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Beiträge, die mit Parody getaggt sind

'100% smelly' whiskey bottle dog toy violates Jack Daniel's trademarks, US judge says https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/100-smelly-whiskey-bottle-dog-toy-violates-jack-daniels-trademarks-us-judge-says-2025-01-24/ #trademark #dilution #parody #freespeech The case is VIP Products LLC v.Jack Daniel's Properties Inc, U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, No. 2:14-cv-02057.

Vibe Chart
Dec. 24-26: Festive Excess
Dec. 31-Jan. 1: New Year's Binge
Dec. 27-30: Full Goblin Mode

#humor #humour #parody #theScream #christmas #newyear #funny
a parody of edvard munch's The Sream, except the screaming figure is standing on a scale and wearing a chirstmas hat by reynolds

Eight months ago @sheepnik posted a photo of Myfanwy, we had a silly chat about making bigger & bigger emotional support chickens & then everything got even sillier.

About two weeks ago she mentioned the possibility of Godzilla vs King Kong, but with Myfanwy & the Yule Goat, & it's been squirreled away in my brain ever since. It felt suitably BIG to celebrate 100 Myfanwy pictures.

Friend is in here too btw, but they're hiding. I mean, you would, wouldn't you?

#MyfanwyAndFriend #film #parody
A parody poster of Godzilla vs. Kong, where the two of them are looming HUGE behind a grimy blue-grey cityscape, helicopter flying over, fiery clouds on the top tight lighting up Kong in the original. The title is in slightly metallic grimy text at the bottom.

Here the title has been changed to Myfanwy vs. Yule Goat. The two characters have been changed to large knitted creations. On the right, tinged red, is Myfanwy the teal and cream knitted chicken. On the left a large knitted Yule Goat, a mustard yellow with red stripes. At the top it reads ONE MUST FALL.

I would watch.

‘Critics wanted us to be a one-hit-wonder’: back in Barbie world with Aqua https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/07/one-hit-wonder-barbie-world-with-aqua?CMP=share_btn_tw “The song Barbie Girl is a social comment and was not created or approved by the makers of the doll,” stated the CD booklet, but it was subject to a lawsuit from Mattel, who sued over the song’s lyrics (“I’m a blonde bimbo girl in a fantasy world” and “kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky” wasn’t exactly the stuff of brand partnerships). A court eventually ruled in the band’s favour asserting the song was protected as a parody and by 2008 Mattel was using a family-friendly version for its own Barbie commercial. #copyright #trademark #music #parody

After French police attacked protesters for protesting the street execution of a teen-ager of Algerian descent, new protests against police violence have been announced. The police have forbidden these protests.


Protest organiser Binem Pört responded to the police announcement with, "No problem. You can just shoot us. Find someone else to live in your racist country. Oh, but I forget."

#racism #France #policeviolence #parody #humor

Send 'em to Hell with a tankful from Shell!


#shelloil #russia #ukraine #parody
New Shell Oil logo to reflect their engagement in Ukraine.

Senate set to make predatory lending illegal

The Federal government is considering ground-breaking legislation making predatory lending illegal. Housing rights activists have applauded the move.

The bill's main sponsor, Senator Ben Coyflich, said in a press announcement, "In the future, anyone caught accepting a predatory loan faces two years in prison. That means that a person who has lost his home due to unregulated banking practices will get housing in a federal penitentiary, which shall also bring much needed economic support to the growing number of towns and communities dependent on the prison industry. Everyone is a winner."

When asked whether this is not the same logic of the so-called 'war on drugs,' Coyflich replied, "Yes, exactly. If there is anything that federal drug policy has taught us over the past 50 years, the best way to regulate at the highest level is to eradicate at the lowest."

#parody #humor #BankingCrisis #HousingCrisis #käuflich

Senate set to make predatory lending illegal

The Federal government is considering ground-breaking legislation making predatory lending illegal. Housing rights activists have applauded the move.

The bill's main sponsor, Senator Ben Coyflich, said in a press announcement, "In the future, anyone caught accepting a predatory loan faces two years in prison. That means that a person who has lost his home due to unregulated banking practices will get housing in a federal penitentiary, which shall also bring much needed economic support to the growing number of towns and communities dependent on the prison industry. Everyone is a winner."

When asked whether this is not the same logic of the so-called 'war on drugs,' Coyflich replied, "Yes, exactly. If there is anything that federal drug policy has taught us over the past 50 years, the best way to regulate at the highest level is to eradicate at the lowest."

#parody #humor #BankingCrisis #HousingCrisis #käuflich