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Beiträge, die mit scotland getaggt sind

Calling all #nature and #MarineBiology friends, can anyone tell us what these little jellies are? Beach, Isle of Arran.

#image #beach #identify #sea #Scotland #Arran
Clear see-through jellies on a sandy beach. They are small, size of the end of a thumb maybe, and have vertical ridges all around. Kinda shaped like acorns.

Morning keynotes at the FEST storytelling conference.
Sentence from Steve Byrne that hit home:

"Cultural heritage is not just what we *used to* have."

#folklore #CulturalHeritage #tradition #FEST2024 #Scotland

Heading to Glasgow for the FEST (Federation for European Storytelling) conference! 😊😊 First time in Glasgow, second time in Scotland. I have been looking forward to returning!!
(Also there are at least 7 Hungarian storytellers on this plane)

#storytelling #traveling #Scotland #Glasgow

oh shit oh no people are following me already i should probably write an #introduction

Hi! I am a girl-shaped creature from #scotland. #trans, neurospicy, always tired. I'm not a fan of social media but people keep telling me I should give fedi a go.

Planetary data scientist by training, but right now I pay the bills with #webdev. One of those weirdos who actually likes #css. I use #ArchLinux btw.

I play #netrunner, #fabtcg, #pokémon, #ffxiv and all kinds of #ttrpg. Feel free to reach out!

Loch Shiel at Glenfinnan in the Western Scottish Highlands and another example of being in the right place at the right time to catch a burst of autumnal sunshine, highlighting the colours of the season. Sometimes, luck is on your side!

#Scotland #highlands #autumn #landscape #photography
A tree-covered promontory on Loch Shiel at Glenfinnan in the Scottish Western Highlands. The colours of the autumnal season being highlighted by a burst of sunshine.

More of a sad sight than usual. An entire estate full of 3 and 4 bed homes, left to ruin for the past four years. My visit was cut a little short by local kids trying to demolish what was left.

#scotland #photography #abandoned
A view up the abandoned street, large detached houses sit with broken windows and doors.
One of the vandalised houses, the door has been kicked through and many of the windows are smashed.
A relatively intact fitted kitchen. The safety and final inspection paperwork still sits on the counter.
The front entrance to one of the houses