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Beiträge, die mit press getaggt sind

"Arizona attorney general says she has 'no intention' of dropping fake electors case"


“A grand jury in the state of Arizona decided that these individuals who engaged in an attempt to overthrow our democracy in 2020 should be held accountable, so we won’t be cowed,” Kris Mayes said.

#Arizona #AG #election #press

"A Positive Outlook on Aging is Linked to Feeling Sharper Mentally, Says New Study"


"Your attitudes about aging, whether positive or negative, can lead to a better—or worse—cognitive experience in your senior years, suggests a new study from researchers at Penn State."

#health #aging #press

"Israeli strike said to kill top Hezbollah assassin wanted for killing Lebanese PM"


"Salim Jamil Ayyash was sentenced in absentia by UN-backed tribunal to life in prison for role in 2005 suicide bombing that killed Rafiq Hariri"

#Hezbollah #terrorists #Lebanon #press
Salim Ayyash

"Nadav Popplewell, 51: Computer whiz and doting uncle"


"Kidnapped from Kibbutz Nirim on October 7 and slain in captivity in Gaza, his body recovered in August 2024"

#Hamas #terrorists #Gaza #Israel #Oct7 #press
Nadav Popplewell, 51. Killed in Gaza's Hamas captivity.

"Staff Sgt. Yogev Aharon, 20: Golani soldier dreamed of overseas travel"


Killed battling the Hamas invasion of the IDF Kissufim outpost on Oct. 7"

#Hamas #terrorists #Gaza #Oct7 #Israel #IDF #press
Staff Sgt. Yogev Aharon, 20. Killed battling Gaza's Hamas.

"Amichai Weitzen, 33: High school educator and devoted dad of 5"


"Killed battling the Hamas invasion of Kibbutz Kerem Shalom on October 7"

#Hamas #terrorists #Oct7 #Israel #press
Amichai Weitzen, 33. Killed battling Gaza's Hamas.

"DC kosher restaurant has windows smashed on eve of Kristallnacht anniversary"


"Char Bar suffered similar incident in 2020; senior Newsweek editor says every Jew in political circles has been to restaurant, incident 'disgusting and horrific'"

#DC #violence #antisemitism #Jews #press

'Ministers support legislation allowing police to secretly access suspects’ computers"


"Otzma Yehudit-backed bill written so as to prevent law enforcement from using spyware tools against politicians suspected of corruption"

#Israel #privacy #tech #press

"Israel says Palestinian Islamic Jihad operations head killed in Gaza strike"


"IDF and Shin Bet say Muhammad Abu Saheel killed in command room embedded in former school; two soldiers injured by anti-tank fire in separate incidents in north Gaza."

#PIJ #terrorism #Gaza #Israel #press
Muhammad Abu Saheel

World News Emekli adam yanlışlıkla 200 bin lira hesap ödedi! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/emekli-adam-yanlislikla-200-bin-lira-hesap-odedi-185125.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

A Canadian teenager is hospitalized with bird flu and a @CDCgov study finds undetected human cases on U.S. dairy farms.

“We will have a bird flu pandemic.”—Redfield, ex-CDC director.
Tick tock⏰ #press

World News Lider Barcelona'ya Real Sociedad darbesi! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/lider-barcelona-ya-real-sociedad-darbesi-185123.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Şanlıurfa'da düğünde silahla vurulan genç kız öldü https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/sanliurfa-da-dugunde-silahla-vurulan-genc-kiz-oldu-185122.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Trump'tan Putin'e uyarı: Artık bitir! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/trump-tan-putin-e-uyari-artik-bitir-185121.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Marmaray istasyonunda güvenlik görevlisi tartıştığı yolcuyu vurdu https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/marmaray-istasyonunda-guvenlik-gorevlisi-tartistigi-yolcuyu-vurdu-185120.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Türkiye'den İsrail’e ‘petrol sevkiyatı’ iddialarına yanıt! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/turkiye-den-israil-e-petrol-sevkiyati-iddialarina-yanit-185119.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Sivassporlu Koita'dan Mourinho'ya gönderme! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/sivassporlu-koita-dan-mourinho-ya-gonderme-185118.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Ankara’da yaşanan 'yan baktın' tartışmasında kan aktı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ankara-da-yasanan-yan-baktin-tartismasinda-kan-akti-185117.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Ergin Ataman hastaneye kaldırıldı! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ergin-ataman-hastaneye-kaldirildi-185116.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News SPK'ya yeni atamalar Resmi Gazete'de! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/spk-ya-yeni-atamalar-resmi-gazete-de-185115.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

[Libération] - #Amsterdam : #SkyNews a-t-il supprimé un reportage qui soulignait les violences des supporters du #Maccabi Tel-Aviv ?

Le média britannique a remplacé une première version d’un sujet consacré à l’agression de #supporters de #foot israéliens aux #PaysBas, dans la nuit du 7 au 8 novembre. La journaliste rapportait les violences et chants racistes perpétrés en amont par des «ultras d’#ExtrêmeDroite israéliens».

Via @brume

[Accès libre]


#RevueDePresse #Press

World News Lübnan 43 kişinin cesedine ulaştığını duyurdu https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/lubnan-43-kisinin-cesedine-ulastigini-duyurdu-185113.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Hakan Çalhanoğlu'ndan muhteşem gol! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/hakan-calhanoglu-ndan-muhtesem-gol-185112.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Sakaryaspor - Kocaelispor maçında ortalık karıştı! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/sakaryaspor---kocaelispor-macinda-ortalik-karisti-185111.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Van Bronckhorst: Lige havlu atmadık! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/van-bronckhorst-lige-havlu-atmadik-185110.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Mendil satarken köpeğin ısırdığı 7 yaşındaki Eyüp yaralandı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/mendil-satarken-kopegin-isirdigi-7-yasindaki-eyup-yaralandi-185109.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Atatürk Selanik'teki doğduğu evde anıldı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ataturk-selanik-teki-dogdugu-evde-anildi-185108.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Zeki Murat Göle: Fenerbahçe karakterini ortaya koyduk https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/zeki-murat-gole-fenerbahce-karakterini-ortaya-koyduk-185107.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Bülent Uygun: İlk golü yedikten sonra toparlanamadık https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/bulent-uygun-ilk-golu-yedikten-sonra-toparlanamadik-185106.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Trump, Rusya Devlet Başkanı Putin ile görüştü! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/trump-rusya-devlet-baskani-putin-ile-gorustu-185104.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Süper Lig'e yükselme yarışında zirve alev alev! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/super-lig-e-yukselme-yarisinda-zirve-alev-alev-185103.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News 15 Temmuz gazisi Halil Alğan'dan acı haber https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/15-temmuz-gazisi-halil-algan-dan-aci-haber-185102.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Süper Lig'de son durum! İşte sonuçlar ve puan durumu! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/super-lig-de-son-durum-iste-sonuclar-ve-puan-durumu-185101.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

Six exercises for your brain

Regular exercise helps improve concentration, increase stress resistance and slow down age-related changes in brain function.

They also affect the general psycho-emotional state, making us more resistant to depression, anxiety and cognitive impairment.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #exercise #training #brain

World News İran ile Suudi Arabistan arasında 'somut sonuçlar' görüşmesi https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/iran-ile-suudi-arabistan-arasinda-somut-sonuclar-gorusmesi-185098.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press