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Beiträge, die mit crimesAgainstHumanity getaggt sind

🇵🇸 #Gaza: le nombre de morts sous-estimé d'au moins 41%, selon une étude publiée dans The Lancet. Ce nombre ne prend pas en compte les disparus. 64 260 palestiniens, majorité enfants et femmes, assassinées par #Israel #genocide #crimesagainsthumanity #Palestine https://www.rfi.fr/fr/moyen-orient/20250110-gaza-le-nombre-de-morts-sous-estim%C3%A9-de-41-selon-une-%C3%A9tude-publi%C3%A9e-dans-the-lancet

Les criminels de guerre de l'État colonial israélien, décideurs, soldats, seront poursuivis et arrêtés par la Justice internationale, où qu'ils aillent, à vie #Israel #crimes #colonisation #CrimesAgainstHumanity #genocide #Palestine #Gaza #Liban https://www.rfi.fr/fr/moyen-orient/20250106-isra%C3%ABl-les-soldats-ayant-servi-%C3%A0-gaza-et-au-liban-risquent-des-arrestations-%C3%A0-l-%C3%A9tranger

https://www.europesays.com/1737246/ Syria’s ‘Princesses of Freedom’ – Al Jazeera English #Conflicts #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Features #HumanRights #MiddleEast #prison #Syria #Syria'sWar
Syria’s ‘Princesses of Freedom’ - Al Jazeera English

#gaza #genocide #palestine #israel #warcrimes #atrocities #brutality #cruelty #crimesagainsthumanity #destruction #medicalsector


Nurse Karin Huster has worked in Gaza for 5 months. ⬇️


Syria’s new authorities open to investigate Assad war crimes: UN probe team https://www.byteseu.com/588244/ #atrocities #BasharAssad #Conflicts #CrimesAgainstHumanity #DetentionCenters #genocide #InternationalImpartialAndIndependentMechanismForSyria(IIIM) #massacres #RobertPetit #Syria #UnitedNations #WarCrimes
Syria’s new authorities open to investigate Assad war crimes: UN probe team

Proof of Israel's Genocidal Intent (New Report on Gaza is Intense) -- overzealots

> In a new report by Amnesty International, we see a thorough investigation into Israel's transgressions against the Palestinian people.
> ...
> The report concludes that Israel does in fact, hold genocidal intent therefore, the Israeli state is guilty of the crime of crimes.

Report: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/8668/2024/en/

#gaza #amnesty #palestine #CrimesAgainstHumanity #genocide

Israels' medical terrorism is an operational technique for elimination

With hospitals in #gaza collapsed or operating at minimal capacity, the Israeli machinery is seen preventing #medics from reaching an ailing Palestinian population and providing them with lifesaving treatment.

A feature by Hamzah Rifaat for Al Mayadeen

#CrimesAgainstHumanity #ihl
#genevaconventions #civilrights #humanrights

📰 Read or 🎧 listen:


Death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza surpasses 45,000 | Israel-Palestine conflict News https://www.byteseu.com/565358/ #Conflicts #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Gaza #IsraelPalestineConflict #MiddleEast #News #Palestine
Death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza surpasses 45,000 | Israel-Palestine conflict News

Says the German Foreign Minister Baerbock, herself charged with crimes against humanity. Oh, and good luck, Annalena, with the Al-Qaida-Daesh blokes ...

#civildefence #USproxies #ISRproxies #Siedlerkolonialismus

#icc #gaza #westbank #ethniccleansing #CrimesAgainstHumanity

Berlin warns Assad regime supporters against trying to flee to Germany


‘Until my last breath’: Searching for relatives at Syria’s ‘slaughterhouse’ | Syria’s War News https://www.byteseu.com/559745/ #BasharAlAssad #CivilRights #Conflicts #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Features #HumanRights #MiddleEast #News #Prison #Syria #Syria'sWar
‘Until my last breath’: Searching for relatives at Syria’s ‘slaughterhouse’ | Syria's War News

"When we view the slaughter of innocents in Gaza and elsewhere it’s clear that the lessons of the past have not been learnt. ... If ever we needed reminding of how the Israeli leadership views Palestinians, consider this remark by Benjamin Netanyahu in response to Australia’s backing of a call for Palestinian statehood: “It’s a shame that the current Australian government wants to award these savages with a state.”"
Yet Zionists have been rewarded with the state of Israel.


Don't mention the war crimes. That would be antisemitic.

A database of atrocities, compiled by a former IDF soldier, reported in Israeli media.
"I felt that I couldn't go on living in my bubble, that we're talking about capital offenses, and that what's going on is just too large, and contradicts the values I was raised on here,"

A Massive Database of Evidence, Compiled by a Historian, Documents Israel's War Crimes in Gaza

A woman with a child is shot while waving a white flag ■ Starving girls are crushed to death in line for bread ■ A cuffed 62-year-old man is run over, evidently by a tank ■ An aerial strike targets people trying to help a wounded boy ■ A database of thousands of videos, photos, testimonies, reports and investigations documents the horrors committed by Israel in Gaza

Cuando frente al horror del #Holocausto algunos se preguntan, "¿cómo la humanidad pudo haber permitido esto?", una posible respuesta es: más o menos como lo estamos haciendo ahora mismo, frente al horror del #GenocidioEnGaza y la #invasión de #Palestina por parte del #Sionismo terrorista de #Israel.
Sólo que en cierto sentido ahora es peor, ya que resulta imposible no estar al tanto.
#PalestinaLibre #Genocidio #SionismoGenocida #FueraIsraelDePalestina #CrimesAgainstHumanity #NetanyahuWarCriminal

Update: At least 29 people killed in Israeli strike on Kamal Adwan Hospital:

Hani Mahmoud of Al Jazeera reports: "The entire facility has been completely evacuated by the Israeli army, 70 people were detained and taken to unknown area for interrogation (...)"

#warcrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity

WAFA agency based in Ramallah reported earlier: Medical sources describe the situation at Kamal Adwan Hospital and its surroundings in northern #gaza as 'catastophic' 👇🏽


BERLIN, December 6 - The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there is no evidence suggesting that a warning was issued before Israel bombed Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern #gaza on Thursday, according to Richard Peeperkorn, the WHO's representative in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Source: WAFA / WHO
#genevaconventions #ihl


Amnesty report says Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians in Gaza https://www.byteseu.com/532307/ #AmnestyInternational #Conflicts #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Gaza #GazaWar #GenocideConvention #Hamas #Israel #IsraeliMilitary #IsraeliOfficials #palestinians
Amnesty report says Israel has committed genocide against Palestinians in Gaza

It is a genocide. A genocide for a nauseated, shocked world to watch live. But, whatever you call the israeli ravage of #Gaza , it still is an #ethniccleansing , #massmurder , #apartheidoppression #waronchildren , #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity

Amnesty International accuses Israel of genocide:

“Israel imposed conditions of life in Gaza that created a deadly mixture of malnutrition, hunger and diseases, and exposed Palestinians to a slow, calculated death.”

“genocidal intent can co-exist alongside military goals and does not need to be Israel’s sole intent.”


#Genocide #ICJ #ICC #Israel #Palestine #Gaza #Amnesty #CrimesAgainstHumanity

#gaza #genocide #palestine
#israeli #warcrimes #childmurder #netanyahu #atrocities #crimesagainsthumanity #Völkermord #USA


#UN Security Council hearing. #American #paediatric surgeon Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan speaks the truth. Long version.


#gaza #genocide #palestine
#israeli #warcrimes #childmurder #netanyahu #atrocities #crimesagainsthumanity #Völkermord #USA


#UN Security Council hearing. #American #paediatric surgeon Dr Tanya Haj-Hassan speaks the truth...


"... since Israel’s genocide in Gaza, Palestinian identity, if publicly expressed, is being treated as a threat by the NSW Education Department."
"It should be unthinkable to ask a Jewish student to remove their kippah at a graduation, so why is anti-Palestinian discrimination acceptable?"
"The Education Department document on “conflict in the Middle East” has been quietly updated recently to remove the word “neutral” ..."

"It is possible that the keffiyeh makes supporters of Israel’s genocide in Gaza uncomfortable, but schools shouldn’t pander to that. Schools displaying the Aboriginal flag, or giving an acknowledgement of country may make some racists uncomfortable, but schools don’t buckle to racism in those cases."


NOV-27 -- Israeli Strikes in #gaza leave 33 dead in 24 hours --

📢 According to the PAL Ministry Of Health's daily report, numerous victims remain trapped under rubble or on roads, as rescue operations by ambulance and civil defense teams are obstructed due to ongoing hostilities.


Source: YNA Petra 👇🏾 (link safety checked)


It's not over till it's over.

UN official says Israel denies life-saving assistance attempts in #gaza

Report WAFA: https://english.wafa.ps/Pages/Details/152051

#aid #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#ihl #warcrimes

Image: AJ News Desk - Interactive

International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Israel's prime minister 'for the use of starvation as a method of warfare & crimes against humanity of murder, persecution & inhumane acts'.

It’s definitely about time. I’d say a year in, it’s too late for the countless & innocent people who have died.

#Israel #wanted #netanyahu #starvation #warfare #crimesagainsthumanity
Face of Netanyahu on the front page: WANTED BENJAMIN NETANYAHU  International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Israel's prime minister 'for the use of starvation as a method of warfare & crimes against humanity of murder, persecution & inhumane acts'.

"When you look at Anthony Albanese, who founded the Parliamentary Friends of Palestine, and Penny Wong, and Richard Marles, do you see monsters? Perhaps not monsters but appalling moral cowards and rank hypocrites, who witness Israel’s blatant crimes against humanity and do nothing, breaching Australia’s legal obligations to prevent and stop the barbaric carnage."




This reminds me of another Palestinian couple trying to shelter from harsh climate and lack of empathy. A couple and their new-born child, who are allegedly dear to many of the genocidal supporters of the Israeli annihilation of the Palestinian people.

#Christmas #IsraeliWarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Genocide #Gaza #Palestine