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Beiträge, die mit ISRAEL getaggt sind

https://www.europesays.com/1600299/ Israel-Iran War Live Updates: Israeli defence minister claims Israel has defeated Hezbollah, calls Nasrallah’s killing ‘crowning achievement’ #Conflicts #Israel
Israel-Iran War Live Updates: Israeli defence minister claims Israel has defeated Hezbollah, calls Nasrallah's killing 'crowning achievement'

Netanyahu reconhece autoria israelita do ataque através de <em>pagers</em>

Confira! 👇


Good guys, these Maccabi Tel Aviv supporters...

TW: Rape, murder

#GreatPeople #Israel #TelAviv

University of California, San Francisco medical professionals, workers, and students throughout the UC system are convening the UC People’s Tribunal for Palestine to charge UC leadership with complicity in genocide and the ongoing Nakba.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

How Israel won the West

The documentary examines how Israel has come to occupy such a privileged and protected place in the Western world.

It traces the journey of the Jewish people from biblical stories of origin through centuries of persecution and the advent of Zionism, all the way to the creation of Israel and its ensuing occupation of the Palestinian territory.



https://www.europesays.com/1600169/ Nato-Staaten verurteilen „Antisemitismus“ nach Ausschreitungen israelischer Fußball-Hooligans in Amsterdam #amsterdam #Europa #europe #Fußballhooligans #Gaza #Israel #nato #niederlande #OTAN #Völkermord
Nato-Staaten verurteilen „Antisemitismus“ nach Ausschreitungen israelischer Fußball-Hooligans in Amsterdam

'We call on the leaders of countries who plan to take part in the upcoming summit in Ridyadh to forge an international Arab-Islamic alliance that would be able to compel Israel and its allies to stop the wars in Gaza and Lebanon."

#Hamas calls on Arab, Islamic countries to sever relations with #Israel - World - TASS https://tass.com/world/1870265

Ende des Liveblogs

Wir schließen den Liveblog für heute. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse.

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Ende-des-Liveblogs
🕛 11.11. 00:00 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Opinion | Israel Attacks Journalists With Impunity. The U.S. Must Intervene - The New York Times

That is how Hossam Shabat recently described his life as a journalist in northern Gaza."

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
#AnasAlSharif #HossamShabat

Google translate:
"Today, my little Sham talked to me on the phone and asked me:
When will I go to kindergarten?!
Sham, who was displaced with her family more than 20 times, was deprived of education like all children in Gaza, after the occupation forces destroyed kindergartens, schools and universities, devastated the country and killed its people."


#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Google translate:
"Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safia:
“We received dozens of distress calls from people, some of whom are still under the rubble and we were unable to reach them"

More on:

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
Director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safia:
“We received dozens of distress calls from people, some of whom are still under the rubble and we were unable to reach them… Whoever can reach the hospital by themselves or with the help of neighbors, given the lack of ambulances, can come, and whoever cannot, we can only say there is no power or strength except with God… Many of the injured have been martyred… The catastrophic situation continues at Kamal Adwan Hospital in besieged northern Gaza.”

Google translate:
"The North is dying, being annihilated, being killed, whoever does not flee will die!"


#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Google translate:
"Trapped in Jabalia camp, bleeding on the ground, with no one to help them. Oh God, have mercy on us. What is this state we have reached?"


#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Barbarian IDF in action : investigation by the Hebrew newspaper #Haaretz: The occupation army refuses to protect aid trucks coming to the #Gaza Strip, and bombs the #Palestinian police, when they advanced to protect the aid from looting

Israel is maximizing their total control over aid entering Gaza to starve as many Palestinians as possible.

By preventing the local police to handle the food, they push desperate people to attack the food in poor depression to grab aa much as they can for their families and themselves.

Instead of letting local activists to take the food and distribute it to those in need, they are creating the modern version of the #HungerGame while the world stands by and watch the close to a million people in northern Gaza to fight each other in a desperate attempt to survive.

This is the entertainment for the evil monsters in Israel and the "civilized" world.

#FoodAsWeapon #Starvation #NorthGaza #Famine
#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine group @israel group
Archive image of Palestinians desperate attempt to grab food

Eine #Antisemitismusresolution, wo die #Berlinale aber nicht #Halle erwähnt wird und welches das Feindbild des importierten Antisemitismus repliziert, hat diesen Titel nicht verdient.
#AfD Nazi Beatrix Von Storch freut sich schon, dass die #Grünen so etwas überhaupt zugestimmt haben:

Zu dem Thema extrem sehenswert:

#antisemitismus #resolution #israel #gaza #palestine

Jimmy Dijk #SP

Laten we samen sterker zijn dan de politici die uit politieke belangen mensen tegen elkaar opzetten.

Laten we samen met alle mensen en organisaties die hiertoe bereid zijn handelingsperspectief bieden.

Laten we hoop en moed inzetten zodat mensen aansluiten bij onze eisen voor een staakt-het-vuren en vrede.

#politiek #groningen #actie #vrede #oorlog #gaza #israel #jimmydijk #sp #spnl #TweedeKamer

Manifestantes pró-palestinos são presos em Amsterdã

Confira! 👇

#Palestina #Israel #Holanda #Hamas #FaixaDeGaza #Amsterdã #Mundo

Ausführlicher Artikel darüber wie deutsche Journalisten, statt ihrem Job zu machen, dabei halfen Propaganda zu verbreiten und Rückendeckung für Kriegsverbrechen lieferten.

»Wenn Journalisten Krankenhäuser sturmreif schreiben.
Israels Armee hat das Gesundheitssystem im Gazastreifen nahezu vollständig zerstört: mit Bomben, Blockaden und der Unterstützung vieler Journalisten.«
#Gaza #Israel #journalismus

Wir sollten alles tun, um #Netanjahu und alle, die mit ihm Kriegsverbrechen begangen haben, vor den #ICC zu bringen.
Dasselbe gilt für die noch lebenden Führer von Hamas und Hisbollah.
Allesamt toxische Männer. Sie definieren sich über Gewalt, Töten, Mord und Zerstörung. Was für elende Typen.
#Israel #Gaza #Libanon #Westbank

Schon gemerkt? Die erfolgreichen Länder des Nahen Ostens normalisieren ihre Beziehungen zu Israel, da sie Frieden und Wohlstand anstreben, während die rückständigen, erfolglosen Länder der Region, ihre Energie mit endlosem Zorn und Judenhass ihre Energie verschwenden, statt endlich selbst voranzukommen.

https://www.europesays.com/1599823/ Israel’s Netanyahu acknowledges pager attack, says he sees ‘eye-to-eye’ with Trump on Iran #Israel
Israel’s Netanyahu acknowledges pager attack, says he sees ‘eye-to-eye’ with Trump on Iran

Normally I don't share Left Laser, because Bob is a bloody Maoist, but for this I make an exception. Strange days, strange exceptions. 😉

Left Laser: *How Zionist hooligans provoked chaos in Amsterdam*


#Amsterdam #repression #Zionism #fascism #Haccabi #TelAviv #Israel #Halsema #Palestine #Gaza #FreePalestine

https://www.europesays.com/1599796/ Israeli strike kills and injures dozens in northern Gaza – DW – 11/10/2024 #Conflicts #Israel
Israeli strike kills and injures dozens in northern Gaza – DW – 11/10/2024

Paramedics in #Lebanon buried alive by #Israel -i airstrikes and their colleagues are still trying to get them out. This is the new normal now. Israel can act with such savagery thanks to American support. www.instagram.com/reel/DCMo90e...

Paramedics in #Lebanon buried alive by #Israel -i airstrikes and their colleagues are still trying to get them out. This is the new normal now. Israel can act with such savagery thanks to American support. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCMo90eSzIL

Israelische Armee entdeckt Tunnelsystem unter Friedhof

Die israelische Armee hat nach eigenen Angaben im Südlibanon ein mit Waffen gefülltes Tunnelsystem der Hisbollah-Miliz entdeckt, das teilweise unter einem Friedhof angelegt gewesen sei. In dem Komplex unter den Gräbern seien Kommando- und Wohnräume sowie Lager mit Waffen und Kampfausrüstung gefunden worden, teilte die Armee mit. Weitere Angaben zum Ort gab es …

📑 https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-nahost-sonntag-204.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de#Tunnelsystem
🕣 10.11. 20:39 CET

#Nahost #Israel #Gaza #tagesschau

Terrorisme in Amsterdam

Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid (NCTV) definieert terrorisme als 'het voorbereiden of plegen van op mensen gericht ernstig geweld, dan wel daden gericht op het aanrichten van maatschappijontwrichtende zaakschade'. Dit met als doel 'maatschappelijke veranderingen te bewerkstelligen, de bevolking ernstige vrees aan te jagen of politieke besluitvorming te beïnvloeden'.

#Maccabi #Amsterdam #israël
