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Beiträge, die mit BenjamínNetanyahu getaggt sind

Israel and Hezbollah inched closer to signing a cease-fire deal that may be concluded in the coming days, even as the two sides continued to fire artillery and rockets at each other. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/11/26/world/israel-hezbollah-deal-attacks/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu #iran #lebanon #hezbollah

Gaza / Israel: Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) emite órdenes de arresto contra Primer Ministro y (ex ) Ministro de Defensa de Israel y contra un dirigente del Hamás

Nota del autor: una versión en francés de este mismo texto algo ampliada está igualmente disponible en este enlace “29. En mayo, la Comisión de Investigación concluyó que Israel, mediante su “asedio to [...]

#BenjaminNetanyahu #CortePenalInternacional #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #MinistroDeDefensaDeIsrael #Opinión


https://www.europesays.com/1638338/ Guerra Israele – Hamas, le notizie di oggi 25 novembre sui fronti Libano e Iran. LIVE #BenjaminNetanyahu #Guerra #Hamas #israele #Italia #italy #Líbano #MedioOriente #notizie

https://www.europesays.com/1637988/ Israel PM Deserves “Death Sentence”, War Crimes Case Insufficient: Iran’s Supreme Leader #AyatollahAliKhamenei #BenjaminNetanyahu #Conflicts #Israel #IsraelIran
Israel PM Deserves "Death Sentence", War Crimes Case Insufficient: Iran's Supreme Leader

Lebanon's Hezbollah movement fired heavy rocket barrages at Israel on Sunday, and the Israeli military said houses had been destroyed or set alight near Tel Aviv, after a powerful Israeli airstrike killed at least 29 people in Beirut the day before. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/11/25/world/hezbollah-rockets-tel-aviv-beirut/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #palestinians #hamas #benjaminnetanyahu #iran #lebanon #hezbollah

https://www.europesays.com/1635230/ Guerra Israele – Hamas, le notizie di oggi 24 novembre sui fronti Libano e Iran. LIVE #BenjaminNetanyahu #Gaza #Guerra #Hamas #Italia #italy #Líbano #MedioOriente #notizie #Palestina
Guerra Israele - Hamas, le notizie di oggi 24 novembre sui fronti Libano e Iran. LIVE

The International Criminal Court (ICC) stunned Israel by issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his former defense chief Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in the 13-month-old Gaza conflict. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/11/24/world/politics/legal-threats-israel-netanyahu-wars/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #politics #middleeast #israel #gaza #israelhamaswar #benjaminnetanyahu #icc

Gazans saw little hope on Friday that International Criminal Court arrest warrants for Israeli leaders would slow down the onslaught on the Palestinian territory. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/11/23/world/icc-warrant-gaza-little-hope/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #israelhamaswar #gaza #palestinians #icc #benjaminnetanyahu

Quin impacte poden tenir les ordres de detenció del TPI contra Netanyahu i Gallant? https://www.vilaweb.cat/noticies/tpi-detencio-netanyahu-gallant-israel/ #TheWashingtonPost #BenjaminNetanyahu #WashingtonPost #Israel #Gaza

RaiNews by undefined
Hit once again Unifil base in Lebanon, International Criminal Court arrest warrant for Netanyahu

Today's italian news

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been hit with an International Criminal Court arrest warrant related to his alleged responsibility for war crimes committed against Palestinians.

Oggi le notizie italiane

#Israel #BenjaminNetanyahu #IsraelPalestine #Oggi #primeminister #warcrime #Palestinians


Greg Stoker of Colonial Outcasts is joined by human rights lawyer Kristen Zornada to discuss the ICC issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant.

I only recently found Greg Stoker but I really appreciate Colonial Outcasts and Mintpress News. Stoker's military background before becoming anti-imperialist is a unique perspective.

@palestine @israel

#Palestine #FreePalestine #Israel #IsraelWarCrimes #news #press #law #netanyahu #benjaminnetanyahu

🌐 ■ Biden tacha de "escandalosa" la orden de arresto del TPI contra Netanyahu y Gallant ■ El asesor de Seguridad Nacional de la Casa Blanca elegido por Trump, Michael Waltz, apunta a "una respuesta contundente al sesgo antisemita del TPI y la ONU"

#benjaminnetanyahu #tribunalpenalinternacional #guerraengaza #global #estadosunidos #israel #joebiden
Joe Biden recibe a Benjamin Netanyahu en el Despacho Oval, el pasado 25 de julio. (Andrew Harnik / Getty)

[21:32] What's next after ICC issues warrants over Gaza war?

Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defence chief, as well as a Hamas leader, for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity.


#theInternationalCriminalCourt #Israeli #BenjaminNetanyahu #Hamas

“la corte penale internazionale ha emesso i mandati di arresto per netanyahu, gallant e deif” (radio popolare, 21 nov. 2024)

La Corte Penale Internazionale ha emesso oggi i mandati d’arresto per il premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu, l’ormai ex ministro della difesa Yoav Gallant, e per Mohammed Deif, leader militare di Hamas che Israele dice di aver ucciso ma sulla cui morte non ci sono prove ufficiali. Le accuse sono di crimini di guerra e crimini contro l’umanità. La Corte ha detto che che la versione completa dei mandati contro Netanyahu e Gallant era segreta “per proteggere i testimoni e salvaguardare la condotta delle indagini”, ma i giudici hanno reso pubblica gran parte delle loro motivazioni. Queste si sono concentrate sull’ostruzione della fornitura di aiuti umanitari a Gaza, che è stata giudicata deliberata.

#aiutiUmanitari #BenjaminNetanyahu #buoneNotizie #CortePenaleInternazionale #crimini #criminiControLUmanità #criminiDiGuerra #Gallant #Gaza #genocidio #goodNews #Hamas #Israele #izrahell #mandatiDiArresto #MohammedDeif #Netanyahu #YoavGallant

The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants on Thursday for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defence chief, as well as a Hamas leader, Ibrahim Al-Masri, for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza conflict. #news #minimarketonlineltd #minimarket #Israel #BenjaminNetanyahu #hamas #Gaza #criminalcourt