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Beiträge, die mit Vintage getaggt sind

Ich habe gerade ein paar #retro bzw. #vintage Computer abzugeben.

Folgenden Maschinen suchen ein neues Zuhause:

* #Sun #sparc station IPC
* Sun Ultra 5 (64 bit sparc)
* HP 712/60 (gecko #PARISC)
* #MicroVAX II (BA123)

Die Geräte müssten in Bochum abgeholt werden.

Von der #VAX habe ich gerade noch keine Bilder, da die noch im Keller sitzt.

Mir genügt es, wenn die Maschinen ein liebevolles Zuhause finden, und nicht dem Elektroschrott anheim fallen müssen.

🔄 Boosts welcome
Ein kleiner Turm aus eine Sun Ultra 5 Workstation (PizzaBox), einer HP 172/60 Gecko (PizzaBox) und einer Sun Spacrstation IPC (LunchBox).
Darauf liegen noch eine Sun Tastatur und Maus.

We Thought We were Safe - Canvas Print


Your isolation gives you a false sense of security. Here, they thought they were safe. They never could have imagined the horror coming to their front door.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Art #Photography #BlackAndWhite #Horror #Canvas #InteriorDesign #Vintage #Rural
Vintage looking black and white photograph showing a cottage in the countryside behind a low wooden fence.  The image is shown as a box canvas print.

I read an article today that got under my skin about the ethicalness of vintage resellers. I just wanted to share a personal story.

You can find the story on my Substack. Link is at the bottom of my linktree, look for the Substack icon.

#substack #blog #vintage #reseller #secondhand #sustainable

The Bus To Byers Green - Canvas Print


The one, the only, bus to Byers Green. Fares please!

#PhotoOfTheDay #Vintage #BlackAndWhite #Photography #BelieveInFilm #Bus #BnW #CanvasPrint #Art

Black and white portrait photograph showing a vintage double decker bus.  The image is shown as a canvas box print.

Wool can be made without killing animals. I think we need to go back to using #hemp, #wood and #wool -- and less synthetics. But most of all, make furniture and rugs that last -- so generation after generation can use them!

What You Need to Know About #OffGassing

Even after an install, a project’s furnishings and finishes can leach harmful chemicals into the air for years through a process called off-gassing. Here’s how you can combat it.

by Audrey Gray

"'Okay, I want to tell you about some things,' she recalls telling her client, going on to carefully explain the dangers inherent in both flooring choices—primarily the health impacts of chemical inhalants. Not only would these #chemicals flood a home during the installation of new #carpet or #vinyl planks, but they would continue to gradually leach into the air for years to come—a more subtle (but dangerous) process referred to as off-gassing. Thompson didn’t want her client’s family exposed to a vapor stew of chemicals every day, least of all in the yoga space, where the whole point was to breathe deeply while near the floor.

"She offered her client some carefully sourced options such as an all-wool carpet with a natural #rubber pad, and advocated for solid, #sustainably sourced wood downstairs instead of a composite of plastics. 'I thought she’d be excited,' Thompson says. 'But because of her beliefs about animal rights, I learned that wool wasn’t acceptable to her…and there were price point issues too. I thought, ‘Wow, this is a whole new level I hadn’t encountered.’”

"Welcome to what materials experts call 'one of the most complicated issues in health and wellness,' the murky and unregulated (at least in the U.S.—Europe is much stricter) relationships humans have with thousands of airborne #toxins emanating from our building materials, #furnishings, #CleaningProducts, #CarInteriors, #iPads, and even #candles.

"'Nobody’s telling you what is coming from all those vapors mixing in the air,' says Jillian Pritchard Cooke, the founder of Wellness Within Your Walls, an education consultancy focused on dramatically reducing the dangers of off-gassing in the built environment. 'It’s up to us to understand the individual effects each chemical can have on your #NervousSystem, your #lungs, and your cellular makeup. We need to be doing right by our clients.'

"Designers have, of course, been aware of the dangers of volatile organic compounds (#VOCs) for a long time, and have helped influence some wins in the marketplace, like the rising popularity of low- or no-VOC paints and the 2015 ban Home Depot and Lowe’s instituted in 2015 on toxic #phthalates (a class of industrial chemicals that help make plastic bendy) in flooring.

"But the problem endures, and unfortunately, many of the worst effects of VOCs—showing up in health conditions—accumulate over long periods of time.

"One of the best arguments for incorporating #vintage pieces in design, apart from saving space in landfills and decreasing carbon emissions, is that they are far safer from an off-gassing perspective. #Recycling building materials (for instance, saving the doors during a retrofit) helps too."


#Recycle #Repair #Reuse
#ThrowawayCulture #Synthetics #Plastics #Pollution #Underconsumption

Reflections ✨️🖤

I hope all of you are doing well! I really enjoy pixelfed so far! I feel like it's way more laid back. 💖

#pixelfed #model #portrait #queer #gay #lgbtqia #lgbtq #blackandwhite #vintage #retro #blog #photography

Jour 30 : Vintage

Un Korg MS10 en action… Synthé analogique vintage.
Photo prise en avril 2019, pendant la création et l'enregistrement d'arrangements.

#vintage #instrument #analog #keyboard #synthe
Vue rapprochée et partielle d'un clavier analogique avec en bas des touches de clavier, au-dessus sur un plan incliné gris foncé des potentiomètres, des prises jack et des indications de circuits sérigraphiées. 2 câbles sont branchés sur cette face.
On lit Korg synthesizer juste au-dessus des touches au milieu.

Golden Dairy Dream - Canvas Print


When the dreams of yesterday fade in the sunset of tomorrow, where will you be?

#PhotoOfTheDay #PhotographyIsArt #Dreamscape #CanvasPrint #Photography #Art #Vintage #IceCreamVan #Nostalgia
Sort of sepia - golden brownish adjusted muted colour - portrait photograph showing a vintage ice cream van parked on a cobbled pier alongside a victorian street lamp.

I got this ~1950s mini sewing machine when someone was giving it away locally, so I've started restoring it. This is before...

There was live woodworm eating into the wood panels, the paint was flaking off, and there were rust spots on the exposed metal. The mechanism was actually in decent working order though.

#sewing #restoration #repair #vintage
A miniature hand-crank sewing machine. The metal frame is covered with flaking burgundy paint, and the wooden table and base are marked with woodworm holes.
The machine with the base and table removed, showing flaking paint all over it.
Close-up of the wooden table panel, covered in woodworm holes and a few scratches in the varnish.

A Wanton Weekend Awaits


An illicit tryst is in store, your best underwear laid out on the bed. When asked about taking precautions you suggest putting a chair against the door.
A wanton weekend awaits.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Photography #Monochrome #Boudoir #Nostalgia #Vintage #Retro #Bedroom
Black and white photograph showing a very British 1950's bedroom, with string underwear laid out on the bed.

Y'know what I miss? MiniDisc. That was unquestionably the greatest #media #format ever.

#minidisc #vintage



Kirkland township, a region of Kendal, Cumbria, from the south of the Blindbeck stream. This was an independent settlement 'church land' which had its own manor court and was not officially absorbed into the borough of Kendal until 1908.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Architecture #Heritage #Photography #Cumbria #Vintage #Monochrome #PhotographyLovers #Kirkland

Black and white portrait photograph showing the gable end of a building with an old fashioned Victorian coaching lamp.  The building has a nameplate for Kirkland with an arrow pointing south.

Spiritual Solace


When this hectic and often cruel world of ours gets too much you need to take yourself away. This is St Oran's Chapel on the Isle of Iona, Scotland. I took this shot here in the cemetery looking north on a breezy summer's day. Here, on the island, you feel adrift but protected from all that 21st century life assails you with. True spiritual solace.

#PhotoOfTheDay #History #Photography #BelieveInFilm #Monochrome #Vintage #BnW #FilmPhotography #Scotland
Grainy black and white film photograph showing an old stone chapel seen from within a graveyard.

This week's #SundayLunch comes courtesy of the Fruit Producers Council, who clearly can't be trusted to tell a pear from a prune. Try it at home! (Or don’t.)
#vintage #food
Vintage recipe card for a tuna and pear pizza. The card has a large photo which clearly depicts a prune and anchovy pizza. The photo is credited to the Fruit Producers Council.

Hello Comrade! Do you like illustrations and anarcho-vintage propaganda?
Stop by my den and discover the creations of a (french) angry poster artist, engraver, cyanotypist and printer !
👉 https://linktr.ee/LokiGwynbleidd
#Introduction #FediArt #MastoArt #Vintage #Anarchy #DigitalArt #Linocut #Cyanotype #Letterpress
Vintage style poster showing a cat and a ferret sleeping in a hammock with a text against work as the sole value for individuals.
Linocut print with two crows lighting an antique lamp symbolising struggles and solidarity
Printing forme (typographical characters arranged in a chase) with blocks and legos to create vintage and radical prints
Cyanotype print of a woman in a dress carrying 2 demijohn symbolising feminist and anti-capitalist struggles