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Beiträge, die mit Framing getaggt sind

“left-leaning pundits are mostly ignoring what left-leaning technologists are doing. I don’t know how to bridge that gap.”

- @glyph


#news #journalism #framing #communications #marketing #branding #technology #infrastructure #infohygiene

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #hamas / #idf / #warfare / #civilianwarvictims / #narrative / #framing

„Surprised by Oct. 7 and fearful of another attack, Israel weakened safeguards meant to protect noncombatants, allowing officers to endanger up to 20 people in each airstrike. One of the deadliest bombardments of the 21st century followed.“


#Democrats have a lot to learn from @georgelakoff about #Election2024 . For example,

Frames trump facts. People are buying into the alternate reality that authoritarian Republicans are creating.

Authoritarians are winning the communication war. They are have invested in #messaging and #media outlets for decades.

Dems moving to the right failed -- again. There is no "center" in US politics.

& other wisdom:

Part of a US flag and the word Freedom

Image Source: https://foto.wuestenigel.com/wp-content/uploads/api/american-flag-with-the-text-freedom-against-a-blackboard-background.jpeg

Owen Jones:

Amsterdam Mayor: I REGRET Claiming Pogrom And Not Denouncing Tel Aviv Thugs' Violence


#Amsterdam #Maccabi #racist #violence #Israel #farRight #media #framing #propaganda

"A week on from the "pogrom" in Amsterdam, we're starting to see who knew this was coming, who lied about it, who laundered it, and who benefited from it.

As we see a crackdown on dissenting voices throughout the world, what happens in the Netherlands isn't isolated, it isn't random, and it isn't insignificant. If what I suspect happened really happened, then we are in for some very dark times indeed."


#Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #IDF #racial #incitement #framing

1/3 Ramsey Nasr:“De voetbalclub Maccabi is walgelijk. Dat het uitnodigen van deze groep supporters geen risico zou vormen, lijkt me 'n redenering uit Lala-land. Maccabi is internationaal berucht, de supporterskern is extreemrechts, zwaar racistisch en gelooft in joodse superioriteit."
“Alle burgers, oud, jong, wit, zwart, Joods, moslim, verdienen bescherming in plaats van te worden opgehitst of bejaagd door onze leiders.”
#Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #antisemitism #framing #racisme #islamaphobia

"Volgens Pulitzer Prizewinnaar Nathan Thrall slaat Israël munt uit ‘uiterst partijdige berichtgeving’ over geweld tegen Israëliërs, zoals vorige week tegen Maccabi Tel Avivsupporters in Amsterdam. ‘Ik voel als Jood nu een nog grotere verplichting mijn stem te verheffen.’ [...] Het is belangrijk onderscheid te maken tussen aanvallen gericht op Joden en aanvallen gericht op Israëliërs die niets met antisemitisme te maken hebben.”

https://www.parool.nl/boeken/winnaar-pulitzer-prize-nathan-thrall-over-geweld-tegen-maccabisupporters-aanvallen-op-israeliers-zijn-op-zichzelf-niet-antisemitisch~badaa633/ #Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #framing

⚠️ ❗ The first media outlet that apologizes for using footage of the Maccabi supporters attacking Amsterdam citizens in a framed anti-semitism context (but still fail to tell what exactly happened on that video: Maccabi 'supporters' (hooligans) were agressive and attacked the Amsterdam citizens in front of Central Station. )



#Amsterdam #Israel #Maccabi #hooligans #fakenews #framing #media #fale
Screenshot of a tweet plus image file by iAnnet 🦋
This morning, I received an apology from journalist Christian Feld (@ChrFeld) of @ARD_BaB
Tagesschau is the first news outlet to apologize for using my footage of the Maccabi supporters attacking Amsterdam citizens in a framed anti-semitism context and has removed my footage from the show. Thank you, I appreciate it. 
Who will be next? 

https://tagesschau.de/multimedia/sendung/tagesschau_20_uhr/ #Amsterdam #Israel #antisemitisme

2:45 p.m. · 9 nov. 2024 
Screenshot of the website Tageschau.de with the correction:  (English follows Gernan) 

Diese Sendung wurde nachträglich bearbeitet.

Diese tagesschau-Ausgabe vom 08. November 2024 wurde wegen Fehlers nachträglich bearbeitet. In einer früheren Fassung des Beitrags zur Gewalt in Amsterdam wurden Bilder von @iAnnetnl in einem falschen Zusammenhang gezeigt. Diese Bilder zeigen nicht Angriffe auf israelische Fußball-Fans. Die Bilder wurden ausgetauscht.

Mehr zum Hintergrund dieser und anderer Korrekturen finden Sie hier: tagesschau.de/korrekturen

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This broadcast was subsequently edited.

This tagesschau edition from November 8, 2024 was subsequently edited due to an error. In an earlier version of the report on the violence in Amsterdam, images from @iAnnetnl were shown in the wrong context. These images do not show attacks on Israeli football fans. The images have been replaced.