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Beiträge, die mit NETANYAHU getaggt sind

I missed this from Gideon Levy in Haaretz on Thursday, hard-hitting and spot on.

"The new people in charge of the U.S.'s foreign policy are friends of apartheid, occupation, the settlements and war. Trump is the most moderate and restrained of this lot. He may restrain them somewhat. Itamar Ben-Gvir may also take part in restraining this group of wackos in Washington, if only he overcomes the language barrier"

#Trump #Israel #Netanyahu #USPolitics


"Beyond similarities in their backgrounds, personalities and motivations, Trump and Netanyahu exemplify figureheads of what Italian writer and philosopher Umberto Eco described as “Ur-fascism.’

Ur-Fascism combines traditionalism, irrationalism and authoritarianism to manipulate and control through several defining traits"
Yoav Litvin

#Netanyahu #Trump #Fascism #UrFascism #Israel #USPolitics

Netanyahu and Trump: The Tag Team from a Fascist Hell

The US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were so lucrative for military contractors/weapons & fossil fuels industries and their investors.

Killing civilians and destroying infrastructures in the Middle East is a great way for the US establishment to steal from US taxpayers.

Islamophobia is an indispensable ingredient of this eternal con game. The corporate media's job is to convince US taxpayers that all Arabs are terrorists.

The problem is the US not #Netanyahu #gaza

“[T]he Washington Post reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu was rushing to advance a #Lebanon #ceasefire with the aim of delivering an early foreign policy win to #Trump, who is expected to be strongly pro-Israel.”
#Israel #Hezbollah

Netanyahu komt er niet onderuit: hij moet binnenkort getuigen in een corruptiezaak | de #Volkskrant

Wat gaat Netanyahu uithalen om te voorkomen dat hij op 2 december moet getuigen?

#Netanyahu #Israel

Dit is goed nieuws. Heel mooi dat Nederland deze mensen kan evacueren. Blijkbaar is volgens de Nederlandse overheid de situatie in #gaza beroerd genoeg om mensen te evacueren, misschien ook tijd om #netanyahu daar eens op aan te spreken. #israel is verantwoordelijk voor duizenden doden, en niet alleen in #gaza , maar ook in #libanon #westbank en andere gebieden. #netanyahu is ook verantwoordelijk voor het feit dat duizenden andere de dood in de ogen kijken.

- https://nos.nl/l/2544470

Israel is digging for info on ICC Judge Hohler who joined the pre-trial chamber considering the Prosecutor's applications for the arrest warrants for #Netanyahu & #Gallant.

Unclear what the legal basis for this request is. If #Israel has an issue with Judge Hohler's impartiality, it should seek her disqualification instead of engaging in this fishing expedition and sheer conjecture

Maybe the hope is the cases will go away if all ICC judges are harassed out of service.


Did #Netanyahu kill over 1000 fellow #Citizens of #Israel to get his way?



Wat het #kabinet impliciet dus ook communiceert, is dat #Netanyahu wekelijks Israëlische hooligans door de straten van Amsterdam mag sturen, als een soort SA-knokploeg, die vervolgens 'untouchable' zijn.
Ik zei al eerder: Door #wilders' bond met #Israël is hier gewoon een nieuw front van de vernietigingsoorlog van Netanyahu geopend.

🇮🇱#Israel‎ul pune sub semnul întrebării imparțialitatea unui judecător de la CPI în cazul #Netanyahu.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3W1A


Șantaj, scurgeri în presă și manipulări: scandalurile care afectează Biroul Prim-Ministrului 🇮🇱#Israel‎ian Benjamin #Netanyahu.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VY0


#PrimMinistrulIsraelului Benjamin #Netanyahu s-a adresat, din nou, poporului 🇮🇷#Iran‎ian: „Știu că nu vreți acest război. Nici eu nu-l vreau”.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VVi

#Știri #Israel

For some reason people fleeing the sinking #Twitter / #X ship for #BlueSky don't seem to be aware of the fact that crypto bros at #BlockchainCapital bought a huge stake in the company just a few weeks ago. Like these are basically the same crypto bros who just helped #ElonMusk buy Twitter. They might even be literally the same people (I strongly suspect they are but I'm too lazy to check). Either way #BlockchainCapital was co-founded by #BrockPierce, who also brought you #Tether, AKA the company that Trump's transition team chairman manages $120 billion for. Pierce is also a friend of the #Netanyahu family.

You don't have to take my word for it. Here's the official press release: https://bsky.social/about/blog/10-24-2024-series-a

Moving to BlueSky is not an escape. Growing a base there is just putting in a bunch of work to create a platform that will be co-opted by crypto bros as soon as X breaks in half.

p.s. crypto bros (#a16z) also own #Substack

#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #USDT #Trump #DonaldTrump
Bluesky Announces Series A to Grow Network of 13M+ Users
October 24, 2024

by The Bluesky Team

Bluesky now exceeds 13 million users, the AT Protocol developer ecosystem continues to grow, and we’ve shipped highly requested features like direct messages and video. We’re excited to announce that we’ve raised a $15 million Series A financing led by Blockchain Capital with participation from Alumni Ventures, True Ventures, SevenX, Amir Shevat of Darkmode, co-creator of Kubernetes Joe Beda, and others.

The not-so-secret history of Netanyahu’s support for Hamas

#netanyahu #hamas #israel #gazagenocide


Instead of talking about the Generals' Plan, we should be talking about "Netanyahu's Orders." He is the leader and he is responsible for the war crimes committed by the IDF in the northern Strip in the name of the "War of Rebirth": the expulsion of the Palestinians, the destruction of their homes and the preparations on the ground for a prolonged occupation and Jewish settlement.

#Netanyahu's Ethnic Cleansing in #Gaza Is on Display for All to See - #Haaretz Editorial

Yair #Netanyahu acuză Shin Bet că a încercat să îl răstoarne de la putere pe tatăl său și că a torturat soldați.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VJz

#Știri #Israel

Asking #Putin to not 'escalate' in #Ukraine, is like asking #Netanyahu to avoid civilian causalities in #Gaza.


#PrimMinistrulIsraelului #Netanyahu cere o nouă amânare în procesul de corupție care îl privește invocând „incidente de securitate”.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VF1

#Știri #Israel

The cabinet of Netanyahu is extreme right-wing and problematic, not a group of people that will be able to work on real solutions for the war in and around Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/attorney-general-said-set-to-order-ben-gvir-sacked-unless-he-stops-meddling-in-police/
#netanyahu #israel #gaza

Via #PepeEscobar, Telegram:
"#Netanyahu, Smotrich and #BenGvir are waiting for the hostages to die to ‘justify #Gaza land grab’ - Ynet

The issue of the #hostages in Gaza will be solved 'naturally and tragically,’ according to the #Israel-i leadership. The right-wing ministers will then use these deaths as further pretext to permanently occupy and ‘establish Jewish #settlements’ in Gaza, Ynet added. It has never been about the hostages."
https://t.me/rocknrollgeopolitics/13463 @palestine @israel #Palestinians

ABC News reports: 'An air strike on a house in northern Gaza has killed at least 24 people, reportedly all members of the same family, as Israel continues its renewed offensive against Hamas.'
And this is how it headlines its article: 'Eyewitnesses describe Israeli air strike as a 'massacre' in northern Gaza town of Jabalia.'
Three things to note which are typical of how our corporate and legacy media covers Israel's genocidal rampage: eyewitnesses just "DESCRIBE" this monstrous act and it occurred merely "REPORTEDLY" but Israel "CONTINUES ITS RENEWED OFFENSIVE AGAINST HAMAS.' So once again Israel's explanation is given immediate credence while doubt is implied regarding what witnesses saw.
What would any normal person call the mass murder of an entire family? So, let's rewrite that headline, shall we?
#auspol #Australia #Gaza #Palestine #Netanyahu #Genocide #Israelism

#netanyahu admitted he gave the order for beepers explosion, which killed, blinded and injured thousands of civilians next to Hezbollah members

So literally he admitted he is not only a war criminal, but a mass murderer

AND still nothing happened


🌐 ■ Acusan al jefe de Gabinete de Netanyahu de extorsión para alterar actas del 7 de octubre ■ La defensa califica las acusaciones como "graves difamaciones".

#israel #ataquesisraelpalestina #netanyahu #benjaminnetanyahu #ataquesisrael #global
Benjamin Netanyahu durante la Asamblea de la ONU en Nueva York (STEPHANIE KEITH)

Benyamin #Netanyahu reconnaît avoir donné son accord à l'attaque aux bipeurs du Hezbollah


> Lors du Conseil des ministres hebdomadaire, le Premier ministre israélien a reconnu pour la première fois ce dimanche avoir donné son feu vert à l'attaque aux bipeurs.

🇮🇱#Israel recunoaște deschis că a fost în spatele exploziei pagerelor folosite de militanții ☪️#Hezbollah pentru a comunica, în luna #Septembrie. #PrimMinistrul #Netanyahu a confirmat, într-o ședință cu miniștri, că a autorizat operațiunea.

🔗 https://biziday.ro/?p=301529

#Știri #Terorism

#Netanyahu susține că a vorbit de trei ori la telefon cu #Trump după ce a fost ales președintele 🇺🇸#SUA.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VCJ

#Știri #Israel

#Netanyahu recunoaște responsabilitatea 🇮🇱#Israel‎iană pentru exploziile echipamentelor de comunicații ale ☪️#Hezbollah în #Septembrie.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3VCp

#Știri #Terorism

"Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said on Sunday he has spoken with US president-elect Donald Trump three times in the past few days aimed at tightening the strong alliance between Israel and the US.

'These were good and very important conversations,' Netanyahu said in a statement, according to Reuters."

~ The Guardian

#Netanyahu #Trump #Israel #Gaza #Palestinians
