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Beiträge, die mit GdP getaggt sind

A relatively small number of people did vote for this government (GINO it often seems), but FPTP and a certain economy with the actualité got them to where they are. And GDP as they use it is largely irrelevant to many people). Not that the Tories or 'Reform' would be any better, and even the nationalist partieds tend to toe the orthodoxy line.


#economy #GDP #Environment #LabourLies #UKPolitics

Ein Bündnis aus 14 Organisationen, darunter die #GdP und der #BUND, fordert ein generelles #Tempolimit: 120 km/h auf #Autobahnen, 80 km/h außerorts und 30 km/h innerorts.


Ziel ist, CO2-Emissionen zu senken, #Unfälle zu vermeiden und #Menschenleben zu retten. Studien zeigen: Ein Tempolimit könnte jährlich bis zu 11,7 Mio. Tonnen CO2 einsparen.

#Tempolimit #Verkehrssicherheit #Umweltschutz #Mobilität #CO2Reduktion

ICYMI: Quite quietly, a couple of weeks ago the Office of National Statistics announced they were trialing a new measure of economic activity that was meant to meet some of the criticisms of GDP as a metric.

As many of you know I'm not that keen on GDP (preferring at the very least GDP per capita), so I have had a look & this is my initial assessment; its early days & there remain absences, but certainly something of interest!

#GDP #economics


I have posted here before on the misleading character of GDP as an indicator of 'economic success', so I very much welcome the Office of National Statistics development of two new measures:

Gross Inclusive Income; and
Net inclusive income.

This will count those things absent from GDP but which can enhance welfare/wellbeing of the population.

How this will relate to the UN Human Development Index is as yet unclear, but a move in the right direction!

#GDP #economics


Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, comes out for #degrowth. A good piece that debunks the claims that #GDP growth will eradicate #poverty.
Politicians who claim otherwise are fooling you.

"Obsession with growth is enriching elites and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights".
