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There is an entomology article from 1987 titled

"An Apparent Lowering of Moral Standards in the Lepidoptera"

It's about same-sex activities among butteflies.

I think this one has a lot of potential mileage. Punk rock band names? Queer Regency romance novel titles? Fictional Victorian gang names?

#queer #entomology #butterflies #science #nature
I discovered this gem a few weeks ago.. Unbelievable 😂
Lowering standards paper
Clearly a Regency romance: "A gentleman scientist and his manservant and lab assistant bonds over their love of nature, but must face even deeper desires when their research into the order of Lepidoptera reveals truths that forces them to reevaluate their own relationship."
ill pass it on to friends of minr
Some sort of mafia?
Combination of the first two: It would be really great as a punk rock album title
Here’s hoping many folks take this story seed and run with it. 🙌🏼
1970's concept album ?
Anime series. That’s an anime title if I’ve ever seen one.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
shounen or shojo? :D
that melancholy is strongly indicative of yuri bait I’m afraid. In the end the heroine settles for a male colleague. Everyone hated it.
Alternatively translated to English as The Descent of Butterflies
moral standards lowered to the point that butterflies turned into butteflies*!

*pronounced butt fly
moths just got even cooler, somehow
Unsuccessfully Coping With The Natural Beauty Of Lepidopterae

Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág hat dies geteilt

acronym Alomsitl is definitely a death metal band. In my mind it’s “Aloe Missile” which… well…
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
Not quite punchy enough for a band name...
*tries to come up with punchier versions for a band name*
Immoral Lepidoptera... Corrupted Butterfly...
oo, wait
Offbeat Butterfly
Beat-Off Butterfly

gang, the Lepidoptera Lesbians

Mariposas Maldichas

The Lepidopteran Downfall

Prurient Papillon

The Invert Instar of the Lepidoptera
Morally Bankrupt Butterflies