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Beiträge, die mit UnitedHealthCare getaggt sind

These Entrepreneurs Are Using AI To Fight Health Insurance Claims Denials https://www.byteseu.com/550285/ #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #claimable #denials #fighthealthinsurance.com #HealthInsurance #HealthcareDenials #HoldenKarau #InsuranceAppeals #InsuranceClaims #UnitedHealthcare #WarrisBokhari
These Entrepreneurs Are Using AI To Fight Health Insurance Claims Denials

I obviously don't encourage the taking of human lives, but I find no fault with this man's manifesto. Also, health insurance companies shouldn't take human lives.
#UsPol #HealthCare #UnitedHealthCare

Exclusive: Luigi's Manifesto - Ken Klippenstein

Folk in the UK - remember what happened when the railways were privatised?
Yeah...prices shot up.

Remember what happened when energy was privatised? Yep...prices shot up.

Are you noticing what's happening now the post office has been privatised? You've got it - prices are shooting up.

You know that health service you get free whenever you need it? Pay attention to what's happening in the US right now



Good food for thought..

#unitedhealthcare #ceo

In this video we focus on the concept of 'social murder' as outlined by Friedrich #Engels in his 1845 book "The Conditions of the Working Class in England"

Then we move onto the media and internet reaction to the murder of CEO Brian Thompson, the folk hero status of our man #Luigi, and a general critique of insurance and society from a #workingclass, #proletarian perspective.
#socialMurder #prole #marx #UnitedHealthcare #ceo #LuigiMangione
#BrianThompson #justice


On the charge of first degree murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, how does the jury find the defendant?



Wait.. what was the game? Smash or pass?

#UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson #CEO #LuigiMangione

If your name is Mario, and you're a defence attorney in New York, you have the opportunity to do the greatest thing humanity has ever seen.


#UnitedHealthCare #BrianThompson #CEO #LuigiMangione

#Google admits to #MemoryHoling and rigs reviews of restaurants... It pulls bad #McDonalds reviews after #LuigiMangione’s arrest

Tech giant says reviews responding to employee’s tip-off that led to suspect’s arrest 🤣violate its policies🤣."

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/12/11/google-pulls-bad-mcdonalds-reviews-after-luigi-mangiones-arrest #UnitedHealthcare ##DeadCEOGoodCEO

Imagine being so despised that they catch your murderer they basically admit to murdering you and there's a decent chance a jury wouldn't convict you if you went to trial.

#HealthCareReform #Manifesto #UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione

Sharing here, as copypasta'ed from Klippenstein, because I think it's generally a better bet to distribute this widely and individually.

Luigi Mangione's manifesto. #alttext added.
#LuigiMangione #ceo #unitedhealthcare #manifesto
“To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”

No, people do not hate rich (wealthy) people.

Let's be real, and admit that most people would not mind being wealthy (rich) themselves, and so that is not the true issue. The issue is many (but not all) of these wealthy people did not become wealthy through sheer work and determination, but instead at the expense of their fellow human beings. Often with no care for the many lives they negatively impacted.

#Healthcare #UnitedHealthcare #HumanRights #EatTheRich

Authorities believe suspect Luigi Mangione used a 3D-printed, untraceable gun in the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

@Vox says this may be the first time a “ghost gun” was used in a high-profile shooting.


#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #UnitedHealthcare #Shooting #Guns #GunControl #Crime

#LuigiMangione's quickly removed substack 'manifesto':

"The Allopathic Complex and Its Consequences (luigi mangione's last words) LM DEC 09, 2024"

Ken Klipperstein claims this 262 word text is that. Caveat Emptor https://www.kenklippenstein.com/p/luigis-manifesto

#unitedhealthcare #brianthompson #DeadCEOGoodCEO

"The Ivy League graduate arrested on suspicion of assassinating the CEO of UnitedHealthcare took issue with two of the prosecutor’s claims during his first court appearance on Monday night."

👉#LuigiMangione Accuses Cops of Planting Key Evidence👈 in #UnitedHealthcare #DeadCEOGoodCEO #BrianThompson #Assassination


Thanks to his Goodreads, we know a lot about the reading habits of Luigi Mangione, who was arrested for the shooting of UnitedHealthcare's CEO. LitHub leafed through his digital bookshelf.


#LuigiMangione #Books @bookstodon #UnitedHealthcare #Crime

If you like astrology, it will make you happy to know that United Healthcare, and the scam that is American for-profit health insurance in general, is probably about to get a kick in the a$$ from Karma Herself.


"Given the corruption out there, you can personally expect (and we can all collectively expect) 2025 and 2026 to revolve the karma for those at fault."

The system is unsustainable. We all know it.

#UnitedHealthcare #Astrology #Economy #Healthcare #Medical
The Astrology of UnitedHealth
Hard Karma from 2006-2007 is Coming in January 2025
Jessica Adams Dec 9
UNITEDHEALTH IS NOW ON A FAMOUS ‘STUCK RECORD’ KARMA CYCLE. The past is coming for them, and it all starts in January 2025.

In this feature I will look at the South Node in Virgo (public health) and why the murder of the UnitedHealth CEO will lead straight to a 2025-2026 cycle.

#LuigiMangione #UnitedHealthcare #Law #TrueCrime

This just keeps getting more interesting. .


I notice that on here, #MedicareForAll has gone from 10 posts to over 50 since the #UnitedHealthcare CEO killing.

I'm SURE there are Specialists who do this.

1960s edition here: https://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/post/147731249619 (includes the complete secret plan to levitate the pentagon ...😎)

"I spend a nontrivial amount of time wondering if spies spend a much time juggling .csv spreadsheets as marketing people do." #Altoona #unitedhealthcare #DeadCEOGoodCEO #CyberSec #CyberSecurity #CyberStalking

The reaction to the monstrous CEO of the monstrous health insurance company being sauced for the goose may be the first case of widespread empathy scoping learned by the internet people at large. #CEO #unitedhealthcare

Following the killing of an insurance CEO, a tribal public response suggested some Americans accept violence as justifiable political speech. But the coordinated police response encouraged others, as did a citizen-led capture fueled by shared clues and images. #UnitedHealthcare #CEO #murder


Posted into The American Story @the-american-story-csmonitor

Ken White is a national treasure.

“America is a country where lynching was a family pastime…

“Violence against people we’ve decided to hate doesn’t break norms. It is the norm.”



Son of a b*tch, #UnitedHealthcare! Days after #Medicare open enrollment closes, UHC sends me an email that they changed their tier 4 drugs for 2025. The most expensive and restrictive tier. This will affect 4 of my medications, pushing towards the $2000 maximum out-of-pocket yearly limit.
AARP Medicare Rx, changes to your 2025 drug plan email

@pluralistic has great thoughts about the recent murder of #UnitedHealthCare #CEO #BrianThompson and how they relate to a story he wrote a while ago:


However, #Anthem's retreat from changing how anaesthesia is billed, was one a rare "Enemy of my enemy" moment.

In this piece:

@Vox explains how "[the] policy would not have increased costs for their enrollees...it would have reduced payments for some of the most overpaid physicians in America."

The Media: "THE #unitedhealthcare SHOOTER PLAYED VIDEO GAMES!!!"
The Video Game: #AmongUs

In the wake of this shooting every media organization commenting on it has had to grapple with the waves of public enthusiasm for Luigi’s actions. Right-wing media figures condemning the left for celebrating this assassination have been criticized by their own readers and listeners. Insurance companies have pulled down lists of their executives from the Internet.

This is because they too understand the shooter culture of the United States. Like anyone else, they know that any mass shooting that meets with massive media coverage and interest will spawn copycats. The assassination Luigi is believed to have carried out was new and exciting; it demanded the public’s attention in a way most mass shootings don’t.

At almost the exact same time the United Healthcare CEO was assassinated, a gunman walked into a religious school near Oroville California and shot two young children before killing himself. This shooting drew almost no national attention. It was entirely drowned out by the execution of an insurance industry CEO. The armed and disaffected young men who are most drawn to this sort of thing will not miss this fact.
#luigimangione #brianthompson #unitedhealthcare #USPol #alienation #capitalism

A reminder:
1. Medical debt is already a cause of suicide amongst patients

2. It is also a cause of murder-suicide amongst patients

3. It is ALSO a cause of murders, amongs patients and their relatives.

4. There was no change last week in New York. We’re only seeing the rarer cases at the tail end of the curve, where medical debt causes assassinations.

The system is VIOLENCE

#UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione

"The suspected shooter of #UnitedHealthcare's CEO stepped into the gaping void left by the absence of government regulation of industry and he did a bang-up job. Why not give him a shot at a new role?" - #KenSilverstein


#LuigiMangione #BrianThompson #HealthcareProfiteers #USpol #USpolitics #PrivéEnSanté


Also, the #UnitedHealthcare killing proves my point that the NRA owns this shooting. The gun in question was a ghost gun, which the NRA has fought tooth and nail to deregulate. The combination of tens of thousands of deaths a year from lack of healthcare and the NRA pushing for the right to keep and bear ghost guns means the #UnitedHealthcare CEO killing was a tragedy waiting to happen. The solutions are more gun control, #BasicIncome, and #MedicareForAll. #USPol

It turns out that the killer of #UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was part of a prominent right-wing family in #Baltimore, #Maryland.

--Such people are not our allies and in fact, shootings like this are a direct result of their ideology.

--Criminals like this one are typically rich kids with too much time on their hands who think they can buy their way out of trouble and/or can get mommy or daddy to bail them out.
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/12/9/2291076/-Luigi-Mangione-is-from-a-ultra-rich-ultra-right-wing-family?pm_campaign=trending&pm_source=sidebar&pm_medium=web #USPol

In the speech, Mangione expressed his ambition to study artificial intelligence at the University of Pennsylvania and praised his classmates for creativity.
#UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione