Beiträge, die mit rsf getaggt sind
Tavaly 56 újságírót gyilkoltak meg, harmadukkal az izraeli hadsereg végzett
2024-ben 760 erőszakos cselekedetet követtek el újságírók ellen világszerte, közel 100 fő hollétéről pedig semmit sem lehet tudni.Szabó Krisztián (
Reporters Without Borders: 54 journalists killed in 2024, Gaza Strip most dangerous area
RSF – War journalism remains high-risk, with more than half of all journalists killed in conflict zones and an increase in imprisoned reporters worldwide According to the annual report of Rep…LiberoReporter
RSF : Le rapport qui accable l’armée israélienne
#israel #palestine #Hamas #Cisjordanie #Gaza #journalistes #RSF
RSF : Le rapport qui accable l'armée israélienne - [mcInform@ctions]
Reporters sans frontières (RSF) publie aujourd’hui son « bilan 2024 des journalistes tués, détenus, otages et disparus dans
„At the "Press Freedom Awards" ceremony in Washington, Wael Al-Dachduh, head of the Gaza bureau of the TV channel Al-Jazeera, was honored in the "Courage" category. Despite personal losses and great danger, he reported on the Israeli warfare in the Gaza Strip. His wife, a grandson and three of his children died in the conflict. Al-Dachduh himself was injured.“
(source below, german only:)
In a recorded message, Dahdouh said: “We made a huge sacrifice and paid an expensive price: exhaustion, blood, sweat, fear, terror, loss, displacement, to make sure that all the news, the images coming from Gaza during this war, could arrive to the rest of the world.”
#journalists #rsf
📰 Report: MEMO 👇🏽
Het klinkt veel: tienduizenden doden door geweld in Soedan en elke dag honderd doden door honger. Maar het is een zware onderschatting, zeggen experts.
Citaten uit stuk:
#soedan #darfur #saf #rsf #janjaweed #media #journalist #journalistiek #afrika #burgeroorlog #vluchtelingen #honger #hongersnood
In Soedan gaat de grootste humanitaire crisis ter wereld ongemerkt verder. ‘Alle cijfers zijn te laag ingeschat’
Het klinkt veel: tienduizenden doden door geweld in Soedan en elke dag honderd doden door honger. Maar dat is zwaar onderschat, zeggen experts. ‘De nood elders staat in geen verhouding tot wat daar gebeurt.’Mella Fuchs (DPG Media)