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Beiträge, die mit Zen getaggt sind

The Zen Master and his silly hat.

(Could be sillier, but still, not bad.)

#sillyhat #capybara #zen #bath #humor humor
capybara sitting in a steam pool with tangerines, with one on his head

« Meditation and worship helps to purify the mind. Looking at beauty in the world is the first step of purifying the mind. A corrupted mind can't recognize the beauty of the world. A pure mind perceives it. A pure mind is the source of happiness. »

― Amit Ray

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/767428728819269632/meditation-and-worship-helps-to-purify-the-mind

#quotes #AmitRay #purity #meditation #zazen #zen #worship #beauty #happiness

When #zen guys say that one must "live in the present moment," all I hear is how nice it must be to be a zen guy who never files tax declarations.

However, being *lucid* in the present moment says something to me. I notice that if I take up the habit to ask myself, "Why am I doing this?" I often surprise myself with the response. Often I am just following some mental rut.

My life deserves my consent.


People who achieve the most control over their lives become prisoners of what ever gave them that control. Elon Musk is a prisoner of Tesla and of his every tweet.

#zen #mentalwealth