest
"ICC issued #arrestwarrants for Benjamin #Netanyahu & his former defence chief as well as Hamas leader Al-Masri, for alleged #warcrimes & #crimesagainsthumanity in the #Gaza #conflict.. #ICC judges said there're reasonable grounds to believe Netanyahu & Gallant were criminally responsible for acts incl'g #murder, #persecution & #starvation as #weaponofwar as part of a widespread & systematic attack against civilians"

#fyi Prime source International Criminal Court - ICC

Situation in the State of Palestine: ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I rejects the State of Israel’s challenges to jurisdiction and issues warrants of arrest for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant

🔖 #pressrelease 2024-NON-21

Please share for #media -- #ihl #warcrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity


They can't stop pretending to be victims: "Israel’s opposition leaders fiercely criticized the ICC’s move. Benny Gantz... saying it showed “moral blindness” and was a “shameful stain of historic proportion that will never be forgotten.”"
#genocide #CrimesAgainstHumanity #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #legal #ICC #Israel #fascism #Zionism #GenocideJoe #ICC #ICJ #UN

It's high time Australia:
- recognised the state of Palestine;
- ceased all support for Israel;
- recalled our ambassador and expelled theirs;
- cancelled all Israeli visas;
- froze Israeli assets in Australia;
- stopped materiel, personnel and information flowing from Australia to Israel;
- declared Israel a terrorist state (so Australian citizens who have gone to fight for Israel are subject to prosecution).


Judging by your timeline @rivertothesea I doubt that you have any interest in being fair.

For centuries, all creeds shared Palestine. In the 19th century, Zionists invaded and the war began. Resistance continues.

While the Zionist state exists, there is no hope for lasting peace. When 🇮🇱 is dismantled and Palestine reborn, then there will be hope.

By conflating Zionism and Israel with Judaism, Zionists endanger Jews worldwide. The world in general, and Jews in particular, will be safer when the Zionist state no longer exists.


"Israel has made it abundantly clear that it does not want a ceasefire, not even at the cost of its own citizens’ lives. Nor will it countenance a Palestinian State."
"Australians sickened by Israel’s shocking violence and outraged by its impunity are reeling. We want to know why you have not implemented the most peaceful and effective way of bringing this hellish catastrophe to an end: a complete boycott, sanctions and divestment policy on Israel? Surely that would be the least Australia could, and should, do."


📢 New report by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor:

'They killed them without them moving a muscle': Field executions, starvation, and forced displacement by Israeli army in northern #gaza

#ihl #genevaconventions #warcrime

📑 Read the full report - prime source 👇


"What matters is evidence of the crime, and there is more than enough for the #ICC’s chief prosecutor to issue an application for an arrest warrant for #Biden, just as it did for Netanyahu."

James Bamford | The Case Against #JoeBiden for Complicity in #Genocide


#USpol #USpolitics #USForeignPolicy #ArmsTransfers #Palestine #Israel #oPt #Gaza #GazaGenocide #InternationalCriminalCourt #WarCrimes #WarOnGaza #CrimesAgainstHumanity @palestine @israel

Israelis apparently have a list of horrors to be inflicted upon mankind's future and hope, the children. So far they have managed total impunity no matter how horrendous their crimes perpetrated against the most vulnerable, weak and fragile. #Gaza #waronchildren #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #ethniccleansing #massmurders #thebanalityofevil #MedecinsSansFrontieres

IDF soldiers and racist Israelis went on a rampage attacking Dutch citizens, people with Arab ethnicity, and destroying Palestinian flags. All this done in a European capital. Israelis live in Asia, the Middle East. Now this perennial right-wing enabling sh!thead, who wrote columns about voting for Mob Ford, would like to pontificate on antisemetism in Europe. Fvck off Toronto Star. Fvck off Israel. #Amsterdam #Israel #genocide #FreePalestine #CrimesAgainstHumanity

"The patterns we have observed concerning Israel’s military conduct in Gaza indicate a systematic and organised campaign to destroy life, conditions necessary for life, and life-sustaining infrastructure."


30 Jewish organizations issue statement in support of UN Human Rights Rapporteur Albanese, who has been under relentless attack from politically motivated organizations waging toxic campaigns to silence her and undermine her human rights mandate.

30 Jewish organizations: we support UN Human Rights Rapporteur Francesca Albanese 5 November 2024

As Jewish organizations and groups, we express our support for Francesca Albanese, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories occupied since 1967.

Ms. Albanese has been under relentless attack from politically motivated organizations like "UN Watch’, which have been waging toxic smear campaigns to silence her and to harm her human rights mandate. Those organizations have one objective: shielding the Israeli government from international criticism and legal accountability.

Regrettably, representatives of some Western governments have been giving a strong tailwind to these smear campaigns, by accusing Ms. Albanese of antisemitism. We reject such allegations, which are unfounded and recklessly incite against Ms. Albanese, 2t the risk of endangering her personal safety.

Speaking out in defence of more than two million civilians in Gaza whose lives are existentially threatened, including by deliberate starvation, Ms. Albanese has been denouncing the political collusion and military complicity of Western governments in Israel's annihilation of Gaza. Instead of stopping Israel's war crimes, some of those governments are attempting to silence the messenger.

As Jews committed to justice, equality and universal human rights, we strongly condemn the shameful diplomatic and military support that many Western ...
We commend the exceptional moral steadfastness of UN Human Rights Rapporteur Albanese amid the unspeakable suffering of the Palestinians and in the face of the malign attacks against her and her UN mandate.
A Different Jewish Voice (Netheriands)
Antizionist Jewish Allance in Belgium (Belgium)
Boycott from Within (Palestine/Israel)
Decolonizer (Belgium)
Een Andere Joodse Stem (Belgium)
European Jews for a Just Peace (Europe)
European Jews for Palestine (Europe)
IfNotNow Toronto (Canada)
Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (Argentina)
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (Spain)
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (UK)
Israelis Against Apartheid (Israel/Palestine)
Jewish Call for Peace (Luxemburg)
Jewish Voice for Labour (UK)
Jews for Justice for Palestinians (UK)
Jews for Palestine (Ireland)
Joder for Retfeerdig Fred af 5784 (Denmark)
Jodiske Stemmer for Rettferdig Fred (Norway)
Judeobolschewiener*innen (Austria)
Judeus pela Paz e Justica (Portugal)
Judische Stimme fir Demokratie und Gerechtigkeit in Tsrael/Palistina (Switzertand)
Judische Stimme fir gerechten Frieden im Nahen Osten (Germany)
Junts Associacié Catalana de Jueus i Palestins (Spain)
MARAD, Collectif juif decolonial (Switzerland) Nahlii - Jews For Justice In Palestine (Finland)
Tsedek! (France)
Union des progressistes juifs de Belgique (Belgium)
Union juive frangaise pour la paix (France)
United Jewish People’s Order (Canada)

"To be classified as a terrorist organisation under section 102.1 of the Criminal Code, an entity must be involved in, or support, the planning, preparation, or execution of terrorist acts."
"The recent actions of Israel and the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) raise pressing questions about the consistent application of Australia’s anti-terror laws."
"‘... the only conclusion you can draw is that the Israeli army is one of the most criminal armies in the world’"
"Applying Australia’s anti-terror laws consistently is not just a matter of fairness; it is an issue of sovereignty. Australia has a duty to ensure that its proscription decisions are guided by national interests and an objective assessment of threats to its citizens, rather than aligning uncritically with the foreign policy of allied nations."


"No doubt drawing parallels between the Nazis and the current Israeli government’s policies will induce apoplexy amongst Netanyahu’s supporters, not to mention the all too predictable accusations of antisemitism. But do the unbelievable, inhuman horrors of World War 2 or October 7th mean that we must remain forever silent no matter what the state of Israel does?"

#War Crimes

#EyalWeizman: "What we are seeing is a systematic and organised campaign to destroy life in #Gaza"

Weizman talks with Frank Barat about the work of #ForensicArchitecture and its new report and cartographic platform, "A Cartography of Genocide."


#Palestine #oPt #CounterForensics #GazaGenocide #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StateCrime #StateViolence #cartography


Genocide is the name of this event.

"One of the most startling aspects of Israel’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza has been the destruction wreaked on the territory’s health sector. Over the past 13 months, the Israeli military has besieged and raided at least 10 hospitals, saying the attacks are a military necessity because Hamas uses the facilities as command and control bases."
#Israel #Palestine #legal #warcrimes #ethniccleansing #genocide #CrimesAgainstHumanity

It's the sheer depravity of the people who would do such things that's shocking. But the world looks away – it doesn't want to know because it's complicit.

(AP) #Israel #Gaza #hospitals #crimesagainsthumanity


L'horreur à #Gaza : attaques israélienne à #Jabaliya, "Les gens sont tués dans la rue. Personne pour ramasser les corps, dévorés par des chiens errants" #Palestine #genocide #impunité #Israel #Nuremberg2 #crimesagainsthumanity https://www.rfi.fr/fr/moyen-orient/20241030-guerre-isra%C3%ABl-gaza-%C3%A0-jabaliya-il-n-y-a-personne-pour-ramasser-les-corps-d%C3%A9vor%C3%A9s-par-des-chiens-errants

Does anybody have insights into this mob:
They purport an interest in accuracy, but their articles seem all to slant one way.

#War Crimes