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A post I made on FB about my favorite animals led to a whole lot of people realizing that pink fairy armadillos are an actual thing, and it is delightful to watch 😆

I guess I'm now spreading the gospel of the pink fairy armadillo. They are real, y'all.

#armadillos #animals #nature #cute
Pink fairy armadillo. A small, tube-shaped creature with soft beige fur on the underside, and pink sectioned armor on its back. Small black beady eyes, tiny pink nose, large pink digging feet. The butt is flat, and serves as a plug when the armadillo burrows into a hole.
I’m not going to lie, they look delicious.
I will admit I went to double check that they are in fact real, as they really do look made up :-).
Yeah the naming doesn't help either :D But they are called pichiciego in Spanish...
They look so adorable and fluffy!!! I want one as a pet now!!! Y did u have to show me this?! I'm dying from cuteness overload!!! 😍
In Central Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. I agree it sounds unlikely, This article gives a better flavour than Wikipedia.
Amazing! It looks so alien!
makes good company for platypus in the club of impossible animals 8)
I didn't believe that this could be a member of the armadillo family at first, because it doesn't look like it could total car if you hit it. 🤣
as a big fan of this lil’ miracle, hear me out: pink fairy armadillo is a cute name, but the spanish one!! Pichiciego!!
As a hungarian i think it sounds hillarious: “picsiszíégó” #pichiciego
This is just hamster Nigiri
I now know exacy how those European naturalists felt when presented with a platypus specimen back in the 18th century. 😆
interesting fact.🤓
I just. What. It's so. What what what. Brain broken. What what what.
Everyone should know about the adorable pink fairy armadillos, and the greater fairy armadillos which grow to a whopping 17cm and apparently cry like a human baby 🥺
It does look a bit like a gopher or similar with cosplay armour though 🙂👍
I thought this was a shrimp while I was scrolling.
how baby of them
The resemblance to an ACTUAL Armadillo is about as close as a "Giant Panda" has to a "Red Panda".

This is a #shrimp on drugs. You can tell by the shell color. For this reason you all must go #vegan. I mean, look how cute he? is? Ignore the tail. #God is working on that shit right now. He had other things to do at he time like starting WW1, 2 and the other ones and also figuring out what putin was supposed to do to make him comparable to hitler. The point is that tail is coming off so ignore it.
with all that armor and those big defensive claws I can only conclude that they evolved to this state because they must be quite delicious 🤣
Thank you for taking care on this rare species.
In Bavaria I saw the last Wolpertinger in the forest close to Hintertupfing, yesterday.
Very rare!

...not to forget the Bavarian Wolpertinger

My 12 year old granddaughter was thrilled when I showed her your post. We had to research them some more and now she wants to go to Argentina!
Do they eat unicorns?
that is one confused critter! :)
I gotta Take a nap behind this. I have heard of them but figured it was kin to a jackalope. OMG
amazing, I had to reconfirm with a Google search and yes they are real, amazing and lovely