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Beiträge, die mit rsf getaggt sind

Tavaly 56 újságírót gyilkoltak meg, harmadukkal az izraeli hadsereg végzett 2024-ben 760 erőszakos cselekedetet követtek el újságírók ellen világszerte, közel 100 fő hollétéről pedig semmit sem lehet tudni. https://atlatszo.hu/adat/2025/01/10/tavaly-56-ujsagirot-gyilkoltak-meg-harmadukkal-az-izraeli-hadsereg-vegzett/ #sajtószabadság #újságíró #erőszak #média #2024 #rsf

Reporters Without Borders: 54 journalists killed in 2024, Gaza Strip most dangerous area https://www.liberoreporter.it/2024/12/eng-news/reporters-without-borders-54-journalists-killed-in-2024-gaza-strip-most-dangerous-area.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Journalism #PressFreedom #RSF #Journalists #GazaStrip

RSF : Le rapport qui accable l’armée israélienne
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #journalistes #RSF

#qatar #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #journalism / #ngo / #rsf / #aljazeera

„At the "Press Freedom Awards" ceremony in Washington, Wael Al-Dachduh, head of the Gaza bureau of the TV channel Al-Jazeera, was honored in the "Courage" category. Despite personal losses and great danger, he reported on the Israeli warfare in the Gaza Strip. His wife, a grandson and three of his children died in the conflict. Al-Dachduh himself was injured.“

(source below, german only:)


Al Jazeera’s #gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh was named the 2024 Reporters Without Borders Courage Award winner at a ceremony in Washington DC last night.

In a recorded message, Dahdouh said: “We made a huge sacrifice and paid an expensive price: exhaustion, blood, sweat, fear, terror, loss, displacement, to make sure that all the news, the images coming from Gaza during this war, could arrive to the rest of the world.”

#journalists #rsf

📰 Report: MEMO 👇🏽


In Soedan gaat de grootste humanitaire crisis ter wereld ongemerkt verder. ‘Alle cijfers zijn een onderschatting’ (Trouw) (€)

Het klinkt veel: tienduizenden doden door geweld in Soedan en elke dag honderd doden door honger. Maar het is een zware onderschatting, zeggen experts.


Citaten uit stuk: https://diasp.nl/posts/4253887

#soedan #darfur #saf #rsf #janjaweed #media #journalist #journalistiek #afrika #burgeroorlog #vluchtelingen #honger #hongersnood