Beiträge, die mit GdP getaggt sind
#economy #GDP #Environment #LabourLies #UKPolitics
Ziel ist, CO2-Emissionen zu senken, #Unfälle zu vermeiden und #Menschenleben zu retten. Studien zeigen: Ein Tempolimit könnte jährlich bis zu 11,7 Mio. Tonnen CO2 einsparen.
#Tempolimit #Verkehrssicherheit #Umweltschutz #Mobilität #CO2Reduktion
Bündnis fordert generelles Autobahn-Tempolimit
Ein Bündnis aus 14 Organisationen fordert die Einführung eines Tempolimits auf Autobahnen, um das Klima zu schützen und Leben zu retten. Doch ein generelles Limit polarisiert das Autoland Deutschland weiter.Philipp Wundersee (
#Israel #Israeli #Palestine #Palestinian #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Boycotts #ArmsEmbargo #BDS #CeaseFire #US #America #UnitedStates #Gaza #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia
Live: Gaza’s population plummets by 6 percent amid Israel’s relentless onslaught
800 infants killed by Israel in Gaza before reaching their first birthdayMEE staff (Middle East Eye)
As many of you know I'm not that keen on GDP (preferring at the very least GDP per capita), so I have had a look & this is my initial assessment; its early days & there remain absences, but certainly something of interest!
#GDP #economics
Rethinking how we measure economic activity
The Office of National Statistics has announced an alternative to GDP; Christopher May assesses the value of the new economic metricChris May (North West Bylines)
Gross Inclusive Income; and
Net inclusive income.
This will count those things absent from GDP but which can enhance welfare/wellbeing of the population.
How this will relate to the UN Human Development Index is as yet unclear, but a move in the right direction!
#GDP #economics
Politicians who claim otherwise are fooling you.
"Obsession with growth is enriching elites and killing the planet. We need an economy based on human rights".