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Beiträge, die mit entomology getaggt sind

Does Mastodon have a gall or gallwasps community? Maybe a Carpinus caroliana fan club? Because I have no idea who made this gall, or the hundreds of others just like it that were covering the branches of a mature American Hornbeam tree.

#entomology #galls #gallwasps #carpinusCaroliniana #AmericanHornbeam #Ironwood
A globe-shaped insect gall growing out of the branch of a tree. It has tiny spikes like a sweetgum, except that some of the spikes have broken off to leave small holes. Further up the branch are much smaller galls that have not developed the spikes.

Introducing New Zealand's latest Bug of the Year- the magnificent Ngāokeoke or Velvet Worm!

These amazing, ancient creatures were around long before the dinosaurs, and are taxonomically considered close relatives of Arthropods and Tardigrades. They have a unique method pf prey capture - using a pair of glue-gun organs on their heads to immobilise prey with a shower of sticky glue.

Aotearoa has two genera of velvet worms: one lays eggs (Ooperipatellus, 1st photo) and the other gives live birth (Peripatoides, 2nd). Oh, and to mate, males deposit sperm onto the skin of their partner, which then burrow through the female's skin and migrate throughout their blood to be stored in special uterine tubes until needed!

Truly remarkable creatures and well-deserving of their new title!

#SoilBiodiversity #SoilEcology #Entomology #Macrophotography #Invertebrates #Nature #NaturePhotography
A photograph of a velvet worm - an orange and purple-patterned invertebrate composed of many soft segments and tiny spined legs. The velvet worm has long, segmented antenna and a pair of organs on its head which squirt glue for prey capture.
A photograph of a velvet worm - an Blue and yellow-patterned invertebrate composed of many soft segments and tiny spined legs. The velvet worm has long, segmented antenna and a pair of organs on its head which squirt glue for prey capture.

There is an entomology article from 1987 titled

"An Apparent Lowering of Moral Standards in the Lepidoptera"

It's about same-sex activities among butteflies.

I think this one has a lot of potential mileage. Punk rock band names? Queer Regency romance novel titles? Fictional Victorian gang names?

#queer #entomology #butterflies #science #nature

The competition is heating up for this years NZ #BugoftheYear competition.

@frankashwood is leading an excellent campaign for the charismatic if diminutive Giant Springtail. Some stylish free badges are celebrating this soon to be iconic NZ invertebrate.

And, yet, what is this? Sabotage!?

The bowl of giant springtail badges in our tea room are now mysteriously promoting the NZ praying mantis!

Will this cunning act sway the voters or backfire?

#entomology #insects #nz

L'abella solitària Megachile sculpturalis és una espècie al·lòctona present a Catalunya des del 2018 i des de fa més d'una dècada a diversos països europeus. Coneguda en anglès com abella gegant de la resina (Giant resin bee), ja que pot mesurar fins uns 24 mm., és un megaquílid molt més gran que altres membres de la família. A la imatge es pot veure una femella entrant al seu niu aprofitant els forats de la paret.

#bee #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology

Una papallona zebrada o reina zebrada (Iphiclides feisthamelii) amb les ales completament intactes. Al mostrar-se molt territorials, és freqüent que pateixen cops i fregaments amb la vegetació, així com en els enfrontaments aeris amb altres congèneres.

#butterfly #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #lepidoptera

Les flors del Card girgoler (Eryngium campestre) són visitades i pol·linitzades per una ampla varietat d'insectes. Aquí podem veure dos exemplars de vespa de l'espècie Scolia hirta.

#wasp #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #eryngium

Did you know that New Zealand and other land masses in the south-west Pacific are home to LEAF-VEINED SLUGS?!

Unlike their omnivorous European relatives, these unique leaf-mimicking slugs eat only fungi. They breathe mainly through the skin of the back, which is kept moist by secretions passing along the many grooves.

What amazing creatures!

#Macrophotography #SoilEcology #Gastropod #SoilBiodiversity #Entomology
A photograph of a pair of slugs, which have veins on their bodies that resemble the veins of leaves.

Hey friends, Do you want to help with scientific research?
The University of Colorado Boulder needs people to help transcribe bee information from photographs of their collection. You look at a picture and type out any of the written information in the bee's label.

If you've got a few free minutes, give it a whirl! Even just doing 1 or 2 will help


#CitizenScience #Research #AcademicChatter #Bees #Entomology #ClimateChange

So there's this Greek myth that says Zeus was fed by bees when he was born. In gratitude, he blessed them with the color of "shining bronze", and made them immune to cold and harsh winds. These bees lived in Zeus' sacred cave in Crete, and aggressively chased away anyone who tried to steal their honey.

Any #apiarist or #entomology expert out there who could tell me what these bees are by any chance?...

#mythology #biology #nature #folklore #bees