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Beiträge, die mit nostalgia getaggt sind

#GeoCities in 1995: Building a Home Page on the Internet | #Cybercultural


#History #InternetHistory #Nostalgia #the90s #90sInternet #internet_of_the_90s #NeoCities #Blogs #Fun

Going Round The Bend - Canvas Print


An image captured in the 21st century that appears much older. This is Abbey Street heading in to Paternoster Row in Carlisle, England.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Psychogeography #Travel #Photography #BelieveInFilm #Art #Architecture #Heritage #BlackAndWhite #FilmPhotography #Nostalgia

Black and white photo as a box canvas.  The print shows an old English street.  To the left Georgian buildings, to the right Elizabethan, and between them a cobbled road.

Golden Dairy Dream - Canvas Print


When the dreams of yesterday fade in the sunset of tomorrow, where will you be?

#PhotoOfTheDay #PhotographyIsArt #Dreamscape #CanvasPrint #Photography #Art #Vintage #IceCreamVan #Nostalgia
Sort of sepia - golden brownish adjusted muted colour - portrait photograph showing a vintage ice cream van parked on a cobbled pier alongside a victorian street lamp.

A Wanton Weekend Awaits


An illicit tryst is in store, your best underwear laid out on the bed. When asked about taking precautions you suggest putting a chair against the door.
A wanton weekend awaits.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Photography #Monochrome #Boudoir #Nostalgia #Vintage #Retro #Bedroom
Black and white photograph showing a very British 1950's bedroom, with string underwear laid out on the bed.


Rod Serling narrated this Emmy-winning documentary series.

#JacquesCousteau #OnThisDay #ClassicTV #1960s #1960sTV #Nostalgia

The Arcade Blogger is one of my favorite blogs (and sites overall) on the whole web and has been for a while, so I figured I should mention it briefly here.

If you're into arcade games, you might already know about it.

But if you're into arcade games and for some reason haven't been to https://arcadeblogger.com (or haven't been for a while!) there is SO MUCH great arcade-related stuff there to see, read, and generally check out.

#arcade #ArcadeGames #blogs #blogging #RetroGaming #RetroGames #VideoGames #80s #80sGaming #80sGames #80sArcade #nostalgia

Back in 1996, Netscape announced the imminent launch of Webstories, a column showcasing the best in Web development. Over the next two years, they kept pushing the launch date back and back before quietly forgetting the whole thing.

With the help of the Wayback Machine, let's take a look at this never-launched column, and learn a little about late 90s Web culture and technology along the way: https://danq.me/netscapes-untold-webstories

#Web #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #ComputerHistory #WebHistory #Nostalgia