Beiträge, die mit NeoLiberalism getaggt sind
The postwar boom lifted millions of regular (predominantly white) people into new middle-class lives typified by safety, social dignity, consumerism, creative opportunity, and rest. Advances in automation, building materials, and agriculture supported this transformation, which proved that governments could create powerful systems of public good overnight. By the 1960s, the children of those who had demonstrated this collective power dreamed of applying that capacity on a global scale, regardless of race, gender, and nationality.
Instead, we got nothing but scarcity.
In Acid Communism — a title that winks at our need to re-aestheticize everyday life, elevate our consciousness, and see through the paper tiger of capitalist realism — Fisher points to scarcity and artificial restriction as the primary generator of wealth for those in charge of the postwar order.
Inflation was the buzzword of the 2024 election, which was due in part to real scarcity — as were the various supply chain crisis during the pandemic, which made the richest Americans 40 percent richer. But corporations have also been price-gouging without consequence, creating a form of artificial scarcity that erodes the value of pay increases through inflation. Fisher identifies this pattern as a defining feature of neoliberal capitalism: “A system that generates artificial scarcity in order to produce real scarcity; a system that produces real scarcity in order to generate artificial scarcity.”"
#Capitalism #Neoliberalism #LateStageCapitalism #ArtificialScarcity #Abundance #CapitalismRealism
Mark Fisher’s Specters of Scarcity
The ghostly emptiness of capitalist realism obscures the potential for collective joy and abundance. Mark Fisher’s writing offers a glimpse of the possibilities that lie beyond the seeming inevitability of the
#Gaza #Israel #Genocide #SettlerColonialism #Palestine #NeoLiberalism
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#neoliberalism #anarchism #socialism #marxism #IWW #theory #communism #libertarianism #libertarian #corporatism #wobblies #materialism #dialectic #communalism
@yogthos @heretical_i
Should people have a choice to attempt living outside of capitalism?
## Should people have a choice to attempt living outside of capitalism? That is for consenting adults to form a community and live outside the system of
"Carter is the godfather of the pillage known as #neoliberalism...
Carter fell under the disastrous influence of... national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski... Brzezinski’s life’s mission, one that meant he saw the world in black and white, was to confront and destroy the Soviet Union along with any government or movement he deemed to be under communist influence or sympathetic to it."
A VERY COMPLETE LIST of his crimes
Chris Hedges: Don’t Deify Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy
I suggest prefigurative models accessible to everyone demonstrating pragmatic investment in a nationalized smart power grid; radically smarter roads, improved mass transit, and transit oriented community re-development that serves the nation as a whole!
Better for Billionaires
#RachelMaddow #Neoliberalism #CronyCapitalists #Oligarchy
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by Another Angry Voice on Substack
“The [Labour] government has approved the sale of Royal Mail to #Czech #billionaire #Daniel #Křetínský, turning what was a not-for-profit public service just eleven years ago into a billionaire's plaything”
#Press #UK #RoyalMail #Privatization #NeoLiberalism #AssetStripping #Profiteering #Labour #Starmer #CorporateGreed #PublicUtilities #Water #Energy #Nuclear #ForeignOwnership
The Czech is in the Mail
The government has approved the sale of Royal Mail to Czech billionaire Daniel Křetínský, turning what was a not-for-profit public service just eleven years ago into a billionaire's playthingAnother Angry Voice
The twin goal of neoliberalism is to enrich the rich & punish the rest.
The cruelty aims to make us submit to being materially & psychologically enslaved & to lose all hope of regaining autonomy.
Hence, neoliberal govts set out to destroy all means of human connection in all possible spheres: economic, social, psychological.
Resistance entails doing the opposite of what these fascist neoliberals want.
#Neoliberalism #Fascism #Resistance #USPol #CdnPoli #UKPol .
#neoliberalism #France
Is France heading for an economic storm?
France could face an economic crisis after lawmakers voted to oust Prime Minister Michel Barnier's government after just three months. Rising bond yields and a spate of bankruptcies are making investors nervous.Lisa Louis (Deutsche Welle)
#politics #society #capitalism #cancer #fascism #neoliberalism #socialOncology
Inflation has been hurting working people and scared many working class and middle class Americans. The situation is similar in Europe, where the left has lost election after election.
In the 80s socialism was a strong current in European politics. And in the USA, unions could look for protection from the democrats.
What has happened is a neo-liberal orthodoxy has taken over most leftist parties and socialist parties in Europe. The left used to be a voice for anti-capitalism, against neoliberalism, and a voice for protecting working class jobs and social benefits.
As 'socialist' parties, the Labour party and Democrats have abandoned this (in as much as they ever followed it) the predominant orthodoxy has been liberal economics with minimum protection for workers. Where parties were against NAFTA or trade liberalisation now these parties are the most enthusiastic neoliberals.
So is it surprising that workers across Europe and North America have abandoned parties that previously claimed to represent their views.
And is it surprising that the right has seen the opportunity and stolen the clothes of the left. And combined anti-neoliberal rhetoric with ethnonationalism, and managed to attract sections of the working and middle classes that normally are concerned with economic justice. People just don't trust the US Democrats, UK Labour or socialist parties on the European mainland any more.
#uspol #ukpol #ukpolitics #eu #europe #socialism #inflation #neoliberalism #economy
Politics, which is fundamentally the forming of a society, itself becomes immoral. The wielding of authority, which is essential to a democratic polity, is indistinguishable from authoritarian abuse. The New Democrat project of the 1980s, which turned human choices into Gods we called “technology and globalization,” succeeded wildly, because we had been conditioned to believe in them. Markets became monopolies, economists became priests, and cultural attitudes are the only real stakes in elections.
And that brings me back to the learned helplessness of the Democrats. The reason the anti-monopoly movement is interesting is because we are a break from this attitude. It’s not that we are fighting Bork, it’s that we are fighting the whole notion of anti-politics itself, the idea that protest and marginalized communities are the only mechanisms for moral legitimacy. We are saying that morality is shaped by politics through the state itself."
#USA #Neoliberalism #DemocraticParty #Antitrust #Capitalism #Monopolies #Oligopolies
These general political labels really don't seem to be doing the work they once did, do they?
#EU #neoliberalism #socialism
#USA #Trump #PresidentialElection2024 #DemocraticParty #Neoliberalism #Globalization
Exit Right - Dissent Magazine
Trump has remade Americans, and to defeat Trumpism requires nothing less than the left doing the same.Dissent Magazine