Beiträge, die mit jemen getaggt sind
Mihai Martoiu Ticu referred to when he wrote (in
Opinions change not because people can be convinced with sound rational arguments, but because those holding old opinions eventually die.
Maybe I'm not an average guy, but in my life I've changed my mind on multiple subjects. And I'm not ashamed of it - on the contrary. I'm a human; I don't know everything there is to know (partially because info is withheld from me, but also because of 24x7 and/or not having my curiousness triggered).
For example, I changed my opinion about IT-matters a number of times. I like debates with multiple points of view, in particular when based on obvious facts.
On Oct. 7 2023, my gut feeling told me that the attack by Hamas did not occur "in a vacuum". However, at the time the first association with Palestinians that would come up in my mind, was terrorism. "Of course" Jews had the right to their own state.
I have always been too busy with ICT and infosec to dive into such topics, but now I felt the need to spend more time on learning why that attack took place.
I've read a lot. Including some of Mihai's writings, such as (from 2016), which provided new insights I was not aware about.
We should not be so ashamed to change our minds based on facts we learn. Of course it is important to at least double check what you read before jumping to conclusions.
However, i.r.t. to Gaza, the Westbank,Lebanon, Syria and Jemen, the evidence of warcrimes committed by Israeli soldiers is overwhelming, while Israeli representatives and supporters keep lying.
Note: I'm not stating that all Arabs are good people: some are insane idiots who also commit warcrimes or other cruelties to, often called, "inncocent people" (it depends, but the younger a child, the more innocent it is).
Anyway, my govermnent treats Israel as an ally that needs our unconditional support. That is why I feel the need to raise my voice - more than i.r.t. other unimaginable suffering (such as in Sudan, Afghanistan, Ukraine etc).
Most Israeli's do not want to integrate with Arabs; they want them to be silent slaves, migrate to other countries or die. And their desired map is still incomplete.
If Israel *really* is the most democratic country in the Middle East (like, among others, Ronald Plasterk argues, see, then the *majority* of Jews are inhumane and/or look away from the truth (in contrast to many Russian citizens, Israeli's *have* access to less biased media - such as Haaretz and foreign news agencies).
If a majority of Jews in Israel hates (oppresses, discriminates, rapes, tortures, kills) Arabs, then, IMO, not a single Jew has the right to occupy land in the Middle East.
And I may change my mind even further.
#DefinitionOfAntisemitism #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Westbank #Lebanon #Syria #Jemen #Warcrimes
Erik van Straten (
Attached: 1 image Ronald Plasterk 👎 In schreef Mihai Martoiu Ticu: ❝ Waarom denk je dat Ronald Plasterk Oxfam Novib wil vernietigen? Hij wil genocide plegen.Infosec Exchange
Huthis, naja. Wäre ich einer von Ihnen, würde ich wohl auch den Tod suchen. Diesen Irrsinn hält man ja im Kopf nicht aus!"
Jemens Solidarität mit Palästinensern Vereint im Kampf gegen #Israel
Die #Huthi -Miliz im #Jemen setzt weiter auf Aggression gegen #Israel und dessen Verbündete. Im Land aber schwelt die Sorge, zu einem zweiten #Libanon oder #Gazastreifen zu werden. Das Leid in der Bevölkerung ist schon jetzt groß.
Jemens Solidarität mit Palästinensern: Vereint im Kampf gegen Israel
Die Huthi-Miliz im Jemen setzt weiter auf Aggression gegen Israel und dessen Verbündete. Im Land aber schwelt die Sorge, zu einem zweiten Libanon oder Gazastreifen zu werden. Das Leid in der Bevölkerung ist schon jetzt groß.Anna Osius (
"Expressing Alarm Over Israeli Air Strikes in Yemen, Which Affected UN Personnel, Secretary-General Urges All Parties to Respect International Law"
Read full text:
#un #jemen #israel #war
Expressing Alarm Over Israeli Air Strikes in Yemen, Which Affected UN Personnel, Secretary-General Urges All Parties to Respect International Law | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General António
WHO-Team im Feuersturm
Stille wird zum Krieg
🏷️ #Jemen #Israel #Luftangriffe
📰 26. Dezember 2024
Israel hat erneut Ziele im Jemen angegriffen. Nach Angaben der Huthi-Miliz wurden drei Menschen getötet. Die Armee griff unter anderem den Flughafen der Hauptstadt Sanaa an - wo sich gerade eine Delegation um WHO-Chef Tedros aufhielt.
#Nahost #Israel #Jemen
Syrien warnt den Iran vor Einmischung - EUROPE SAYS
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Ölanlagen und Hafen getroffen: Israel attackiert Huthi-Miliz im Jemen - EUROPE SAYS
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Wie man sieht, hören diese radikalen Terroranschläge nie auf. Wie soll es da jemals Frieden geben können?"
Drohne trifft Gebäude im Zentrum Israels
Die Drohne soll vom #Jemen oder #Irak aus gestartet worden sein.
Die wichtigsten Nahost-Flugrouten und ihre Risiken - aeroTELEGRAPH
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➡️ Hier anhören:
Huthi im Jemen: Rebellen in einem gescheiterten Staat
Die Huthi im Jemen überfallen Handelsschiffe und feuern Raketen auf Israel. Die Ideologie der Miliz ist eng mit der blutigen Geschichte des Landes verbunden.Deutschlandfunk