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Beiträge, die mit marcorubio getaggt sind

Donald Trump will aus dem Gazastreifen die »Riviera des Nahen Ostens« machen. Dafür erntet der US-Präsident viel Kritik. Sein Außenminister springt ihm nun bei. Es gebe derzeit keine bessere Idee.#Hamas #Gazastreifen #Ägypten #Jordanien #DonaldTrump #MarcoRubio

Presidente emiratí reitera a Rubio su rechazo a desplazamiento de palestinos de Gaza

(AFP)- El presidente de Emiratos Árabes Unidos reiteró el miércoles al jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense, Marco Rubio, su rechazo a cualquier desplazamiento de palestinos, según la agencia de prensa oficial emiratí Wam. Marco Rubio realizó el miércoles una breve visita a este país del Golfo en el marco de su primera gira por Oriente […]

#Gaza #MarcoRubio #Mundo #Mundo


#EU foreign policy head #KajaKallas

"Together w European Foreign Ministers, I spoke to #MarcoRubio after his talks in Riyadh.

#Russia will try to divide us. Let’s not walk into their traps.

By working together with the US, we can achieve just and lasting peace – on #Ukraine terms"

https://www.europesays.com/1853458/ Iran will not hesitate to defend its nuclear programme, foreign ministry says – Middle East and Africa #DonaldTrump #ForeignAffairs #Iran #Israel #MarcoRubio #nuclear #US #war
Iran will not hesitate to defend its nuclear programme, foreign ministry says

[08:15] Israeli security cabinet to discuss new Gaza truce phase

Israel's security cabinet is set to discuss the next phase of the ceasefire in Gaza, after top US diplomat Marco Rubio and Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu presented a united front against Hamas and Iran.


#Israel #Gaza #US #MarcoRubio #Israeli #BenjaminNetanyahu #Hamas #Iran

🌍 ■ Netanyahu, ante la posibilidad de desplazar gazatíes: "No es limpieza étnica. En las guerras la gente se va" ■ Aumentan a dos los muertos por un ataque con dron del Ejército israelí contra el sur de la franja, en lo que sería una violación del a[…]

#israel #crimenesdeguerra #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu #global #gaza #marcorubio #limpiezaetnica #eeuu
Marco Rubio y Benjamin Netanyahu, reunidos en Jerusalén, el 16 de febrero de 2025. (OHAD ZWIGENBERG / EPA / EFE / Pool)

https://www.europesays.com/1852234/ ‘Hamas Must Be Eradicated’: U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio Meets Netanyahu; Backs Israel’s War in Gaza #Conflicts #Gaza #HamasIsraelWar #Israel #MarcoRubio #Netanyahu
‘Hamas Must Be Eradicated’: U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio Meets Netanyahu; Backs Israel’s War in Gaza

https://www.europesays.com/1851651/ Gaza-Waffenruhe bleibt auch nach Geisel-Freilassung instabil #BenjaminNetanjahu #DonaldTrump #Freilassung #Hamas #Israel #MarcoRubio #waffenruhe
Gaza-Waffenruhe bleibt auch nach Geisel-Freilassung instabil

Rubio viaja a Múnich en medio de presión diplomática para acuerdo de paz en Ucrania

Rubio viaja a Múnich en medio de presión diplomática para acuerdo de paz en Ucrania
Washington, 13 feb (VOA) – El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Marco Rubio, tiene previsto partir el jueves hacia Múnich y, a finales de esta semana, visitará Oriente Medio en medio de un intens [...]

#AltoElFuegoEnGaza #EEUU #Gaza #GuerraEnUcrania #MarcoRubio #Mundo #Rusia #Ucrania #VladimirPutin


#Internacionales Marco Rubio llama al líder emiratí en un momento crítico del alto el fuego en Gaza #MarcoRubio #AltoAlFuego #EAU #Gaza
👇 https://enter504.com/rubio-y-emiratos-arabes-acciones-ante-amenazas-de-hamas/

News Haber EshaHaber ABD Dışişleri Bakanı: Gazze'yi yönetmeye hazırız: ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Marco Rubio, X sosyal medya hesabından, ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın ABD'nin Gazze Şeridi'ni devralacağı hakkındaki açıklamasının ardından konuya ilişkin paylaşım yaptı.

Amaçlarının bölgede "kalıcı barışı sağlamak" olduğunu aktaran Rubio, bunun için Gazze'nin "Hamas'tan kurtarılması gerektiğini" savundu. Rubio, ABD'nin… https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/abd-disisleri-bakani-gazze-yi-yonetmeye-haziriz-202493.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #Gazze #Hamas #MarcoRubio #Trump #MAGA

[08:58] Chief US diplomat vows 'unwavering support' for Israel

The United States' new top diplomat Marco Rubio has reaffirmed the country's "unwavering support" for Israel, days into a fragile ceasefire in Gaza and a large-scale raid in the West Bank.


#TheUnitedStates' #MarcoRubio #Israel #Gaza #theWestBank

State Department nominee Sen. Marco Rubio says China biggest threat to U.S. interests https://www.byteseu.com/655250/ #BenjaminNetanyahu #DonaldTrump #Europe #Gaza #Hamas #MarcoRubio #NATO #PamBondi #Politics #TammyDuckworth #TimKaine #TopStories #U.S. #WarInUkraine
State Department nominee Sen. Marco Rubio says China biggest threat to U.S. interests

#Trump #MarcoRubio #CodePink

Code Pink disrupts Marco Rubio's Senate confirmation hearing to become Sec of State

On the 15th of January, the US Senate held a confirmation hearing to consider FL Senator Marco Rubio's appointment by Trump as Secretary of State. Code Pink got into the hearing and disrupted it, at the price that the Capitol Police were very rough in removing them. Unknown at the moment whether they were arrested or just detained and expelled, but they were searched and cuffed so assuming this was arrests.

This was with five days to go until J20. To engage in civil disobedience at this point against anything related to Trump is to take a very considerable personal risk, and this speaks highly of Code Pink's courage under fire

Senat befragt künftigen US-Außenminister Rubio

Einst ein erbitterter Gegner Donald Trumps dürfte Marco Rubio nach seiner Senatsanhörung der erste US-Außenminister lateinamerikanischer Herkunft werden. Der Hardliner sieht seinen Job nicht darin, Trump zu widersprechen. Von R. Borchard.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/amerika/rubio-usa-aussenminister-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #MarcoRubio

"#Psychopathy is almost a job requirement for secretary of state.... As secretary of state you are responsible for whipping up international consensus for brutal economic sanctions regimes, drumming up support for heightened aggressions against the official enemies of Washington, and making up excuses for the criminal abuses of the US and its allies." #CaitlinJohnstone

Another #Psychopath For US Secretary Of State
https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/11/19/another-psychopath-for-us-secretary-of-state/ #MarcoRubio #Trump #USPol