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Beiträge, die mit JERUSALEM getaggt sind

#Israel entsendet Delegation nach #Doha

Israel Heute Korrespondent Itamar Eichner über Israels Entscheidung, eine Delegation nach Doha zu entsenden, die wachsende Rolle der #USA in den Verhandlungen mit der #Hamas und die Spannungen zwischen #Jerusalem und #Washington .


#Trump #Witkoff #Geiseln

Interrogé par TV5 Monde #france au sujet de la décision de l’Etat d’Israël de bloquer toute aide humanitaire à destination de la bande de #gaza Philippe Lazzarini, Commissaire Général de l’UNRWA, répond : « plus rien n’entre, ce qui est regrettable et une instrumentalisation de l’aide humanitaire à des fins militaires ».

#westbank #jerusalem #ihl

📲 Video credit 🔵 #UNRWA / UN


#IslamChannel Taraweeh prayers at al-Aqsa mosque

Taraweeh prayers at al-Aqsa mosque Worshippers hold Taraweeh prayers at al-Aqsa mosque #taraweeh #ramadan #jerusalem #palestine #prayer from Islam Channel اهد الفيديو الخاص بهذا المقال هنا "


#IslamChannel Taraweeh prayers at al-Aqsa mosque

Taraweeh prayers at al-Aqsa mosque Worshippers hold Taraweeh prayers at al-Aqsa mosque #taraweeh #ramadan #jerusalem #palestine #prayer from Islam Channel اهد الفيديو الخاص بهذا المقال هنا "


#IslamChannel Worshippers gather at Al-Aqsa mosque for Taraweeh prayers

Worshippers gather at Al-Aqsa mosque for Taraweeh prayers JERUSALEM - In Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque worshippers lined up in the hundreds to perform the evening “Taraweeh” prayers. #palestine #jerusalem #ramadan from Islam Channel اهد الفيديو الخاص بهذا المقال هنا "


#Hamas schürt die Flammen in #Jerusalem zu Beginn des #Ramadan

Ein ranghoher Vertreter der #Terrororganisation rief zur #Eskalation des „Widerstands in all seinen Formen in Jerusalem“ auf.



🏙 Area: Jerusalem, Israel
🏛️ Point of interest: Church of All Nations

❓ What is the most spiritual sightseeing tour you have ever taken?

➡ Create unforgettable memories with these free walking tours in Jerusalem: https://visitsights.com/sightseeing-tours/Israel/Jerusalem

#️⃣ #Sightseeing #Jerusalem #Church #Travel #Israel #PlaceOfWorship #Building #Religion #Sights #Christian #Amenity
The image depicts the Church of All Nations, also known as the Basilica of the Agony, located at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The church features a prominent facade with an ornate mosaic above the entrance, illustrating scenes related to the Garden of Gethsemane. Its architecture includes large columns and a stone exterior, surrounded by gardens and olive trees. The church is significant for its religious and historical importance.

Image Credits: Wikimedia / Berthold Werner / CC BY-SA 3.0

*Phlegmatically, in a Jerusalemite voice* Shabbat Shalom! Happy Maslenitsa! Ramadan Mubarak!

@mazeldon @israel #mazeldon #israel #jerusalem

*"Al-Quds" congratulates you on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan 🌙.. Happy New Year*
#Gaza #Jerusalem

#Israel stellt #Ägypten wegen geheimer militärischer Aufrüstung auf dem #Sinai zur Rede

#Jerusalem hat offiziell gegen die jüngsten Verstöße gegen den #Friedensvertrag von 1979 protestiert, der #Kairo eine nennenswerte Militärpräsenz auf dem Sinai untersagt.



Hindi et Plaquevent : "Vers le troisième Temple de #Jérusalem"m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg6vmRR-…diasp.eu/posts/203958...44 #géopolitique #impérialisme #guerre #sionisme #Palestine


Der islamofaschistische Terrorist Na’el Abid, verurteilt zu 7mal lebenslänglich plus 30 Jahre wegen seiner Beteiligung an dem Terroranschlag auf das Café #Hillel in #Jerusalem 2003, bei dem sieben Menschen starben und 57 verletzt wurden, kam während des Geisel-Deals vorzeitig auf freien Fuss.

Heute fiel er vom Dach seiner Wohnung in #Isawiya, Ost-Jerusalem. #israel #islamofaschismus #antisemitismus

#Israel ’s envoy to the #usa has accused #Egypt ’s President Abdel-Fattah el #Sissi of violating the US-brokered #peace deal between #Jerusalem and #Cairo, profiting from the desperation of #Palestinians seeking to flee the #Gaza Strip and duplicitously operating to benefit #Hamas. https://www.msn.com/en-us/politics/international-relations/israel-s-us-envoy-egypt-s-sissi-is-breaking-peace-deal-playing-both-sides-with-hamas/ar-AA1z5wih

Les 55 États membres de l'Union africaine condamnent Israël. L'Union européenne est loin de faire ce geste d'engagement pour le droit international.

Pire, la lâcheté des pouvoirs occidentaux est une carte blanche au régime israélien.

#Génocide #Apartheid #Gaza #Cisjordanie #Jérusalem #Palestine Via @patricksudlow


Netanyahu orders immediate enforcement of UNRWA ban

The Israeli Prime Minister has issued a directive that the ban on the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, must be “enforced immediately”, with “no restrictions”.

Israeli soldiers inside an evacuated compound of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in Gaza City on February 8, 2024 [Jack Guez/AFP]

🏙 City: Jerusalem, Israel
🏛️ POI: Zion Gate

❓ Do you know more interesting sights in this city?

➡ Don't wait to see the sights of Jerusalem: https://visitsights.com/sights/Israel/Jerusalem

#️⃣ #Sightseeing #Sights #Jerusalem #Israel #Attraction #Travel #Tourism
The image depicts a historic stone wall, likely part of a city fortification. There is a prominent archway in the center, which suggests it is a gate. In front of the wall, a person is seated at a small cart, possibly selling goods. The area appears to be a cobblestone street, and there are some road signs, including "no entry" signs. The sky is clear, indicating a sunny day.

Image Credits: Wikimedia / Berthold Werner / CC BY-SA 3.0

Jerusalem’s Educational Bookshop Appeal

The Educational Bookshop is a family-run, independent chain of three bookshops. Booksellers Mahmoud and Ahmad Muna were arrested at the Educational Bookshop, handcuffed and taken to prison to be released under house arrest two days later. Over 250 books were confiscated, some have since been returned.

Please help us raise funds to support the Educational Bookshop.


#Palestine #EducationalBookshop #Israel #Gaza #Jerusalem

...this is super cool, except there is no longer any signals coming from #gaza and they have the map incorrectly labeled...only the west bank is labeled as #Palestine and #Jerusalem area is labeled as that #zionasi occupying scum...besides that...


https://radio.garden/listen/bandar-aden-fm-99-9/53PAkGAd (Yemen)🇾🇪

📷 General View of Jerusalem, the Shared Holy City of Muslims, Christians, and Jews (Palestine), 1890s #Jerusalem #Palestine #HolyLand

#Washington D.C./ #Gaza / #Jerusalem

#Trump setzt #Hamas Ultimatum - und droht palästinensischen #Terroristen mit »Hölle« auf Erden

Die #Waffenruhe im #Gazastreifen bröckelt, die palästinensische #Terrororganisation Hamas will vorerst keine #Geiseln mehr freilassen. Der US-Präsident macht Druck


#USA #Israel #Ägypten #Jordanien

An update on the two book keepers arrested by Israel for selling books on Palestinian topics in Jerusalem. Ahmad Muna has now been released. Here Ahmad (left) is joined after his release by Murad Muna (right), brother of Mahmoud Muna who is still incarcerated.

#jerusalem #EducationalBookshop #palestine #Gaza #westbank #Israel
Ahmad Muna and Murad Muna smiling