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Beiträge, die mit israẽl getaggt sind

https://www.europesays.com/1788843/ Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire set to be extended beyond next week | #Conflicts #Israel
Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire set to be extended beyond next week |

Israeli army and Palestinian Authority besiege and raid Jenin hospitals

Israeli forces have continued besieging and attacking two Jenin hospitals for a second consecutive day since the launch of a major assault on the northern occupied West Bank city, as Palestinian Authority (PA) forces stormed a third hospital.

Medical teams attempting to provide care have come under direct Israeli fire, while paramedics have been obstructed from reaching the dead and wounded, who remain strewn across the streets.

Israeli forces have killed at least 10 Palestinians and wounded 40 since the attack began on Tuesday morning, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Amid the raid, Israeli military bulldozers destroyed the main road leading to the Jenin government hospital, blocking access with dirt barriers.


#Israel #PA #Jenin #WestBank #Occupation #Politics #Genocide

L’alto-el-foc porta alegria, però també dolor, a una Gaza devastada https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/gaza-alto-el-foc-destruccio-israel/ #TheWashingtonPost #WashingtonPost #Palestina #Israel #Gaza

Steve Witkoff stresses need that Israel-Hamas ceasefire ‘goes well’ for hostages https://www.byteseu.com/676424/ #Conflicts #Israel
Steve Witkoff stresses need that Israel-Hamas ceasefire ‘goes well’ for hostages

https://www.europesays.com/1788601/ Le rapprochement entre Israël et l’Arabie saoudite relancé par l’arrivée de Trump au pouvoir? #DonaldTrump #EtatPalestinien #Israel #l'Arabie #Royaume
Le rapprochement entre Israël et l'Arabie saoudite relancé par l'arrivée de Trump au pouvoir?

Israel Launches Major Offensive in West Bank Days After Gaza Ceasefire


The Israeli military launched a major offensive in the Israeli-occupied West Bank on Tuesday focused on the northern city of Jenin, which came just days after the ceasefire in Gaza took effect. The Palestinian Ministry of Health said at least nine Palestinians had been killed and 40 had been wounded

#Israel #ColinialExpansion #EthnicCleansing #WarCrimes #WestBank #KillingCivilians #Paramilitary

Donald Trump's first administration proposed what it called the "Deal of the Century" which would have redrawn Israel's borders to include major swaths of the West Bank. As Trump reenters office there are fears the annexation plan is back.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Some are hoping for a great "Trump effect" on U.S. policy toward Palestine after his envoy brokered the Gaza ceasefire. But Trump was only operating out of self-interest, and these same interests will lead him right back to full support for Israel.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Qatar’s prime minister detailed monitoring mechanisms for the Gaza ceasefire. He also defended his country’s role in negotiating the agreement despite “false accusations” from foreign politicians.


#Palestine #Israel #Gaza #Ceasefire

"My new essay comic, Antisemitism in a Time of Genocide, is now up at Le Monde Diplomatique in France.

"I’ll thread the 8 panels in English here, and link to the French at the end."

🧵 par le dessinateur #EliValley


#dessin #bd #Gaza #GénocideÀGaza #SolidaritéAvecGaza #SolidaritéAvecLaPalestine #Palestine #Israël #USpol @palestine @israel

✊🏽actu militante✊ Israël / Palestine: Prisons – Khalida Jarrar témoigne: La militante palestinienne Khalida Jarrar, a déclaré que les autorités israéliennes ne traitent pas les prisonniers palestiniens comme des êtres humains, elle… #Palestine #Israël #KhalidaJarrar #DroitsHomme #Prisonniers

Israël / Palestine: Prisons – ...

#RefDag schrijft over openstelling archieven over #NSB'ers. En over #Trump. En over #Israël. Maar de verbanden worden nog niet duidelijk gemaakt.

✊🏽actu militante✊ Israël / Palestine: Prisons – Khalida Jarrar témoigne: La militante palestinienne Khalida Jarrar, a déclaré que les autorités israéliennes ne traitent pas les prisonniers palestiniens comme des êtres humains, elle qualifie les conditions de détention de « pires et plus difficiles depuis l'occupation de la Palestine occupée en 1967 ».
-- article ici https://secoursrouge.org/israel-palestine-prisons-khalida-jarrar-temoigne/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Palestine #Israël #KhalidaJarrar #DroitsHomme #Prisonniers

Buried under the rubble: People scramble to recover the bodies of loved ones - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Lebanon Army Aids Hezbollah: Weapons Found Near Israeli Border Before Ceasefire Deadline | The Jewish Press – JewishPress.com | Jewish Press News Desk | 23 Tevet 5785 – Wednesday, January 22, 2025 https://www.byteseu.com/676107/ #Conflicts #Israel
Lebanon Army Aids Hezbollah: Weapons Found Near Israeli Border Before Ceasefire Deadline | The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com | Jewish Press News Desk | 23 Tevet 5785 – Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Why is land in the West Bank being sold off to US citizens? | The Take - YouTube

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel #USA

Palestinians face immense challenges of rebuilding lives torn apart by 15-month Gaza war - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Palestinians in Gaza are returning home to find overwhelming destruction - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

Deadly Israeli raid in Jenin leads to mass displacement, destruction - YouTube

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

Gaza residents shocked by destruction as homes lie in ruins and unexploded ordnance poses new risks - YouTube

The scale of destruction is horrific!

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel

#Israel #TerroristState #Westbank #Jenin #occupation #violence #MSF

"Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has said Israel’s attacks on the occupied West Bank after a ceasefire deal was announced in Gaza “are taking a heavy toll on people’s physical and mental health”, as ambulances and medical staff are prevented access.

“What we are seeing in Jenin camp is horrific,” an unnamed MSF-trained paramedic was quoted by the organisation as saying."

MSF says West Bank raids taking ‘heavy toll’ on Palestinians
Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has said Israel’s attacks on the occupied West Bank after a ceasefire deal was announced in Gaza “are taking a heavy toll on people’s physical and mental health”, as ambulances and medical staff are prevented access.

“What we are seeing in Jenin camp is horrific,” an unnamed MSF-trained paramedic was quoted by the organisation as saying.

“People are targeted while being evacuated, and wounded cannot be reached by ambulance. We are running out of electricity, and we will soon be unable to use our electric vehicles to transport and stabilise patients.”

MSF said the surge in violence was taking place at a time when it had already been “forced to suspend operations in Jenin and reduce activities in Hebron and Nablus due to obstruction of movement”.

MSF called for “unimpeded access to medical care” and the protection of hospitals, ambulances and healthcare workers.

À Jénine, en Cisjordanie occupée : « L'Autorité palestinienne est au même niveau de cruauté qu'Israël »

#Guerre #International #Israël #Palestine

"Unter anderem habe ich das #ZDF gefragt, ob es seine Zuschauerschaft darüber informieren will, dass die im ZDFheute ausgestrahlte Behauptung, es wären #Babys in #Israel geköpft worden, falsch ist. Und ich fragte, ob das ZDF den daraufhin getroffenen #Holocaust-Vergleich in seiner Live-Schalte entsprechend kritisch einordnen will. Wo es doch Fake News waren. Und das ZDF hat sich nicht bereit erklärt, es zu korrigieren."


ich weis das Middle East Eye, eine Hamas Nähe vorgeworfen wird.
WO sind die deutsch sprache beiträge ?
#Gaza #Israel #palastina #genozig #Verbrecher

Firefox Überset...
Bezalel Smotrich, israelischer Finanzminister
"Seien Sie nicht von der erzwungenen Freude unseres Feindes beeindruckt. Dies ist eine animalische Gesellschaft, die den Tod heiligt. Sehr bald werden wir ihr Lächeln wieder löschen und es durch Schreie der Trauer und das Heuchen derer ersetzen, die mit nichts zurückgelassen wurden."


"⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️Israël a un " droit biblique " sur la Cisjordanie – c'est du moins ce qu'affirme l'ambassadeur de Trump à l'ONU. Le sénateur Chris Van Hollen a répondu en affirmant que ce point de vue n'était " pas celui des fondateurs de l'État d'Israël ".#Israël #USAhttps://www.leperepeinard.com/flash-info/israel-a-un-droit-biblique-sur-la-cisjordanie-cest-du-moins-ce-quaffirme-lambassadeur-de-t"

If you had any doubts about the disproportionate use of force deployed against the people of Gaza by the genocidal regime in Jerusalem, check out this collection of aerial photographs taken after last Sunday, 19 January:


#Gaza #Genocide #NeverAgain #Palestine #Israel

Palestinian’s last moments before being killed by Israeli forces | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera

#Palestine #WestBank #Israel

Gaza is nearly unrecognizable after 15 months of war. @CNN has created a visual guide to the devastation.


#Gaza #Israel #War #MiddleEast #Ceasefire

#Israel Presses Ahead With Raids in the #WestBank

At least 10 people have been killed in the raids, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Dozens have been arrested, #Palestinian officials told the Wafa news agency.

from #NewYorkTimes #NYT
[gift article - link can be shared. Expires in 30 days.]
[Bias alert - #NYT usually favors Israel]

By Lara Jakes, Fatima Abdul Karim, and Hiba Yazbek
Jan. 22, 2025 Updated 8:58 a.m. ET

“The #Jenin battalion of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, an armed group loosely affiliated with #Fatah, the political faction that controls the #PalestinianAuthority, said in a statement...that its fighters were engaged in “fierce clashes” with #Israeli forces in several areas of Jenin and had detonated explosive devices.”


#EndTheOccupation #SettlersOut
#FreePalestine #LetGazaLive
#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #WestAsia #politics
#media #news #press @palestine @israel

Revolut°Permanente🚩 10 morts, hôpitaux encerclés : le siège de Jénine se poursuit: Deux jours à peine après la déclaration du cessez-le-feu à Gaza, l'armée israélienne fait des avancées brutales en Cisjordanie, prenant d'assaut la ville de Jénine où elle a fait au moins dix morts, 35 blessés, et rendu les hôpitaux inaccessibles.International / Palestine / Israël / Cisjordanie / Moyen-Orient / Guerre en Palestine 2023-2025 https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/10-morts-hopitaux-encercles-le-siege-de-Jenine-se-poursuit?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #Palestine #Israël #Guerre #Cisjordanie #Jénine

Revolut°Permanente🚩 10 morts, hôpitaux encerclés : le siège de Jénine se poursuit: Deux jours à peine après la déclaration du cessez-le-feu à Gaza, l'armée israélienne fait des avancées brutales en Cisjordanie, prenant d'assaut la ville de Jénine… 🚩RP #Palestine #Israël #Guerre #Cisjordanie #Jénine

10 morts, hôpitaux encerclés :...

La destrucción masiva producida por #Israel en #Gaza.
Esto es Rafah totalmente arrasada.
El principal objetivo de los nazi-sionistas siempre fue dejar inhabitable la franja.

Hamas attack on Israel ‘destroyed’ chance for US nuclear deal negotiations, claims Iran – Firstpost https://www.byteseu.com/675791/ #Conflicts #GazaConflict #Hamas #Iran #Israel #JCPOA #Negotiations #NuclearAgreement #October7 #WorldEconomicForum #Zarif
Hamas attack on Israel 'destroyed' chance for US nuclear deal negotiations, claims Iran – Firstpost

1/ #Harvard just adopted the #IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition of #antisemitism for the purpose of campus rules on harassment and discrimination.

If you're new to these definitional difficulties, there are many prominent and non-equivalent definitions of antisemitism, and the debates about them can be bitter.

I'm a Harvard employee of Jewish descent who lost family in the Holocaust, and I'm not happy with the recent decision.

The IHRA definition (2016) is not careful to distinguish criticism of #Jews from criticism of #Israel. On the contrary, most of its 11 examples of antisemitism deliberately mix the two.
