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How We Can Protect #America From #Trump NOW

https://www.youtube.com/live/VP9Yanh_9jI?si=ss-K4JjYSLmmGKjr #news #us #politics #press #usa #ukraine #russia

World News Arda Güler'in 90 dakika sahada kalması Ancelotti'yi çıldırttı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/arda-guler-in-90-dakika-sahada-kalmasi-ancelotti-yi-cildirtti-187232.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent Hossam Shabat was injured when Israel bombed a building where he was covering rescue efforts.

Hossam is one of the 6 colleagues working in northern Gaza that Israel has officially threatened.

Meanwhile, colleagues Fadi Al Wahidi and Ali Al-Attar are still being denied medical evacuation that could save their lives.

#Gaza #journalism #press


"Republicans refused to release a Damning report on the person who would be our next Attorney General. I have no name for those bastards!"
- Aure

The House Ethics Committee on Wednesday did not agree to release the long-anticipated report into Matt Gaetz.

“There was not an agreement by the committee to release the report,” Chair Michael Guest (R-Miss.) told reporters after the meeting ended. Other members declined to comment.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline

Matt Gaetz

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing religious life at a small church in Lucerne, Switzerland, where a virtual Jesus is caring for the concerns and needs of the faithful.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #faith #church #Religion #Jesus

Aure Free Press

World News Aksaray'da Somuncu Baba anma etkinliği gerçekleştirildi https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/aksaray-da-somuncu-baba-anma-etkinligi-gerceklestirildi-187230.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News UEFA'dan skandal Kosova kararı! Hükmen mağlup sayıldılar https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/uefa-dan-skandal-kosova-karari-hukmen-maglup-sayildilar-187229.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News CHP'den bir skandal daha! Küstah istek! AK Parti ve Bakan Yerlikaya'dan peş peşe açıklama https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/chp-den-bir-skandal-daha-kustah-istek-ak-parti-ve-bakan-yerlikaya-dan-pes-pese-aciklama-187227.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press


#news #press #politics

World News Komşu harekete geçti! Başkenti taşıyacaklar https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/komsu-harekete-gecti-baskenti-tasiyacaklar-187226.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News 33 yıl hapis cezası aldı, kaçma hazırlığı yaparken yakalandı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/33-yil-hapis-cezasi-aldi-kacma-hazirligi-yaparken-yakalandi-187225.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

📢📰 Eko Group te catapultează în lumina reflectoarelor presei online✨ #Credibilitate #Reputație #press #business #entrepreneur #innovation #marketingstrategy #startups

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World News Brezilyalı televizyon sunucusu ABD lideri için ‘Bin Ladin’ dedi https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/brezilyali-televizyon-sunucusu-abd-lideri-icin-bin-ladin-dedi-187224.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

[L'Humanité] - En Italie, #GiorgiaMeloni lance la chasse aux juges.
Lina Sankari

Depuis la remise en cause de l’accord migratoire avec l’Albanie, l’#ExtrêmeDroite au pouvoir fait feu de tout bois contre l’indépendance de la #justice et l’#ÉtatDeDroit.


#Politique #politics #RevueDePresse #Press

[L'Humanité] - Le député communiste israélien #AymanOdeh expulsé de la #Knesset pour avoir dénoncé les crimes de #BenyaminNetanyahou.
Gaël De Santis

Le député communiste israélien Ayman Odeh a été expulsé de la Knesset, le Parlement du pays qui se prétend la « seule démocratie du Moyen-Orient ».


#Politique #politics #RevueDePresse #Press

[Révolution énergétique] - Il y a désormais 1 million de producteurs d'#ÉlectricitéRenouvelable en #France.

1 009 189, très exactement : c’est le nombre de producteurs (collectivités et particuliers) d’électricité verte en France, annonce #Enedis. 99 % des installations sont des #PanneauxSolaires sur toiture.


#RevueDePresse #Press

World News Fındık serbest piyasada 125, Tarım Kredi'de 140, raflarda ise 500 lira https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/findik-serbest-piyasada-125-tarim-kredi-de-140-raflarda-ise-500-lira-187223.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Trabzonspor seçimli genel kurula tek adayla girecek https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/trabzonspor-secimli-genel-kurula-tek-adayla-girecek-187222.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Çanakkale Boğaz'ında lodos! Bazı seferler iptal https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/canakkale-bogaz-inda-lodos-bazi-seferler-iptal-187221.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News AK Parti bugün CHP'yi ziyaret edecek! https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ak-parti-bugun-chp-yi-ziyaret-edecek-187220.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Koç Holding Stembio'yu satın aldı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/koc-holding-stembio-yu-satin-aldi-187219.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press


A Ukrainian strike with 12 Storm Shadow / SCALP missiles on Kursk region

The target may be the command of the Russian army group together with North Korean generals.

About 15 explosions can be heard, although some of them may be the work of air defense systems.

Regarding the target object of the attack we may be talking about a hidden command post used by the command of a group of Russian troops in the Kursk region.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia
Russian command post targeted

World News Selçuk İnan hayalindeki üç transferi açıkladı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/selcuk-inan-hayalindeki-uc-transferi-acikladi-187218.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

"Mike Johnson Bans Trans Lawmaker from Using Women’s Restrooms"


"Sarah McBride, the country's first transgender member of Congress, is urging her collegues to stop foucising on her and work for their constituents."


World News Meteoroloji'den son dakika uyarısı! İstanbul dahil 49 kentte sarı alarm https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/meteoroloji-den-son-dakika-uyarisi-istanbul-dahil-49-kentte-sari-alarm-187217.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News 24 Kasım Öğretmenler Günü nasıl ortaya çıktı? İlk ne zaman kutlandı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/24-kasim-ogretmenler-gunu-nasil-ortaya-cikti-ilk-ne-zaman-kutlandi-187216.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News İspanyol basını: Arda Güler tüm şüpheleri ortadan kaldırdı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/ispanyol-basini-arda-guler-tum-supheleri-ortadan-kaldirdi-187215.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

Ukraine allegedly struck a facility in Kursk region believed to house an underground command post linked to Putin with Storm Shadow missiles,
- Defense Express.

This information has not been officially confirmed and remains speculative.

According to the publication:

▪️The missile strike was filmed near the historic Baryatinsky estate, now a sanatorium managed by the Administrative Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine

World News Bakan Yerlikaya duyurdu: 109 bin 451 düzensiz göçmen sınır dışı edildi https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/bakan-yerlikaya-duyurdu-109-bin-451-duzensiz-gocmen-sinir-disi-edildi-187213.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Aile Bakanlığından Niğde açıklaması: En ağır cezayı alacaklar https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/aile-bakanligindan-nigde-aciklamasi-en-agir-cezayi-alacaklar-187212.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

फिर टला दिल्ली यूनिवर्सिटी छात्र संघ चुनाव का रिजल्ट।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #press #news #politics #university #elections #results

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How Google Spent 15 Years Creating a Culture of Concealment
from #NewYorkTimes #NYT
[gift article - link can be shared. Expires in 30 days]

Trying to avoid antitrust suits, #Google systematically told employees to destroy messages, avoid certain words and copy the lawyers as often as possible.

By David Streitfeld

#DavidStreitfeld has written about Google since it was a start-up.
Nov. 20, 2024 Updated 9:19 a.m. ET


#news #press #technology

World News Geri dönüşüm tesisinde patlama: 1 ölü, 1 yaralı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/geri-donusum-tesisinde-patlama-1-olu-1-yarali-187211.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

World News Son dakika: MİT Başkanı İbrahim Kalın'dan CHP'ye sunum https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/son-dakika-mit-baskani-ibrahim-kalin-dan-chp-ye-sunum-187210.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press

कृष्णा गांव के ग्रामीणों की प्रेरणादायक पहल: सामूहिक प्रयास से बेटियों का कन्यादान।


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World News Muhalif lider, Uganda ordusu tarafından gözaltına alındı https://www.eshahaber.com.tr/haber/muhalif-lider-uganda-ordusu-tarafindan-gozaltina-alindi-187209.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon EshaHaber.com.tr #news #breakingnews #press