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Beiträge, die mit İran getaggt sind

Apoyar el ataque de Azerbaiyán a Armenia no redunda en beneficio de Israel: opinión en The Jerusalem Post #armenia #azerbaiyán #CorredorDeZangezur #iran #israel #panturquismo #turquia Descubre por qué apoyar la agresión de Azerbaiyán contra Armenia podría ir en contra de los intereses de Israel. Un análisis desde la perspectiva del Cáucaso Sur y sus implicaciones estratégicas. https://soyarmenio.com/noticias-de-armenia/israel-azerbaiyan-armenia-corredor-zangezur/

What is the role of foreign armies in the Syria conflict? Who’s fighting with whom? – Firstpost https://www.byteseu.com/690589/ #BasharAlAssad #Conflicts #Iran #IranSyria #KurdishWorkers #kurds #KurdsSyria #Russia #RussiaInSyria #RussiaTroops #Syria #SyriaWar #Turkey #TurkeyInSyria #UnitedStates #US #UsInSyria
What is the role of foreign armies in the Syria conflict? Who's fighting with whom? – Firstpost

https://www.europesays.com/1800650/ Israeli soldiers leak “sensitive” Iron Dome information to Iran #breaking #Conflicts #espionage #Iran #Israel #IsraeliSoldiersLeak“sensitive”IronDomeInformationToIran
Israeli soldiers leak “sensitive” Iron Dome information to Iran

Iran Fires AI-Powered Missiles As Israel “Makes Decision To Attack” Nuke Facilities, Seeks Trump Nod https://www.byteseu.com/689938/ #Conflicts #crux #Iran #IranAttackIsrael #IranAttackIsraelToday #IranIsrael #Israel #IsraelIran #IsraelVsIran

🇮🇱Israel has ordered UNRWA to leave the illegally occupied Palestinian territory. This is an attack not only on Palestinians but also the United Nations. There must be consequences. Canada must support efforts to suspend Israel’s UN membership

@gazawatch @flawed

The Jerusalem Post: Iranian hackers broadcast rocket sirens, pro-terror songs at 20 Israeli kindergartens…

The Iranian hacker group Handala claimed responsibility for breaching the emergency systems of Maager-Tec at 20 kindergartens... #israel #iran #handala #hackers #cybersecurity


Sie strebe nicht an, die Kontrolle über das Gebiet zu behalten, sagte ein ranghoher Vertreters der Hamas. Seit diesem Montag erlaubt die israelische Armee Vertriebenen die Rückkehr in den nördlichen Teil des Gazastreifens. Bereits am Morgen bildeten sich lange Schlangen von Rückkehrern.#NaherOsten #Palästina #Westjordanland #Gazastreifen #Gaza #Hamas #Hisbollah #BenjaminNetanjahu #Nahostkonflikt #KrieginNahost #ProtestezumNahostkonflikt #Israel #Libanon #Iran #Leserdiskussion #Politik #SüddeutscheZeitung

#Israel muss diesen Krieg gewinnen

Der Krieg der #Palästinenser gegen Israel ist ein Nullsummenspiel – entweder gewinnt Israel und sichert sein Überleben, und die Palästinenser werden besiegt; oder die Palästinenser gewinnen und der Countdown für Israels Zerstörung beginnt.


#USA #Trump #Witkoff #Biden #NaherOsten #Judenhass #Mordlust #Vergewaltigung #Folter #Mord #Gaza #Hamas #Massenmörder #Dschihadismus #Völkermord #Libanon #Iran #Hisbollah #China

Israel’s ceasefire deals in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip came under strain from deadly violence and a dispute with Hamas over the fate of an Israeli hostage, raising the stakes for efforts to keep the agreements on track. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/01/27/world/politics/israel-ceasefire-gaza-refugee/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu #iran #lebanon #hezbollah

Israeli Defense Minister signals potential action against Iran https://www.byteseu.com/688390/ #breaking #Conflicts #Iran #Israel #IsraelKatz #IsraeliDefenseMinisterSignalsPotentialActionAgainstIran #PeteHegseth #UnitedStates
Israeli Defense Minister signals potential action against Iran

Iran Drone Update

High quality images of Iran's Shahed-149 'Gaza' drone, equipped with 8 'Sadid' smart guided bombs, in recent exercise
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Iran

2-year-old Laila al-Khatib was shot in head and killed by #Israel's occupation forces in Saturday January 25th in the village of Muthallat Ash-Shuhada, south of the city of #Jenin on #Palestine's

#Israeli occupied West Bank.

"Funeral of Laila al-Khatib, in Jenin"


#Israel #Israeli #Palestine #Palestinians #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinian #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Gaza #Qatar

Iraq Is a Key Test of Trump’s Willingness to Counter Iran https://www.byteseu.com/686459/ #AlAsad #Baghdad #Conflicts #CounterIran #Government #Iran #IranBackedKataibHezbollahMilitia #Iraq #IsisRemnant #JoelWing #knight #power #Syria #Tehran #trump #UsForce #UsTroop

🔰 #ConflictoEnOrienteMedio

Los hutíes de #Yemen han liberado a los tripulantes de un buque carguero que ellos han capturado en noviembre del 2023 en el Mar Rojo. «Hamas» y otras organizaciones político-militares habrían participado en la liberación, según afirma el comunicado. El grupo yemení adoptó esta decisión como señal de apoyo a la tregua acordada ente #Israel y «Hamas» la semana pasada.

Los hutíes, «Hamas» integran el ‘eje de la resistencia’, coordinado por #Irán contra Israel y afines.

🇾🇪 Quite significant. Yemen's Khawlan Al-Tiyal tribes in Ma'rib Governorate have assembled in what could be the largest tribal gathering I have ever seen, publicly declaring their preparedness to defend Yemen against any direct attack by the US or Israel.



The genocide in Palestine continues even as some prisoners are exchanged. The Israeli regime has shifted the principal military focus of the genocide from Gaza to the West Bank, as it carries out brutal attacks & ethnic cleansing there



🇬🇧 Tragically, Gaza is not the first genocide to be supported by a UK government.

And unless we change things, it won’t be the last.

